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Everything posted by Ohhey143

  1. I’ll keep you posted. I too agree that they don’t have enough study’s showing these are symptoms so they kind of ignore them. I wouldn’t get tested for a few months if your health insurance is that expensive. I would try to live a healthy lifestyle for now. I know it stinks. I have the reminder every second of every day with these spasms. Even if things resolve I’ll be posting!
  2. I tested negative by blood test but positive when they tested the soar itself. It wasn’t until about 2 months after that I tested positive by blood test for hsv2. It could take 2 to 4 months to test positive from what I’ve seen online and heard from others. My twitches started in my left calf & butt hole and now I have twitching all over my body. I am well hydrated, take magnesium to help with muscle and nerve health, have been taking the meds my doctor gave me. The meds for hsv2 help with the outbreak but not my twitching that I believe is related to my ghsv2. I have muscle spasms all over my body and it’s so annoying. It’s as if I’m being tapped constantly. I’m going to a neurologist soon. My doctor just referred me and now I have to call Monday to make the appointment. You need to listen to your body and be your own advocate. If you have no soars right now I would live life like you have it and just test again once you reach that three month mark. Hope this helped. Keep in touch!
  3. That’s where mine began like a pulsing in my butte hole like an orgasm then I ended up with muscle spasms everywhere. It’s super odd.
  4. Just recently someone thought I was making up excuses not to touch them. I didn’t like them like that anyway but I thought it was a little humorous that he thought I would lie bc I didn’t want to touch him.. The other two guys I was talking to didn’t really seem to care. We never actually met because I’m afraid to but it was cool to see how accepting some people can be.
  5. I was torn from sex and it got worse and more and more painful then I began getting little blisters. Talk to your doctor and continue to monitor it. Take pictures to look and then delete them. Best way to see down there.
  6. Hi guys. June 23rd 2018 is when it all started for me. Two weeks later on Monday July 2nd I woke up with chills, back pain, restless legs, and a fever. I went to the hospital thinking okay, I know this is something sexually transmitted because I don’t typically go around having casual sex and I never have fevers. The hospital did an exam and swore it was ghonorrea or chlymidia.(sorry if my grammar and spelling is awful) They gave me so many meds only to find out it was none of them. My doctor says that’s great news, they’re all negative. I said yes great news but my butt hole is still on fire. She took a look and said honey it looks like your ripped, it could just be a yeast infection. She still sampled it to be sure and had me do a blood test. The blood test came up negative but the culture came back positive for hsv2 which means I got it within the last 2-3 months so I knew when and who gave it to me. The doctor believes I became more susceptible to the shedding when I ripped. It was the most pain I had ever experienced. The first outbreak that they call the worst was just that. I also experienced muscle spasms that went away after some time. Now those muscle spasms are back now that I’m having a second outbreak. The doctors have no idea how it could be associated with the herpes but I know my body and believe this is a result of the herpes. Has anyone else experienced this? What did they do for you? Did you have to see a neurologist? I started taking magnesium, I drink plenty of water, and have been working on getting more sleep. I don’t understand, it’s so frustrating. When I relax or do school work I am so distracted by these spasms.
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