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False positive swab result?

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Hello all good peeps

I was swabed for a red shiny spot on my penus last Dec and it came back positive for ghsv1. My partner at that time did not tell me about her having ghsv1 and risked my health for 3 months. When I had symptom and asked her she said she has it and ghosted me and left me alone. I was devastated and had a huge depression. 2 months later the spot is still there it has not healed so I swabed it again and it came back negative for hsv1. The blood work for IgG also is negative. 

I have no pain,tingling or any discomfort and the red spot just reduces in intensity and sometimes has a white lining on it.  My question is can the first swab culture in Dec be a false positive and I am miss diagnosed ? 

How can I be sure I have it or not as I know for sure my partner had it and we did engage in unprotected sex 

Does anyone have similar symptoms and is sure has herpes?

Looking for advice if there is any other conclusive test?


my sister had a positive hsv2 test. she took a blood test and a swab. but then later she took another blood test and it came back negative. come to find out she had hpv.(she had a break out) she took swab test and a blood test and came back Negative.(for hsv2) thank God she had the kind of hpv that went away. I hope this helps Sarah


Hey Sarah

When she was initially diagnosed with hsv2 was it a swab test? As my was a swab test positive but the blood work is negative for hsv1. 

Recurring swab and blood work is negative after two months. Can it be hpv in males?


I had 3 false negative swabs. I was in the military when I got it and at that time they would not do a blood test for herpes. 27 years later I had an IgG that confirmed HSV2. So it is possible to have a false positive also. As for the IgG, if it is still negative after 16 weeks chances are good it is not herpes. Have you been to more than one doctor or clinic? If not you may need another opinion. You may have to try an Infectious Disease specialist or maybe a dermatologist.

As for HPV, as I understand it there is not really an effective method to test men for it. Usually, warts are the common symptom a man will show for HPV, if he shows any symptoms at all. Of course, consult your doctor about this. If what you have is not herpes it would still be nice to know what is going on.

Best of luck to you Robdarko



Robdarko, I wrote you today but I guess it didn't send my sister first had sores on her gentiles and she was swabbed and took a blood test it came back positive for hsv2 she was devasted this was I think in September or October.and then she took another swab and blood test in she took one in December it came back negative but they wanted to make sure it wasn't a false negative so they tested her the first of this month. they just swabbed her this time. it came back negative. she got her hpv from a man. men can be carriers of hpv. my nephew is a carrier. there's no test for men to take for hpv that I know of.i hope this helps Sarah.

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