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Tailbone tenderness with sacral outbreak?

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Hello, all!  I was diagnosed with HSV-2 about 6 years ago and generally have 1-2 out breaks a year.  My outbreaks have always been limited to my genitals.  However a little over a year ago I had a sacral our break and have had one more since then.  I am currently in the midst of a wicked sacral outbreak and my tailbone feels tender/inflamed.  I can sit down but have to adjust the way that I sit because of how uncomfortable it becomes if I sit “normal”.  It literally feels like my tailbone is swollen and becomes uncomfortable if I sit back normal for too long.  Anyone else ever heard of this of deal with this?   To give a little more info, whenever I have outbreaks my waist and my left thigh feel like they’re on fire and it hurts to even have underwear on.  Thanks for reading!

  • 3 weeks later...

Are you sure your HSV is causing your tailbone pain? There’s a thing called a pilonidal cyst that can cause the same tailbone pain you’re talking about...

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