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Fmals last won the day on August 19 2019

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  1. What you’re describing is exactly what my ob's feel like/look like. How far away are they from the original ob spot? That’s great you went 2 years with no outbreaks though! I’m sure your body will put the virus back in it’s place again.
  2. So you didn’t have any outbreaks for a year?
  3. I don’t see a correlation between my Botox and outbreaks
  4. Has anyone gotten the covid vaccine and experienced outbreaks afterwards? I’ve been pretty free of outbreaks lately then I got the first dose of the moderna covid vaccine. One week later to the day, outbreak. Then one week later...another one. Ugh, it scaring me.
  5. On one of the news shows I was watching one night one of the hosts was talking about how young people aren’t afraid of COVID and still partying in crowds...he said “maybe we should just tell them it’s an STD...let’s tell them it’s herpes...then they’ll all hide in their houses.” yeaaaa. Very funny 🙄
  6. Well...I’m in your same boat and it’s been a fricken roller coaster. Ive had H for almost a year now and haven’t dated anyone since my diagnosis. Recently met someone I REALLY liked...we had a super strong quick connection (which doesn’t really ever happen for me...I’m usually very meh about dating)...anyway...discloses after the second time seeing each other...he was very kind about it and said he needed to strongly think about it...but then I felt the distance so I told him I had to let him go...he said he was still thinking about it and didn’t want to rush into a decision...weeks went by (maybe a month) and I heard nothing...I was Devastated!!! Then out of no where Monday he starts talking to me again...being very flirty...So I’m assuming he was done with his deep thought process and wanted to give things a go...I was SO EXCITED (inside of course I played it cool) then this weekend he just kinda stopped talking to me again. Back to being devastated. It really sucks.
  7. This is me as well! I was SOOOOO paranoid and afraid of std’s. I’m also a hypochondriac...and I was one of those people who would have probably said no too...ah the irony.
  8. Well shit.
  9. How have you been? Get your ob’s under control?
  10. Sorry you’re having a bad day. I’ve been there...I too have a beautiful child and great job...I’ll count those twice as blessings...What dating app was this? Just curious
  11. I would love to know the answer to this too...I’d like to know how frequently my shedding occurs...I know there are percentages and what not but I’ve also read that everyone is different...those who don’t have many ob’s may shed less than those who do...too bad there’s not an at home rapid test kit LOL
  12. Ah I just did my first disclosure and it was a rejection unfortunately...I did disclose after our first date Bc the connection was so strong. I don’t typically really like or get excited about many dates...but I was OVER THE MOON for this one. He was kind when I told him and said he needed time to strongly think about it but its been over two weeks and we no longer talk. It hurts deeply.
  13. How long did you wait to disclose?
  14. Sooo. I disclosed for the first time. I did it pretty quickly (only the second time seeing each other). I did it because we had SUCH a strong connection...which NEVER happens for me. We got somewhat physical on the second date. He also happened to bring up herpes randomly in the car saying that some girl has been trying to get with him but the word is she has herpes 🙄 I stayed quiet until the next morning when I texted him my situation. He was kind and thankful and said he needed to think strongly about it...but it’s been over a week now and he’s gone. Nothing. Usually when I go on a date I just can’t wait to get home. This was SO SO SO different. I felt like he was my match in ever sense of the word...same sense of humor, personality, looks, values...just EVERYTHING. Every. Little. Thing. I know I know. If he can’t accept this someone else will and it wasn’t meant to be bla bla bla. I’m JUST SO DOWN. So sad. And I can’t stop thinking about it. What if I didn’t say anything so soon...I just so wish things were different. It’s Christmas and I should be enjoying that and we’re leaving for Disney on a family trip the day after I should be more happy then I am. I’m just so hurt. I was finally at the point where I was accepting of the fact that I had hsv and now I feel so defeated.
  15. I’m literally going through the same thing right now...I think I disclosed too soon. But we had SUCH a strong connection. I disclosed yesterday morning...he was appreciative and said he needed time to strongly think about it and wanted to still talk while he does. But, today...a couple txts earlier then nothing for the rest of the day which is NOT how it’s been. I REALLY felt a connection and know he did too so this is strictly Bc of the H. It blows. It really does. I’m so angry. And so so sad. I’m not emotional either but this just sucks. This was my first disclosure as well.
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