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Outbreak on suppressive therapy

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I had horrendous pain when I had my first outbreak in February 2018 this year and kept getting outbreaks one after the other with one of them being extremley painful again. I began suppressive therapy 3 months ago by taking two acyclivor tablets each day,one in the morning and one in the evening and what I thought was just a bite a few days ago ended up developing into a small blister ,before it turned into a visable blister I shaved the area thinking it could be a hair irratating my skin but now I can see it is visable I have made it worse by now having a few blisters on the other side. They are extremley itchy but luckily not painful at the moment.

I was hoping being on suppressive therapy that I will be lucky enough to not get outbreaks but unfortunetely three months in I am now experiencing an outbreak.

Because I have made it spread by stupidly shaving do you think my next outbreak I will now be having more than one sore or not? Does it just vary with each reaccurance?

For those of you who have had hsv2 for a year or so now has it got better and how many outbreaks do you have per year as I am worried slightly that with daily meds it isn't strong enough to keep this under control?

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Thank you for your message. I tried taking lysine tablets but it kept making me need a toilet all the time so had to stop then. I do generally have a good amount of sleep usually 7 and a half hours atleast but due to going out both saturday nights in a row I have lost some sleep so that is probably why I am possibly having an outbreak as my body is probably trying to recover from that.

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Yeah it is one of the side effects to it. I probably eat some foods that have lysine in so when I take tablets aswel my body just doesn't need it. Thank you for reminding me of this site as I was recommended it when I was first diagnosed and forgot all about it. If you don't mind me asking how long have you had hsv2 for and do you find your outbreaks are getting less frequent and fewer with time?

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God you must be unlucky if you are having them side effects have you thought about the lottery? Ye the charity website is good some YouTube videos are good for self esteem Ella Dawson and Laureen hd, hot baths are good too. I have had it six months and my triggers seem to be bad foods. But haven’t had one since I hammered vitamins and went on anti virals. I have good and bad days like anyone but I believe that everything happens for a reason 

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No it just shows that I don't need them if I am eating the right foods that already have it in I guess. I don't have a shower so I only have hot baths anyway and find salt helps if I do have an outbreak. Mine could possibly be lack of sleep aswel as lots of alcohol but I will keep an eye on any future ones and take note of what could trigger it. Thank you for your advice

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