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Just some advice.

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Something I have read once before on here is that people see their friends running around sleeping with people not giving any thought to what may happen to them or what may happen to them, but they don't know it. Since I have taken a break from dating to work on myself and what I want and who I chose to to have the "talk" with, I have noticed that too. I want to warn them that if they are not careful and just stick to one person, they may get H too or something worse. Having "fun" can have consequences, you think nothing will happen to you. I have looked back at my experience and took it as a wake up call, work on what i value and make sure they are mature enough to handle anything i throw at them. I have come to the point twice with two people that I was going to have the "talk" but then something happens either we stop talking or he does some immature move and shows me that he isn't worth my time. So when you date either with H or without, keep it simple, know what your looking for, don't let your desires get the best of you, give it time to see if he is worthy of the "talk" and your time.

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