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Posts posted by UnluckyMan

  1. On 7/10/2019 at 10:33 PM, Tk2019 said:

    Damn that sucks. The person who gave it to me ghosted me entirely. His blood test came back negative so he swore he didn't give it to me. I later reached out to him to let him know that mine also came back negative which means we both acquired it recently. I hadn't been with anyone else in months so I know it was him. He had nothing to say. People can be really shitty.

    Did your blood test ever turn positive?

  2. 1 hour ago, sarahsfocus said:

    have you thought about maybe it could be hpv? I heard somewhere that your Penis head could be swabbed for hpv. I don't know how true that is.my sister was misdiagnosed she took the blood test and it said she had hsv2 and hpv and her second blood test said she had just hpv and that her hsv2 test was negative. thank God she had the kind of hpv that would go away eventually. she took another test they swabbed her inside and her hsv2 was negative and her hpv had disappeared. do you know with a shadow of a doubt that this woman has hsv2? I'm just curious about that. I hope that helps Sarah

    Ive thought about everything it could be lol.  Looked into almost every known possible explanation.  Even if it was HPV, doctors and my own research have told me that there is no male test available for HPV.  And almost everywhere says HPV usually has no symptoms for males and will clear up on its own.  And yes i am 100% certain she has HSV2.  She told me herself she had a papercut sore around her vagina swabbed and it came back positive.  Thats the only herpes method of testing that you can be sure of when it comes to a positive, and after dealing with these issues for so long, it’s the only test I would trust.  Unfortunately for me, it seems I fall into the large percentage of people who do not develop any classic lesions and instead just constant issues with my body and things that appear to be itchy bug bites on my inner thighs and just dark spots on my lips that tingle and burn. Im almost certain if i go try to swab these they’ll come back negative because there is no fluid.  But even Google will tell you many people have herpes outbreaks that they can be mistaken for milder things like ingrown hairs or bug bites. 

    If you can find this out on various medical sites on Google, why do doctors ignore these facts?

    Unlike most people, I know my situation started with a herpes encounter.  I know the exact moment it started. The exact day and the exact time.  Usually people are unaware that they are about to have sex with someone who has herpes, so they come here looking for help and are uncertain of things because who knows what else it could be right?  I was fully aware after she tearfully told me and after two weeks of thinking it over, I went to her house and in my not sober state of mind I decided to try it with a condom.  I had been celibate for 5 months before this encounter.  Perfectly healthy male.  Never had bay issues with my nerves, itching, constipation, nada.  We had made out a few times before she told me she was infected. Probably why my lips burn and tingle now.  My conscience wouldnt let me ghost her and disappear but If I had known this would be the outcome of that 5 second attempt at protected sex, I would have never tried it.  But liquor doesnt exactly put you in the best state of mind.  And so much misinformation tells us herpes transmission is so low.  I also don’t believe that to be true for everyone.  

    Something got inside my penis in 5-10 seconds. Thats undeniable. That means it is highly contagious through her body fluids or she had to have inner sores because she had very white yeasty looking secretions.  Unfortunately I didnt know this until after.

    I just want the truth.  I just want answers and they say usually the simplest answer is usually the right one.  Well for me the simplest answer is the blood tests are inaccurate, and I am indeed infected.

    And in terms of the WB, Terri warren has even stated that if you are negative for HSV2 by IGG after 16 weeks then you will most likely test negative for it by the blot because the IGG is actually supposedly more accurate for HSV2 than the blot is at a certain point in time.  

    Either way, i dont trust the test enough to waste another 300+ dollars of my own money for it.  If its negative, like Im almost certain it will be, my symptoms will still remain.

    I just think it’s a very sad situation to be in when you can get an STD in 2019 and not be able to get a diagnosis.

  3. As much as I’d like to believe otherwise, I’m pretty much 90% certain what I am dealing with is some form of herpes.  Ive had sex plenty of times with several women in my life, none of whom ever told me that they had genital herpes, and I have never experienced any problems like these.  Never in my life.  

    I attempt to have sex with a woman that is HSV2 positive, and when the condom breaks, I pulled out my penis and I see streaks of her yeasty looking vagina secretions (a symptom of herpes according to Google).  I wiped it off as quickly as I could but the damage was done.  In my mind, i knew I had just made the biggest mistake of my life, and sure enough just a day later, the tingling in my penis starts up.  It hasn’t let up since, and has evolved into a full out burning sensation.  Herpes is the only STD that has an incubation time of 2 days.  All other STDs you won’t notice symptoms immediately.

    So out of all the times I had sex, why out all times would it be this extremely brief encounter (I literally pulled my dick out within 5-10 seconds after I stuck it in) that I happen to get infected with some rare bacterial STD?  And why wouldn’t the herpes get in my penis if this other STD was able to?  That seems like a highly unlikely scenario to me.

    I’m open to all ideas, and I’ll even ask doctors to look into that mycoplasma as a cause of all my symptoms.  But I’ve heard too many testimonies on these forums of others testing negative by blood tests AND the Western Blot and either swabbing positive for herpes or they just strongly believe it is herpes.  Had this experience not happened to me as well, and if all my symptoms didnt start right after attempted sex with someone I KNOW is HSV2 positive, then I probably wouldn’t believe them either and would be skeptical as well.  But when you’re body is showing you all the signs of a herpes infection (Google even says up to 80% of people don’t get the typical lesions, thats a lot of people), and you stop and wonder why isnt the herpes blood test apart of the routine STD screening, it leaves me with little  faith in the medical community’s ability to safely tell you that you aren’t in fact infected with herpes.

    Why is it that the only confirmatory test for herpes is only available in one location in the entire country?  

    Why is that you have to ask for a herpes blood test specifically, and even my primary doctor herself said she doesnt administer that test because she doesnt think its good at all?

    I think people have been lied to and dont realize how faulty the herpes blood tests (including the WB) truly are.  Yes they can work for many, but for many others they give false results.  If false positives exist, and you know they do, why do you have such a hard time believing false negatives exists just as frequently?  

    Doctor after doctor has told me I dont have herpes, but my symptoms remain.  

    Why do my lips tingle and burn now?  Why does my genital area itch more often now?  Why do I wake up with a burning penis tip almost everyday?  Why did my armpit lymph node swell up days after the exposure?  Why did I become severely constipated a week after exposure?  Why is my anus constantly itching and burning? Why does my neck tend to get stiff and hurt when the cycle seem to restart?  Why do my arm joints sometimes have sharp pains now?  Why did my nerves go haywire and start to burn all over my body directly following exposure? Why do I get strange random headaches out of nowhere? Why do I have pains down the back of my legs sometimes and itching in my inner thighs when Im walking?

    Herpes causes all those things.  But in light of that fact, people continually tell me to believe a blood test that are known to be imperfect.  

    Its kind of infuriating.  I have been dealing with this for almost a year now.  Ive pissed in more cups and stuck with more needles in the past 9 months than I have in my entire adult life.  They can find no answers.  But deep down I know what it is.  I know that had I not stuck my dick inside that woman that night, I wouldnt be here on this herpes forum right now. 

    You can have blind faith in a hidden test if you want to... because thats what the herpes blood tests all are...hidden. but I am not the only voice telling you those tests are wrong.  Look elsewhere on the internet and you will find many others sharing my sentiments.


  4. I've taken IGG blood tests at 11 days post exposure, 6 weeks, 12 weeks, 16 weeks,  and 6 months.  All were negative for HSV1 and 2.  Just the less than .9 index value.

    Never wasted money on a Western Blot and never will.  I don't believe they are any better than the IGG test.  It just looks for more antibodies.  But if I'm not making the detectable antibodies at all for whatever reason, it won't do any good. Initially, about five days after my exposure I got one single bump in my pubic hair that my PC doctor agreed looked like an ingrown hair.  It didn't look anything like classic herpes, so she never swabbed it.  At the time I wanted to believe her, but now I wish I had demanded her to swab it.

    She said I would get painful lesions on my penis if I did have herpes.  I've only gotten one other sore near the base of my penis about a month or so after exposure that I got swabbed, but it came back negative.  Again, this didn't really resemble the watery blisters associated with herpes, and there was no fluid to really swab.

    I just finished off a course of Cephalexin 500 about a week ago, after I went to the doctor because it was starting to sting at the onset of pissing and I'm having testicle pain.  The stinging went away but the rest of my symptoms remain.

    I learned from Google that even if a male shows symptoms of HPV (which they say is rare) HPV will usually completely clear up on its own.  It's been 9 months now, and this keeps reoccurring, which is making me lean even more towards herpes. This doesn't seem like it's clearing up anytime soon.  

    Doctors can't come up with any other answers, and I've seen two urologists as well.  The only thing I know for a 100% fact is that she has HSV2, and all these problems started after that night.

  5. I tried to have sex with a HSV2 positive female, and the condom broke after we just started.  I have been suffering with various problems ever since.  Never tested positive on a blood test and I've taken them one too many times.  I don't trust anyone when they say they are accurate.  I believe the medical community really knows how inaccurate they are, and that is why they aren't even offered unless you specifically request one.  

    What I do trust is that something got inside my body that has subsequently caused all sorts of issues that I didn't have before I was exposed to HSV2.  I've taken every STD test I could, and all of them are negative.  My penis burns at the tip often, and I feel pain in the skin of my penis (usually after sex or masturbation), as well as constant itching in the anus and random burning nerves in my legs, feet, back, and sometimes even arms and hands.  I have been dealing with these issues ever since the herpes exposure, with the penis burning and anus itching being the most annoying of the symptoms.  I was also severely constipated for weeks following the exposure and my bowel movements took a while to go back to semi-normal.  Back pain and testicle pain is also something I have been dealing with. 

    I believe there are many of us who will never build the detectable antibodies for the HSV blood test for whatever reason.  But I can assure you, before I attempted to have sex with this HSV2 positive woman, I was perfectly fine.  None of these issues existed for me. And I have had sex with various women in the past, none of whom ever informed me that they have genital herpes.  And every time I was perfectly healthy afterwards.

  6. On 3/13/2019 at 8:57 PM, sarahsfocus said:

    hey unluckyman. I really feel for you.to be honest I wish nobody had this awful disease. my sister is waiting on her hsv2 results. I really hope she is Negative. I was tested myself last August I am really curious what it means for hsv1 test is 35 is that a normal number for hsv1? my hsv2 was <0.90  I hope things get better for you.Sarah

    Me too.  I wish the same.  

    And I do not really trust the blood tests because so many sites online say they are unreliable.  Too many false positives and false negatives.  I think that is a major reason why they don’t include them in the routine STD panel.  I have yet to test positive by blood test but all my symptoms started directly after my exposure to HSV2.  I hadn’t had sex with anyone else for 5 months prior and never had any of these symptoms like this before. All my symptoms are HSV2 related.  All the other STD tests that are actually very accurate have been negative as well.  So for me, it’s almost a clear cut case as to what is the cause.  It just sucks that I had to waste all that time and effort trying to get a diagnosis and in the end I had to just accept it myself because every doctor I’ve seen has provided no answer and no solution.

    i feel like until they make a better test, the only way to truly know if you have herpes or not is to get a lesion swabbed.  And I have none to swab anymore.  But I wish you and your sister good luck and hopefully you are both negative.

    And thank you, Sarah, I hope things get better too.

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  7. Yes. I am dealing with basically the same issues as you and have been for the last 8 months now since I tried to have protected sex with an HSV2 positive woman.  But the condom broke seconds into it, and here I am today.

    Almost everyday I am dealing with some form of tingling, burning or itching in my genital or anus area.  Sometimes I feel itchy in my legs and burning in my face as well.  I may have about 5 days where I will go without any symptoms but they always eventually return.  

    The beginning of my problems all started two days after the exposure.  I was celibate for 5 months before this one time exposure and I had never in my life experienced any of these symptoms like this.  

    I was sure my blood test would eventually turn positive, but every single test I took remained negative all the way up to 7 months.   Doing my own research, I found out from the internet that the blood tests  for HSV unfortunately are very unreliable.  Its pretty sad when you have to diagnose yourself with a lifelong STD because no doctor can give you an answer.

    I just started trying lysine now, so we’ll see if that helps at all but I doubt it will.  As the days go by, Im losing hope that my body will ever go back to normal again and I may probably just have to learn to live with these annoying sensations every day.

  8. It affects everyone differently.  I am one of the unlucky ones.  I have itched and burned almost every day for the last 8 months since my exposure to HSV 2 and it was only for a few seconds when the condom broke.  I can’t tell you why, but I know I used to get sick often before this happened. Like at least 3-4 colds a year,  Maybe my immune system has something to do with it.

    I am completely aware of my penis almost all the time now because there’s usually always some sensation going on, whether it be an icy hot feeling or a crawling feeling or a burning at the tip.  The occurences have calmed down a bit over the 8 months.  In the beginning it was constant and the intensity was higher.

    Anus itching is the most annoying thing.  Also itching in the thigh area as well.  I wish I could get rid of the itching the most.  Also my bowel movements were affected by this as well.

    The first month or so after exposure my nerves were on fire all over my body, but that has mostly calmed down now.  But every then and again I’ll feel some burning somewhere, usually in my leg area. 

    Lower back pain can be an issue sometimes too.

    The only thing I dont get is the lesions. I got a bump in my pubic hair area 5 days atfter the exposure that lasted for about a month but that’s about it.  

    Again, I don’t know why my situation turned out like this, but I promise you this all is the result of me attempting to sleep with someone with confirmed HSV2.  Personally, if I could go back, I would have never done it.  The attempt wasn’t worth all these issues my body deals with now and most of all the mental torment I’ve been through for the past 8 months.

    I have prayed every day to be in your shoes and make the opposite choice.  But that’s my life.  Maybe it won’t be yours.

    On 3/7/2019 at 12:43 PM, Newbie2018 said:

    I met a gal three weeks ago and we are both in our 40's.  We have messed around but no sex.  The physical intimacy is fantastic.  She just told me she has hpv-2.  I cannot imagine how hard it was to tell me.  I like her a lot and I don't want to stop seeing her because of this.  What questions should I ask her before we take it to the next step?  I'm assuming no oral, sex with a condom.  If I touch her down there do I need to make sure to wash afterwards?  I have so many questions...


  9. Studies have shown that individuals who have tested positive for herpes by swab, will test negative by blood test.  The blood test is not as accurate as they want you to believe.  I’ve read some studies that say a chance of a false negative by IGG blood test can be as high as 30%.  Even if you are truly positive for herpes, you may never show it on a blood test.

    In my opinion, this is one of driving factors if not THE number one reason why they don’t include it in a  routine STD panel.  The test is so poor by modern standards, the confusion it would cause would cause more damage than good.

    There is no way in hell a lifelone virus blood test should have an accuracy of only 70%.  That’s ridiculous.  And before my situation happened I would have never believed it.  But I’m starting to fear that it’s true, and that doctors are very misinformed about these tests.

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  10. I do not get blisters anymore.  I got the one big bump in the pubic hair area at the beginning and that was it.  Doctor didn’t swab it.  She tried to convince me it wasn't herpes.  Even though I told her it appeared five days after having sex with someone who has HSV2 and that it’s unusual for me to get bumps there.  Told me I would know if it was herpes because the lesions would be painful and most likely on my penis.

    Never got any of that.

    I may never get anything to swab again.  But my symptoms are very real and very annoying and they never go away completely, and they all started nearly 8 months ago after HSV2 exposure. 8 months of this ongoing everyday crap.  All thanks to 5 seconds of sex.

    I pretty much know what I have at this point anyways.  I don’t need a swab test anymore, so if nothing ever pops up again, oh well.

    It’s just sad that herpes is so misunderstood by doctors.  There are so many stories Ive read online of people going through what I’m going through and finding no answers.  But they are dismissed because of negative blood tests, even though it’s a known fact that the blood tests are exremely inaccurate.  

    It’s also a known fact that many people who have HSV don’t get lesions.  Stuff that gets mistaken as other things like ingrown hairs end up really being herpes. This is all stuff I had to learn with a simple Google search, and not from one of the various doctors I visited.  I wish I had known all this before.

    But the fact is all my issues that I have started with HSV2.  After the condom broke, two days later my body went through some serious changes.  Negative blood tests be damned, I know all those changes weren’t some damn coincidence that all just managed to somehow occur at the exact same time I get exposed to HSV2.  But the doctors try to make me believe that.  I wanted to believe that I was negative, but when this shit doesn't ever completely go away, the hope and faith slowly does.

  11. On 2/28/2019 at 7:22 PM, panda91 said:

    He got kind of sick for 4 days. There was this huge boil/blister that formed in his pubic area. It popped after he applied this balm I gave him. It burst full of blood. A couple days later another sore formed in a different spot but in same area. The second one looks like the sores I get. He has not gotten tested yet but I think he has it. 

    That’s EXACTLY what I got after having sex with a HSV 2 positive female.  A fucking big ass bump that appeared in my pubic hair five days after exposure.  Didn't look like typical herpes but i never get anything like that in my pubic area.  So I knew it had to be herpes.  Lasted for weeks.  When it burst the second time, it bled like crazy.  

    I’ve been dealing with herpes symptoms ever since for the last 7 months, but get all negative blood tests.  All other STD tests are negative as well.  

    I was perfectly healthy before I had sex with this HSV positive woman.  Now im itching and burning in my groin and anus almost every day. Maybe five days I’ll feel normal, then the bullshit restarts all over again for weeks.  It comes in cycles just like herpes.

    I don’t trust anyones advice about herpes. No one truly understands this virus. I know that I’m infected.  The medical community knows jack shit about this virus.  The blood test is fucking bullshit.  So many people probably have herpes and don’t even realize it because they cant fucking make a proper test to diagnosis it.  False positives and false negatives bullshit.  

    This is a lifelong fucking virus.  There should be no fucking false anything.  Shit pisses me the fuck off.

    I feel sorry for you and your boyfriend.  I truly do.  I’ve been suffering everyday with this shit.  I’ve seen numerous doctors and they all give me bullshit answers.  

    “Drink more water, drink cranberry juice.”  

    Yea fuck off. I wish i could give them this shit so I can look them in their fucking eyea and go tell them to drink some fucking cranberry juice.

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  12. On 1/10/2019 at 11:17 AM, Ishmael said:

    A lot of these don't scream herpes and having them all in conjunction and without a cycle of outbreaks and full abatement also doesn't.  I mean you've got herpes on your groin, herpes on your penis, herpes on the outside of your mouth, herpes inside your mouth, herpes on your eyes, herpes on your butt, and herpes in your central nervous system. And the symptoms don't really come and go, there is always something happening. Like, you don't go a few weeks without any symptoms. That's some powerful herpes. Not only that, but this powerful herpes is undetectable by tests that detect herpes. Next level, all the time/everywhere herpes with stealth power.

    What is does scream to me, and to at least a couple of the doctors that you've spoken with, is health anxiety, which I recognize because I also suffer from it. You sound like a guy with a rash, dry skin, canker sores and bad case of hypochondriasis.

    It’s laughable when one person complains of these things and blames it all on herpes even when he’s testing negative, but what if I told you my penis entered an HSV2 positive vagina for less than 5 seconds, condom broke, and over the next 6 months I would develop almost the exact same symptoms as him?

    Suddenly, it’s not so laughable anymore.

    What blurne’s situation screams to someone who is experiencing very similar symptoms after being directly exposed to HSV2, only to see negative blood test after negative blood test, is that you may not understand herpes as well as you think you do, and that perhaps this virus may in fact just be capable of being all time, next level everywhere type shit with some extremely unbelievable stealth power.


  13. .91 is considered equivocal.  It basically means you’re in between a positive and a negative result.  Anything <.90 is considered negative.  Anything >1.1 and <3.4 is considered a low positive and needs a confirmation test to ensure it isn’t a false positive.  Anything above 3.5 is considered a firm positive.  The higher it is after that the more likely that it isn’t a false positive.  You should either take another IGG test in at least two-three weeks to see if your results have increased to a more firm positive or lowered into a negative.  If you want better confirmation you can take the Western Blot test, that’s the gold standard but only offered by one place in the whole country, and it has to be at least 16 weeks since your last risky exposure for accuracy. 

  14. @Fml93 and oh, i believe the western blot test is after 16 weeks.  So im going to get another IGG test next month at 16 weeks and if thats negative, and the urologist cant help me, then ill probably end up going that route.  Finding a lab to draw my blood and give it to me to ship out will be the toughest part.  Blowing another few hundred dollars also sucks.  But my biggest fear is that my body may never make the antibodies or enough of them to be detected by these tests.  I have read stories of people online saying they've tested negative for herpes blood tests including the blot, and then end up finding out they have it later usually by swabbing.  That makes me worry. I just wish doctors could go in my damn spinal nerves and see if this bullshit virus is hiding down there so I can know without a doubt whether or not i have this.

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  15. @Notgoingthere  yes, I went to the doctor three times.  The first time was a routine appointment 4 days after the exposure. I told my doctor about my encounter and got tested for HIV and the urine STDs.  She examined me and basically said since I didn't have lesions there was no way to tell if I had contracted herpes yet. It became a waiting game. 

    Right after that a big single bump that felt pretty hard appeared in my pubic hair region. I remember looking in the mirror, my heart pounding thinking this is it when i first noticed it swelling up, but it didn't look like herpes, so I thought it was an ingrown hair.  At that time I was expecting herpes to look like blisters, and be painful and clustered and whatnot.  It wasn't painful.  It wasn't itchy.  It just was a bump.  And it was hard. Went back to my doctor again 11 days after exposure to take my first herpes IGG blood test, another full STD panel, and even give a urine sample.  Everything came back negative again. Even the herpes test, which I expected because it was still too early to develop antibodies.

    Weeks later at the 6 week post-exposure mark, I asked my Dr for another herpes IGG test, which she was highly opposed to.  She is the infectious disease specialist where I go, and she doesn't believe in the herpes blood test.  But she caved in because she could see I was very stressed out.  That came back negative.  She looked at the single bump that was still there in my pubic region, and she also wrote it off as an ingrown hair.  But I wish I had gotten it swabbed at that time.   But I trusted her, and wanted to believe her.  Now it's just a scar, and the scar has been there for over 2 months now.  I can even still feel like a smaller hard bump under the scar when I press on it. She said there's nothing more she can do and set me up to go see a urologist.  They gave me an appointment in November back in August.  Sucks for me.

    It's been over 3 months now, and every day I have waited for some bump to appear on my penis.  Nothing has.  

    @Fml93 I wish this was all in my head, but unfortunately it isn't.  The penis tip tingling/burning/irritation has been with me almost every day.  I could be in the happiest of moods and it does not matter, it will show up eventually and remind me that something is not right with me.  I never had this issue before I was exposed to HSV-2. 

    I became extremely constipated for a few weeks as well about a week or so after that night.  My body also began to burn in random places during that time, which the internet let me know is nerve related.  I was having intermittent lower back pain out of nowhere.  That's when I pretty much started to believe I was infected with herpes after reading about so many others infected with the virus having similar burning symptoms. 

    But my IGG test is negative still.  I'm going to take another IGG at 16 weeks when I go see the urologist.  Hopefully he has some answers for me. But I'm just tired of waiting.



  16. Just wanted to update you guys.  Took another blood test at 12 weeks and it came back negative for HSV 1 and 2 still.  Sad part is I still am just as worried that I have it and that I’m going to infect someone.  My penis tip still almost always burns after I piss for at least a good 10-15 minutes and it burns after ejaculation too. It also seems to start to burn when I feel like I need to pee... like when I wake up in the morning or Im washing dishes at the sink.  And all of this started after I tried to have sex with an HSV-2 positive woman for 5 seconds but Mr.Condom failed me.  

    Thats why I feel like I still have it. Have a urology appointment next month.  Im going to take another blood test then too and see if anything changes. 

    Still no lesions on my penis, but the veins seem a little more “out there” now sometimes.  Like I can feel them too sometimes.  Its kinda strange.  

    I dont really trust the blood test though.  Wish it was as accurate as HIV blood tests.  Getting a negative result should make you feel relieved, but it doesnt and its pathetic.


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  17. @Stupida  damn for a year?  Thats crazy.  Well im happy for you that it finally stopped like New2Gh said, but just to clarify, the person you were exposed by...do you know that they have HSV or is it just a possibility?  And if they do have it, do you know if its type 1 or 2?

    and im assuming youve never taken antivirals because ive heard that those can interfere with your IGG test results.  Im sorry to hear youre losing your hair.  i really would be pissed if i start to lose my hair because of a damn STD.  

    But if I was you, and all your other STD tests are still negative, I would definitely invest my money in that Western Blot test.  Cause im guessing you dont have anything to swab and thats the only assurance you can really get at this point that you dont have herpes.  

    It seems like most doctors easiest course of action when they cant find an answer to your problems is to tell you that you’re imagining  things.

  18. Interesting.  Because my doctor said the same thing, that if it was herpes causing it it would be quite painful during urination.  And i havent experienced that at all since I was exposed.  So it may just be that my prostate is infected, but i wonder if that would cause burning pains in my legs and feet as well as my hand?  But thanks for your input as well.

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