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Newly diagnosed looking for mental health advice

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I  had my first outbreak less than a month ago. I told my family & very select few friends the second I knew and they have been absolutely supportive and created a safe space to talk about it openly but it isn’t exactly helping. I’m trying to keep positive about something that will be with me the rest of my life but I thought it would be a good idea to get some input how other people are staying positive. I don’t use ugly words to describe how I’m feeling instead I tell myself it will get better. Anyone else have any suggestions on how to keep your mind from wondering into negative thoughts? Or suggestions to clear your head? Looking for all the good vibes I can get. Thanks

  • 2 weeks later...

An initial diagnosis can be heartbreaking and devastating and confusing. I remember like it was yesterday and it was 26 years ago! Please know that the feelings you have now WILL fade. You WILL start to see yourself as you again and not as the disease. Right now, it's first-and-foremost in your thoughts because it's so new, but it won't always be new and eventually, you won't even think about it or it will be a quick, "Eh. Whatever." I know that all sounds so far away, but trust me -- you'll get there. I'm glad you have a close circle of friends/family who can support you - that's great. Focus on their support and read a lot of the success stories of people on this forum to give you strength when your mind starts to wander; however, don't consume yourself with Internet info. Just go and live your life as you always have done and remember that what you have is a skin infection -- not a character flaw. Good luck to you -- I promise you that it gets easier and better ❤️ 

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