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UTI a trigger for first outbreak?

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Hey guys, 

just a quick question...I’m kinda confused. When I got my first outbreak, I thought it was just a UTI. My clinic took a urine test, blood test, and swabbed a lesion that was there during the time. The urine test came back positive, as well as the swab and blood test. I read somewhere that it takes up to 3 weeks for antibodies to show up in a blood test. Is it possible that I contracted hsv weeks/months ago and the UTI triggered my first outbreak? I know they say you’ll never know who gave it to you but it’s honestly driving me insane that I don’t know who gave it to me.  And I’m not sure of it’s worth telling past partners if they can be eliminated from my list of potential givers. 


Any feedback or or opinions would be of much help!


If its hsv igm showing as positive and igg negative in your blood report then its a very recent infection (within a month). Igg takes around 3 months to show in blood report. I know not knowing how you got it causes a huge mental stress. Can you check if its igm or igg or both showing positive in your blood report? 

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