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HSV2+ no Sore?

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. Had protected sex but upon pulling out the condom stayed inside the vagina. So not sure of the actual exposure.

Did a IGg blood test and it came back at .7 igg. Which is borderline..

Doc said I must have it.

i did experience discomfort on and off for 2months now. And a red burning spot appearing every 2 weeks at the same exact spot.

is It possible to have HSV2 and not have sore?

anyone been actually diagnose and have this situation?

*will test again in 1-2months to see if igg level went up.

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Just because theres no sore doesnt mean it cant transmit. Its the sad reality of Hsv.   

Theres alot of great educational material  about hsv either on this site or just reading up from other trusted sources. 

Its possible your bodys immume system is high enough to keep it at bay for a bit. But there may be a point it gets worse. 

That red burning spot sounds like the start of a sore. Does it tingle or itch?  

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About a month ago i went in for a check up and was diagnosed with HSV2. I went in because it looked like I had a yeast infection and the doctor told me it was a bv infection and it would go away and about a week later they called me and told me that I have HSV2 but I never got itchy, red, swollen, or bumps. I’d say yes it is possible to have it without symptoms. I still haven’t had any symptoms and I also took a weeks worth of medication for it right after I found out

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@Randomname12 — That's one of my big pet peeves of the medical industry: Misinformation. 😕 

You can transmit herpes when no signs or symptoms of herpes are present. It's called asymptomatic viral shedding. It's basically times when the virus sheds from the body "invisibly" without any symptoms (no tingles, itches, etc.). And then an actual outbreak occurs when the virus sheds enough to build up to a point of causing physical symptoms. That's why having the herpes talk is so important since there's always a risk even when there's no outbreak. 

You can read up asymptomatic viral shedding here:

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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