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Ghsv1- my 2nd outbreak symptoms shocked me

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This update is for my fellow GHSV-1 carriers. 

I have GHSV-1 and I’m learning to love MY virus bc she’s a not-so-friendly reminder of when I’m not taking the best care of my body. 

First outbreak was January 3, 2019 and I have not seen or felt any ulcerations since my first occurrence.

This week, a combination of period, sex, stress and wine triggered my second outbreak. I also stopped taking valtrex as a suppressant w/in the last week. (Side note: I love valtrex bc my body responded immediately to the medication by suppressing symptoms during my first outbreak and other pre-outbreaks symptoms). 


Back to Monday night: I couldn’t finish sex bc the pain became unbearable. I haven’t had sex since before my first outbreak, so it took my awhile to realize the difference between herpe pain and I haven’t had sex in a long time pain. I developed a paper cut exactly where I had my first outbreak, the next morning. I don’t consider this moment a full blown outbreak bc the cut was so small and disappeared w/in a day after taking valtrex. Other symptoms included a burning sensation on butt, itchiness near paper cut and general soreness from sex I think (but more sore/sensitive than usual). All of this happened on Monday and Tuesday. 

Fast toward to late Saturday night, I felt a slight “I have herpes nerve tingle” (you know—the this isn’t an outbreak, just an occasional reminder you’re a carrier of herpes nerve tingle). To me this is a normal feeling post-first Herpes outbreak. However, something told me to look down there bc I was bored and had nothing better to do on a Saturday night. I found 3-4 small white blisters. I was shocked bc I had no idea the whole day or however long they were there. No pain. No itchiness. No swollen nymph nodes. NOTHINGGGGGGG COMPARED TO MY FIRST OUTBREAK.

I do feel a little warmth over the panty region, but I literally feel fine and would have bet my life that there weren’t ulcers down there. I may decide to skip taking a valtrex. I feel no pain and the warm and tingling symptoms I do feel can easily be ignored. I hope delaying medication will help my body build a defense against the virus faster. 

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