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Partner tested positive for HSV-2

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I have a few questions about HSV-2 and was hoping to get some answers and advice. Long story but there is a gal who is very special to me that I've know for some time.  We just started dating after she ended a relationship and she just got tested for STDs.  She came back positive for HSV-2.  She and I have not been physically involved and when she got the results, she told me I needed to find someone else to date.  She felt horrible, scarred and confused as to where it came from. I told her I did not want to cut things off, rather I wanted to get more information.
Anyway, her antibody levels were very low and she's never had symptoms.  Considering how common this is, I may have it as well and I plan to get tested asap.
Questions are...1 since she's never had symptoms and her levels were low, is it likely she has a "mild" case, if there is such a thing, and that if I got HSV-2 from her, would I be likely to have a mild case as well?, 2 seems like even with condom use, I would likely get infected eventually because of the way this spreads. Is that correct?, 3 is a person with HSV-2 always "contagious" even without symptoms and even without a current outbreak?
Thanks for any advice.
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If her level was 3.5 or below there is a 40% chance the result is a false positive. From what you described this sounds like a possibility. Also, what test did they use? If it was the IgM test it is worthless, get retested with the IgG. If it was the IgG I would retest again in a month or two. 

Google Terri Warren. She used to run the Westover Heights clinic which was one of the top herpes clinics around. There is a Test called the Western Blot which is the most accurate test available. It will cost some money out of pocket, I believe Quest Labs does it. Anyways, try to contact Terri Warren, she may still be able to show you the way to getting it.


Good for you for doing some research. Looks to me she has a good friend in you. If she is truly positive a relationship is still possible. Read thru the success stories. Hopefully she is reading the forum and doing research of her own.

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