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After a positive

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So I got a positive swab oct .14 and beg blood test . The exposure would have been from my new bf . Our first and only time sept.29 because I felt like something was wrong two days later .at first I thought it was from rough a anal . Anyways how long should I wait to get my blood tested again just to be sure .you know as a herpes newbie in still praying it was a false positive . It actually did t say positive it said Abnormal.

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The previous reply is correct that the swab tests are very accurate most of the time especially when lesions are present. My results also said abnormal and I did the same thing you are. I took that as a sign that it was a false or mistake. However, I was informed that it is in fact a positive. I am not saying this to try and discourage you because I know how it feels to read that result and feel confused by a result but also hopeful that perhaps they were wrong and it wasn't herpes.  However, if you would like to be tested again, I would suggest getting type tested to find out if you have type 1 or 2, for example they all thought I had type two because its on my genitals. Knowing your type can help you learn about how the virus may act, how it may respond to treatment, types of treatment, etc. The types do act different. I don't have have type two. I have type 1 down there and the doctors couldn't believe it. They redid the test to be sure, it was correct HSV type 1 just down there. As for the amount of time to wait. The recommend amount of time if your not having an outbreak and will be doing the blood test and type testing is 1 to 2 months. So it has been long enough if you were exposed on Sep. 29. and had a positive swab on Oct. 14. 

It has been past the month mark so I would say you could go ahead. I was type 1 month after the first lesion appeared. I hope all this helps. If you need anyone to talk to reach out. We are all here for you. I wish you the best. 

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