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Everything posted by Ohhey143

  1. https://herpeslife.com/opportunity/free-ebook-signup.html
  2. @Nathalie I will have to look at that site when I get a chance later! @mr_hopp what is coaching like?
  3. Thank you all for the advice! I truly appreciate it. I’m still looking into someone to talk to even maybe monthly as I don’t have much time. A few people in my family know but it still is difficult to think about being a lifetime thing. I think I’m handling it well but there are times where I feel alone because I don’t know anyone with it. Anyway, enjoy the rest of your week everyone!
  4. I would never date this man it’s more of a fling. I work 50 hours, am a full time student, and full time mama. I get one night a week out and I sometimes end up doing that when I see him. I feel like I should try to make the time to talk with a therapist bc like I said it’s hard for me to say no but it’s hard to find the time. I would like to know how effective a therapist might be with straightening out my feelings. I know it’s not right but it means I don’t need to disclose to anyone else. If I disclose to others then his circle of friends may find out and it’ll get back to him. Disclosing is such a hard thing when u live somewhere where everyone’s connected.
  5. The man that gave me herpes never disclosed he had it. He was an ass and just wanted to make sure his name was clean when I confronted him. He says he doesn’t have it but would have sex with me in a blink of an eye. Does this make any sense? Anyway i think I’m having a hard time coping with everything and when I go out and see him where I frequent we end up hooking up again. Am I only doing this because I don’t want to disclose to others what I have? Am I depressed and having some sort of self esteem issue as a result of getting herpes? I feel like I should be mad at this man and not having sex with him but I give in every time. Am I just being a human having casual sex? Im 26, he’s 49. Am I doing it as an odd fetish? We have not gotten along via text, then we see each other out and end up in the same cycle. (Having sex) I don’t know what to make of any of this and don’t know if I should see some sort of counselor. Maybe it’s a closure thing? What do you guys think? Have any of you talked to a professional? Did it help? I have a good support system. I talk to them whenever it’s needed so I don’t know if I’m self sabotaging or acting like a normal human being.
  6. This is a great idea! I’m in Rochester, NY. I would love to support someone and get support from someone either male or female.
  7. @New2GH I hope so! This is the second one and a fraction of pain than the first. How frequent/painful have yours been?
  8. How’s that for the start of the first year! I Started with prodromal symptoms. I believe mine are muscle spasms that start in the calf and butt whole (almost an orgasm feeling) then the spasms are everywhere. The spasms are now generally in my calf and thigh now that I’ve had the actual outbreak. I’m looking for Patterns. I started with flu like symptoms with the first outbreak(that’s obviously not going to happen again) and muscle spasms so that part’s definitely reoccurring. I have a neurologist appointment next Tuesday to see if something neurological is going on because the doctor doesn’t see a link between the two? Today I had them check my butt because it was soar and she said yes it’s an outbreak. She cultured it and said she thought it was very soon to be having one but that she def. does think it is my second outbreak. We talked about Taking the medicine for a few days and see how things go after that. If this keeps reoccurring we will talk about suppression and the possibility of being on the medicine long term. This second outbreak was so much less painful than the first which I am super grateful for. Those of you on your first outbreak, it will get better!!!!!!!! Now I know from experience!!!!
  9. Honestly if I were in the same situation where we both had hsv2 and weren’t super uncomfortable from blisters I would have sex whenever.
  10. The person I was having casual sex with us denied and will continue denying that they have herpes. You guys are amazing for openly admitting to it and continue to be there for the person. The guy that gave it to me has been such a prick and is in denial. Just remember it could be worse and that you’re not the first or the last to go through this. You live and you learn!!!
  11. @unbreakable we’re all here for you!!!! It’s hard for all of us. It gets easier when you educate yourself
  12. @JulyP every day has been difficult so far but I’m trying to stay optimistic! Good luck on your exam 🙂
  13. Thanks Ishmael! I have heard that. It’s so frustrating and disappointing when you’re dealing with someone that’s super unpleasant. I felt depressed for a while but I refuse to let that person and how they dealt with this situation get the best of me. As much as I want to throw in the towel and give up right now it’s not worth letting go and giving into their behavior. I am better than that and I can’t let them win. I have potential and can’t let this get the best of me!
  14. The flu like symptoms felt like they were going to last forever. Fever, chills, soaking night sweats, muscle twitching, exhaustion, and how can we not forget those blisters? I was exhausted and didn’t think I was going to make it through the school semester. So to the guy that I know gave me this disease that was nothing but an A** the entire time and never disclosed it I will not let you break me. Some of my work was late, I was up long hours trying to cram things in after being so exhausted only making me more exhausted. I pulled through. I’m a full time student, work around 50 hours, have sole custody of my daughter, and then found out I had this and my life has been a complete nightmare. Not only did I do it but I made the deans list!!!!!! Rise up and do not let liars or people that degrade you through this experience bring you down!
  15. This can be tough! What do you say to people that works best for you? The guy I slept with never disclosed he had Ghsv2 and actually still denies it. However if I wanted to he would still sleep with me so I believe he has it. You guys don’t ignore the talk do you? I need to tell whoever I’m with in the future but need more ideas on how to do so!!!! Ideas please!
  16. I’m just thinking that if my spasms are this bad maybe I stressed myself out so much through this experience that I caused some sort of stress related neurological issue to occur. Either way my doctor wanted me to see a neurologist so I guess I’ll find out soon... The waiting game is the frustrating part. Any type of specialist takes forever to get into.
  17. I did take a look and Didn’t have much luck. I don’t have them just in my calf or butt either, they’re everywhere 24/7. I’m so frustrated. It’s like getting tapped all day. It could be my ankle, toe, butt cheek, shoulder, hip, eye lid, calf all within the same couple minutes. The doctors I have spoken with know very little about the virus and deny that this is part of it. I appreciate how quickly you responded. At least I now know it’s a prodrome symptom. This is the first I’m hearing of this. Is this a time where I’m most contagious?
  18. My scalp gets super red/itchy and peels in patches. So embarrassing... I did have it before but it got way worse after the hsv2.. I would suggest cutting your hair if it’s super long weighing it down, make sure you wash your hair after sweating (keep the scalp clean and dry), and avoid hair sprays/products that cake onto the scalp..... I use a conditioner to detangle my hair first and then use the medicated shampoo.
  19. Has anyone had muscle spasms related to their hsv2? I feel like it means I’m shedding? It’s almost my second month in and my entire body spasms. It started with my butt hole and calf, now I can’t stop twitching everywhere. The doctor started me on magnesium and vitamin D. I have been tested for every type of deficiency and she said everything except vitamin D came back great. Sugar level was good, potassium was good, I’m well hydrated, and have been working on getting better rest. The next step is the neurologists office. My referral was sent three times this week and was never received so I’m super frustrated. I’m super irritable due to feeling like I’m constantly being tapped. I have a four year old, am a full time student, and work 50 hours a week. My life’s going to continue being crazy and I’m going to shed forever....
  20. I have the same thing the ketoconazole 2% shampoo and extra stench tgel by neutrogena are the only two things that have given me any relief. I still loose hair but not as much as if I were to not use it.
  21. Only about 30% of people have these symptoms and it’s typically when the virus hits at that 2-20 day exposure to the virus mark. Typically night sweats are from breaking the fever and if you get them constantly you would want to be retested for hiv.
  22. Have you tried tgel or a steroid shampoo?
  23. I just got hsv2 about 1.5 months ago and I’ve already talked to a couple people that didn’t care. Although it didn’t go farther than conversations (my decision) I feel great knowing that a lot of people still view me as a person and not a disease.
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