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Please help clear my mind this shit isn’t fun . yes, I’m new here.

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Hello ! I was just unfortunately diagnosed with GHSV-1 about  maybe 2 weeks ago while going through what appears to be have been an initial outbreak. It was the most painful thing i have every experienced and I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. i was put on 1000mg of valacyclovir to take and then was put on suppression therapy of 500mg to take daily when those pills finished. I thought I was over the outbreak for a day because the burning and epic pain kind of stopped or got less severe but then I got my period and i started getting  the itching , tingling and uncomfortable feeling again. My skin looks red but i figured it was the initial lesions healing. Is it possible to get 2 breakouts back to back just within a day ? Or am I still going through my initial outbreak ? I’m going crazy here and im trying to come to terms with this new found change in my life but the pain and overall discomfort that i deal with  daily are both hindering any progress I’m making mentally. Can someone give me some advice or anything ? Literally anything. I have only had 2 sexual partners in my life as a 25 year old and my last partner gave this to me without him knowing he was positive for both strains. I’ve always been safe and was also being safe  when I got this damn thing and now I have never felt so fucking small. Thank you to whoever read this . Kinda helped  to type it all or even though my genitals are tingling like a motherfucker -_- . 


“I have never felt so fucking small” - I felt this in my soul...you are not alone. 

I’m sorry to hear that you are in so much pain - I don’t have any helpful medical advice to share (besides don’t skip your pills) but I can tell you that my initial outbreak was by far the WOOooooRSTand in the ~2 years since, I’ve not experienced anything even remotely as physically uncomfortable as that first time. My initial lasted for what felt like forever and I ended up going to another doctor for it (first time was a walk in clinic) who put me on the same suppressive meds as you. I’ve had times where I had to skip or ration the pills (insurance issues) and sometimes I’d have what I describe as a “twingle” (a cross between a twinge and a tingle) - usually only when really stressed, getting my period, and skipping pills - that goes away with a day or 2 of regular doses. 



  • Thanks 1
On 5/1/2019 at 3:10 PM, AndSheSaid said:

“I have never felt so fucking small” - I felt this in my soul...you are not alone. 

I’m sorry to hear that you are in so much pain - I don’t have any helpful medical advice to share (besides don’t skip your pills) but I can tell you that my initial outbreak was by far the WOOooooRSTand in the ~2 years since, I’ve not experienced anything even remotely as physically uncomfortable as that first time. My initial lasted for what felt like forever and I ended up going to another doctor for it (first time was a walk in clinic) who put me on the same suppressive meds as you. I’ve had times where I had to skip or ration the pills (insurance issues) and sometimes I’d have what I describe as a “twingle” (a cross between a twinge and a tingle) - usually only when really stressed, getting my period, and skipping pills - that goes away with a day or 2 of regular doses. 



Thank you so much for replying! You deff helped me feel a little less alone.  I’m happy to know that it might get easier after this. The pain has subsided a bit but i still have the tingles and slight itch randomly which is annoying but I’m hoping it goes away next week after i make 3 1/2 weeks pass this initial outbreak. These pills are probably going to become my new best friend but I’ll adjust. Trying not to feel small is getting easier day by day. I’ve had moments where I’m able to laugh at joke and then an hr later I’m angry and sad all over again but I’m entitled to that. I think we all are. It helps that we have this forum for sure. Thank heavens for me finding this on a google search lol. Wishing you all the best ! 

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