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    Welcome to the Herpes Opportunity Support Forum! We are a supportive and positive group to help you discover and live your Opportunity. Together, we can shed the shame and embrace vulnerability and true connection. Because who you are is more important than what you have. Get your free e-book and handouts here: https://www.herpesopportunity.com/lp/ebook

Confirmed diagnosis in May with no info given

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Had discharge one morning (yellowish) got into Dr. Two hours later ran test for sr's and a ua. It came back high WBC. Clean on everything. Couple days later I had swollen glands, diareah, fever and what I thought was sores from whipping so much, that lasted 2 days. Then for weeks I felt bloated and very hard to urinate, burning pain. Then got a sore on my libia and another right under it another. Painful. By the time I got into Dr a week later sores gone, blood test Igg ab  came back hsv1 0.31 and hsv2 9.92. DNA pct not detected for either. Dr said I was exposed but until a sore gets tested I don't have herpes. The third test can back detected hsv2. Gave me resalts over phone and asked where to call antivirals in to. I almost had a stroke and could to crying for days. Refused meds and hung up on nurse . No info given!!! Didn't know you can have inner vaginal ob. Was the discharge and sickness herpes ?

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The discharge could be from the sores, yes this same thing happened to me. The antivirals could help your body fight the virus. I am sorry they gave you no info, that is very upsetting, my doctor didn't really either. 

One of my favorite handbooks to read for info is the Westover Height Clinic handbook (free to download) and forum (free to view not to ask). The answers to all the questions on the site are by an RN who specializes in herpes. Maybe you can find cases and answers similar to yourself. 

I hope you feel better. 


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