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Posts posted by Elle27

  1. 4 hours ago, Michgirl73 said:

    Are you in suppressive therapy too?

    I did 10 days of acyclovir 4x/day at 200 mg and then when my outbreak was lasting more than 4 weeks I did another 7 days of acyclovir 200 mg 5x/day. I’m not currently taking any long term, I was just diagnosed 9/11 so I’m trying to gauge how my body is handling the virus. My boyfriend has hsv2 and I most likely got it from him unknowingly so there isn’t a reason to take it to protect him. If my outbreaks are frequent I may consider it in the future but I’m hoping they are manageable without suppressive therapy.

  2. 17 hours ago, Sam88 said:

    I have bacterial vaginosis (was swabbed and currently on antibiotics) alot of discharge and smells fishy.. sorry tmi. 

    Im so sorry to hear that! I recently got swabbed for that as well but turned out to be itching due to the start of another herpes outbreak. Hope you heal up soon! 

  3. 14 minutes ago, NevadaBoy said:

    Thanks for the detailed answer Ishmael,

    Yes, she told me just before having vaginal sex, but we were already naked and doing things - orals, rubbing each other genitals, and when I start running my genital against hers she then told me. I wish she had told me a bit sooner, but I can see being a hard talk.

    I didn't knew it was such a clear cut. I guess the best course of action is to see another doctor for a 2nd opinion like you advise. I wish she didn't lie to me, I can see that being a bigger deal breaker for me than hsv-2 without antivirals itself.


    Hi Nevadaboy- It’s an individuals choice on whether or not she decides to take antivirals and a choice you make together. If she doesn’t have many outbreaks she doesn’t necessarily have to be on antivirals. You have to be aware of the risks. No condoms or antivirals the risk of transmission from females to males is 4% without any protection, rate of transmission with condoms is 2%, risk of transmission with use of condoms and antivirals is 1%. The doctor she saw isn’t wrong. There are risks with any medication. Generally antivirals for herpes are safe but there can still be some long term risks. I choose not to take antivirals at this time. I took them for my initial outbreak but not ongoing. 

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  4. It’s trial and error to see what works best for you. You could get your vitamin D levels checked otherwise start somewhere around 3000 IU( it may even be in a multivitamin) liquids are going to be absorbed faster and more efficiently into the body because you don’t have to break down a capsule. You have to try and see what works for you. At this point I’m trying everything and hope to wean off some things and some point to see what excactlg is working. You could implement one thing at a time and see how it works for you. I had a integrative physicians assistant direct me on my supplements and amounts. 

    • Like 1
  5. On 10/26/2018 at 1:22 PM, Elle27 said:

    My boyfriend finally got his lab test done today and I’ll have results Monday. His doc and my doc went under the assumption that I did get it from him. Nervous to have the results back. He says he’s fine with the result either way. I’ll keep you updated. 

    His IGg came back positive for hsv2 so it’s most likely that i got it from him. I’m feeling relieved.

  6. I’m taking 4,000 mg of lyseine during outbreaks, and 1500 mg of lyseine when I’m not having an outbreak. I’m taking an oregano capsule with some other  essential oils, a multivitamin, liquid b12 15,000 mg a day, liquid d3-20,000 IU a day but I’m deficient, 4000 mg of Vitamin C powder, fish oil, astralagus tincture, and tumeric tincture, and a probiotic. 

  7. Hsv1 doesn’t usually breakout as often but it doesn’t mean it won’t ever breakout again. If you’re afraid of HSV2 then go and get retested. Everyone is different, outbreaks are caused by so many different factors, physical stress, emotional stress, other illnesses- even colds. 

  8. I have them in the back of my throat and down my esophagus. I was taking a steroid nasal spray for allergies which can weaken mucosal lining allowing the virus to enter through the mouth. It’s uncommon but it’s becoming increasingly more common. I’ve been through 10 day of Acyclovir 4x/ day at 200 mg and then again 7 days of 200mg 5x/day. And I still have sores in my throat. My first outbreak I also had them on the inside of my cheeks. My initial outbreak was 9/10 and it was improving and then got worse again, my genital outbreak finally cleared however but my throat still has blisters and lesions. 

    I have ghsv2 and ohsv2.


  9. 6 minutes ago, Alisonbr said:

    Ig I was hoping the swab was a false positive and the HSV ab reactive could be too . What does that even mean . I thought it was either a positive or negative 

    It’s possible but highly unlikely. PCR is more accurate than other tests. It means your body has built up enough cells to fight the virus in your blood to be able to detect it with a blood test. Again i would get the IGG redone in 8-16 weeks. 

  10. Do outbreaks give you anxiety or make you depressed? Or pending outbreaks? Do you worry about passing herpes to a partner? Does being on antivirals make you feel better about your diagnosis? If it gives you peace of mind then I say go for it, but it’s not a “label” treatment of the medication. 

  11. 11 hours ago, Alisonbr said:

    Why do some people take them all the time? Why do some chose not to take them all the time ? Side effects of taking them or not taking them? Taking them only during outbreaks or just never? What alternative meds/ vitamins help someone with herpes symptoms and to keep it at bay ....

    Some people take them all the time to prevent less likelihood of passing to a partner that is herpes negative. Other people take them to reduce number of outbreaks if you have a lot of outbreaks, and decrease the duration that they last. Everyone is different and if it’s a new infection you might want to wait to see how often you have outbreaks before you decide on what you want to do. Has your boyfriend been tested? 


    Long term use can cause issues with your liver and be less effective over time and some people just don’t want to be on prescription meds long term. 

  12. 11 hours ago, Alisonbr said:

    That’s great . It gives me hope . Our stituation is very similar. He has no symptoms and had no idea but me I felt it two days later and my outbreak was two weeks and now in week 3 with no pain down there but major fatigue.

    My boyfriend finally got his lab test done today and I’ll have results Monday. His doc and my doc went under the assumption that I did get it from him. Nervous to have the results back. He says he’s fine with the result either way. I’ll keep you updated. 

  13. IGM is typically negative if the infection wasn’t from the past couple weeks, IGG is probably negative because it’s an infection less than 4 months old but older than two weeks. PCR is most accurate. If you are looking for a positive blood test you could retest IGG in a few months. You have HSV2 just not enough antibodies to have a positive blood test yet. 

  14. I am still with my boyfriend, we have only been together 5 months so it’s definitely been a challenge to deal with something so difficult early on in a new relationship. I truly believe he had no idea that he was positive. I am not blaming or angry with him because it doesn’t change the situation. He has been so supportive and positive through this whole thing and it’s honestly brought us closer together. I’m angry that I contracted herpes but it could have been someone previous or it could have been the next person I was with. We both had no idea that a full panel didn’t include HSV testing. I find myself upset at times because I’ve had some complications and my first outbreak lasted almost two months. He doesn’t experience herpes in the way that I do, he’s never had an outbreak and so he doesn’t really feel the diagnosis in the ways that I do. He also feels bad that he gave it to me but we don’t dwell on it. 


    Its still a work in progress figuring out how to work through this but overall I’m confident that I am falling in love with him and that we will work through this. 

  15. 12 hours ago, Alisonbr said:

    So I recently started dating this guy who is buddies with my step dad . He and I both recently asked for all std testing . Both of ours came back negitive . No surprise to me . I’ve only been with my two ex bf’s and got tested about six months after both Relationships before I entered another relationship. I have access to my most recent test on chart online and went back and looked and since when is herpes not apart of std testing ? I was tested for everything but and I’m wondering if they did the same to him. I know I didn’t have it because after I had sex with my new boyfriend I could feel something was wrong just 2-3 days later . So I went in and found out I have genital herpes and they did a blood test to see if it was a previous or recent exposure. It was recent !!! He swears up and down that he had no idea and had no symptoms and his recent std testing all case back negitive . So I wonder if his std testing didn’t include herpes like mine ? Anyone else have this ? He swears he hadn’t been with anyone since before the testing. Also my outbreak went away after 3 weeks but I’m feeling sick , tired,fatigued, low energy. Just completely drained . Is this from the herpes? Is it permanent or am I still in outbreak? Prior to this I’ve always had a low immune system . I have some other medical conditions like fibromyalgia, low iron, chronic pain, migraines, arthritis.

    Hi  dear, it’s never part of routine testing for STD panels unless you specifically ask for it... the CDC doesn’t recommend routine testing because they feel that it’s so common and most people “won’t change their sexual encounter habits”. I’m so sorry you are dealing with this. I went through the very same thing starting about 6 weeks ago. I hadn’t been with anyone in 4 years, and been tested multiple times for STD’s (which i thought were everything) during that time. My current boyfriend had also been recently tested (not knowing they weren’t testing for herpes) and I contracted it at some point. First outbreak started the week before 9/11 and I’m just finally healing up after two rounds of acyclovir. I still have numbing, tingling all over, and Im very tired. I think after the first outbreak it will take time to get back to “normal” but you may have some signs or symptoms of the virus at times even when you aren’t having an outbreak. I’m sorry you have to manage this on top of your other health conditions. You’ve come to the right place, everyone on this forum has been so helpful and supportive. 


    Hang in there!


  16. First outbreak I had canker sores on my cheeks and then on my throat. It didn’t cause too much discomfort but with this third outbreak it is much more uncomfortable, difficult to swallow, dry mouth. A lot of lesions and blisters all over the back of my throat and it feels like it goes about midway down my esophagus.


    thanks for your reply!

  17. Hey everyone, does anyone have exerience with herpes esophagitis or throat herpes?


    I got diagnosed with oral and genital hsv2 about 5 weeks ago. Outbreak cleared with acyclovir but then a second and third outbreak followed. I am almost positive I have herpes esophagitis (lesions and sore on the back of my throat) difficult to swallow and some chest pain. It was previous only recognized in immunodeficient patients but has become more commonly recognized in healthy individuals as well. I tested negative for autoimmune disorders and tested negative for HIV. Now my nighttime googling has given me anxiety about a rare complication including esophageal perforation. I’m on another round of acyclovir- 200 mg/ 5x a day for 7 days, which is the common treatment for herpes esophagitis. 





  18. Once starting to heal from the physical effects of my initial outbreak, I finally felt like I was getting back to my old self. It’s hard to feel good about anything when you are physically uncomfortable. I’m hoping that things continue to improve and that my outbreaks are fewer and far between. Sending you love and hope. 

  19. I got diagnosed 9/11/2018, It was confirmed with a PCR test with a swab of a lesion that same day. My IGg came back positive on 10/8/18. I believe I was exposed some where between July 2018- and prior to September 2018 when I had my first out break. My boyfriend and I began having unprotected sex in early July. The description on my lab says retest in 4-6 weeks if it is negative on the IGg. 


    Hope you find find some answers dear! 

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