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Hello everyone,


I'm not sure how to put it all, but I am so overwhelmed. I just been an emotional wreck since I found out I have herpes. I am still awaiting which one it is. But still, it's alot. I would love to find support, and maybe find new friends here. I'm getting ahead of myself here...from the beginning...I honestly don't know from who I got it from. After rambling and rewinding everything in my head, I want to blame this guy I had a bad feeling about in the first place. To make a long story short... Sh** happens, and I'm accepting it all. This is the second week I'm dealing with it all. This is my first OB and it doesn't seem to be healing. My doctor gave me valACYclovir to take for a week and a antibiotic for the sores. I'm so new to this all.. I guess my biggest worries is spreading it. I feel like less of a woman, and judge myself for it. I'm a 25 year old single mother, and I just feel like its all over for me.. I have so many questions, but where do I go from here? Last night, I cried so hard, screaming because theres no turning back from this.. I am scarred for life. I really would like someone to talk to. I wanna be strong for my child and for myself. The only person I can blame...is myself for poor choices.

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