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I don't care that I have herpes anymore.

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So, I never thought I'd get herpes. I'm pretty careful and I live in a small town in Missouri so people talk a lot about anyone with it. I had been dating my boyfriend for a couple months when I had my first OB. It's was the morning after sex and I was freaking out. He took a look and told me it was razor burn. I showed up at PP immediately without an appointment to get tested for herpes. They didn't do a blood test, instead he did a visual exam and told me "I've seen a lot of herpes, that's not herpes." Knowing that was bullshit, I went to another testing facility and got a blood test. HSV 2. It was confusing and disappointing. I'm still not sure if I got it from my boyfriend or from another guy before I was in an exclusive relationship. After researching the condition, I just really don't care? It doesn't effect my life, really at all. It might be easier because I'm in a relationship but I don't think dating is going to an issue for me either. If a guy can't date me because of herpes, he couldn't survive a relationship with me anyway tbh lol It's been three months after my diagnoses and I feel like I should be freaking out, but I'm not. I guess this post is just to even talk about, because I don't really talk about it with anyone. Also, anyone that just got diagnosed, it's really okay. I've come to the conclusion it's really just a soical stigma.

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Very true - herpes doesn't define us. We must keep in mind everyone's situation is different which also affects their emotional response to finding out. For some, like myself, I had 4 months straight BO and going on my 5th of just starting to feel like me again. Just Starting.

It is very exciting for me and I think, wow, if felt this way 3 months ago, I'd have a whole different attitude going on. But for me, I couldn't even get off without giving myself a BO. Each body fights differently and only with high dose valtrex did I begin to get ahead of it.

I do also know that not being single when it happens matters - as folks in relationships that share it or find out together and are ok with it - affects how most respond to getting herpes. As for my situation, I think it sux ass big time. However, what do you do?! lol it is what it is.


It's very cool all is going well for you past and now forward - don't get to read many posts like yours for first timers.

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I really hope for you that your confidence stays this strong into the future... It's such a great attitude to have!

I felt similar, I was diagnosed with ghsv1 3 and a half years ago and I got it from the guy I was dating because he didn't realise that coldsores and herpes were the same thing (!?) And had never educated himself because he got it from his mum when he was a kid. So we both had it (I had to convince him that having coldsores meant he did in fact have herpes) so it didn't matter and neither of us cared. This is we then decided to break up. Mutual split, totally amicable, still friends etc and I brought up the subject of telling future partners and said he should think about it in future. But anyway, until that point I felt super confident but now I'm facing my first disclosure and I'm bricking it. Hopefully it will be a positive experience and restore my confidence because apart from the disclosure nerves it really doesn't affect my life at all, I normally forget totally!

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