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Posts posted by Notgoingthere

  1. On 4/26/2019 at 4:32 AM, gracie said:

    Im not sure if I’m misunderstanding the wording of your text, @Notgoingthere but male-to-female transmission is almost NEVER as high as 25%, let alone 50% unless during an active outbreak. You really should avoid sex during an outbreak because a condom will not be likely to significantly lower chances of transmission during an outbreak anyway... 

    male-to-female transmission is generally 10% risk, assuming no condom, no antivirals and no outbreak. You can lower this 10% by using antivirals and/or condoms. Theoretically, you can get male-to-female transmission as low as 1.4% but we’re also talking about human bodies, which are ridiculously variable! So a more accurate figure would be a range, depending on your own preferences and those of your partner. 

    You can get hsv2 from oral sex. I don’t know the stats on that, I just know it’s rare. Like really rare. Hsv1 May or May not have preventative properties against contractive hsv2. Cool stuff, seeing as though nearly half the human population already has hsv1. 

    From personal experience: 3 year relationship, female (hsv2, genital) and male (hsv negative) we don’t use any protection and do literally everything under the moon in terms of intimacy. I do take daily antivirals, and avoid any form of touching/intercourse when having an outbreak. 

    Hope this helps, good luck!

    I’m throwing this out there due to my experience. The person who gave me herpes is a male who still believes he doesn’t have it due to men not having OB as much as women do. He did not have an outbreak and I still got HSV-1 genitally which isn’t commonly found genitally. As far as my statistics I got them off of paperwork my doctor gave me as well as a credible source on the internet 

  2. 15 hours ago, UnluckyMan said:

    That’s EXACTLY what I got after having sex with a HSV 2 positive female.  A fucking big ass bump that appeared in my pubic hair five days after exposure.  Didn't look like typical herpes but i never get anything like that in my pubic area.  So I knew it had to be herpes.  Lasted for weeks.  When it burst the second time, it bled like crazy.  

    I’ve been dealing with herpes symptoms ever since for the last 7 months, but get all negative blood tests.  All other STD tests are negative as well.  

    I was perfectly healthy before I had sex with this HSV positive woman.  Now im itching and burning in my groin and anus almost every day. Maybe five days I’ll feel normal, then the bullshit restarts all over again for weeks.  It comes in cycles just like herpes.

    I don’t trust anyones advice about herpes. No one truly understands this virus. I know that I’m infected.  The medical community knows jack shit about this virus.  The blood test is fucking bullshit.  So many people probably have herpes and don’t even realize it because they cant fucking make a proper test to diagnosis it.  False positives and false negatives bullshit.  

    This is a lifelong fucking virus.  There should be no fucking false anything.  Shit pisses me the fuck off.

    I feel sorry for you and your boyfriend.  I truly do.  I’ve been suffering everyday with this shit.  I’ve seen numerous doctors and they all give me bullshit answers.  

    “Drink more water, drink cranberry juice.”  

    Yea fuck off. I wish i could give them this shit so I can look them in their fucking eyea and go tell them to drink some fucking cranberry juice.

    For the love of god! Go next time you have a blister go and get a swab test! Those are 100% accurate! 

    @UnluckyMan they have to give you a swab test! Don’t pop your next blister don’t put cream on your next blister! Leave it be and make an appointment ASAP! 

  3. So I know it’s painful! The fear of being rejected for something that we can’t control is horrifying. But as seen in the picture this is why it’s our moral obligation to disclose. This woman of 22 years contracted herpes and had no idea she had it. 

    When you go to a doctor and ask to be STD tested they do not always test for herpes! You have to ask!

    Now most people are not aware of this but having herpes, woman can not have a vaginal birth even if you’ve never had an Ob or shown any symptoms. Due to shedding you can pass whichever type of Herpes to your baby and as a new born they can not fight it off, they’ll die. So in other words it’s so important to disclose. I’d also say I wouldn’t take the risk of having a vaginal birth even if your doctor says it’s fine. 

    • Like 1
  4. Having type one don’t expect to have a lot of OBs. At least you shouldn’t. As far as the itching I have no idea because I’m constantly itchy down there due to having lichen sclerosis and chronic yeast infections. 

    Ive has it for almost a year and I’ve only had my initial Ob. 

    I think it’s the overall symptoms of your OB lasts 2 to 4 weeks. 


    You are heeling so expect to be a little itchy down there. Also make sure your extremely clean down there as well.

  5. 2 hours ago, angryandoverit said:

    Thanks for your reply! I don’t think that I have that. Since being on the medication (I started December 2018), I haven’t been itchy at all really. And the drynesss started way before I started taking the medication. Like two weeks after I was exposed (August 2017). So... idk. It’s really irritating. But there has to be a cause. One of which I am determined to figure out

    I’ve messaged you

  6. I am 22 so a little younger! I’ve had it for almost a year now. I met this guy I was honest and open about the fourth date in. He had HPV and disclosed to me as well. He told me he had to think about it. An hour later he texted me that he just couldn’t risk getting another std. Then a week later I texted him over the hurt and wanted to be friends. He invited me and over and since my birthday was that Tuesday he wanted to take me out for it. That Monday he invited me over for the first time. We got really physical not sex but close. He held me and it was nice. I really enjoyed being with him. On my birthday he texted me that he just cant do it. He rejected me on my birthday after getting naked for him. All I asked was I can meet you at your place and we can go somewhere on your side of town for my birthday, would that be okay? I got I can’t do this anymore I know it’s your birthday but I just don’t want to hurt you and I can’t afford to get another std. 🙄🙄🙄 So bottom line disclose when you are ready. Rejection is always a possibility. But there are several people in my life who has it and are in healthy relationships. 


    Im also very sorry for your loss!

  7. 7 hours ago, vihsv1 said:

    I can relate! I got diagnosed in October and since then have been through a roller coaster of BV, yeast infections, and now this new symptom that causes the skin on my vulva to be dry and split open which is incredibly uncomfortable and I’ve been to a series of doctors (none of which provide much useful info) and have no idea what to do next. I do take valeted every day, and took an increased dose when this came up at first but it didn’t help the symptom. It’s like I’ve got a vertical fissure right above the clitoral hood that will not heal. It splits open if I squat down sometimes. It’s awful. 

    Same questions to you! Are you itchy? are you taking new mediciations since your first Ob? 


    Also I have chronic yeast infections I’ve had them since I started becoming sexually active anout 5 years ago. I kept having them come up and I tried to treat them myself but they weren’t going away. Lichen sclerousus is what I got diagnosed with. It went untreated for almost 6 months. It was an unbearable itching down there to the point I wanted to rip off my vagina.  It sounds like you ladies have it too. It causes severe dryness and fissures to appear. It can be all over your genitals from you vulva to your anus. I’d do a google search.

    also the reason I ask about the medicine is because I know a side of affect of some of the herpes medicine causes severe dehydration and dryness. That could also be a cause 


  8. On 2/19/2019 at 8:09 PM, angryandoverit said:

    So I was exposed about 1.5 years ago: July 2017. Since then, life has not been all that great with my body. For one thing (and this is the biggest thing), I’ve experienced vaginal dryness, which seems to just be getting worse. I NEVER had a problem with that before and now that combined with this has been unbearable. I went to two OB/GYNs whose best advice was just to “use lube,” which clearly would not address the root of the problem. I finally found a third OB/GYN who looked a little more into it and tested my estradiol levels; however she said that they were “high” for my age (103, 24 y/o) so I don’t know if that is the culprit. I know that these things technically don’t overlap, so I just feel so discouraged. Has anyone else hasn’t this problem?

    Next, I’ve found myself getting sick far more often: on the order of at least once a month. This just began last year November. Prior to this, I got sick at most like three times a year.  Could it be related? It just feels that since being exposed, my life has not been the same (in a not good way). Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

    Okay one problem at a time! Are you itchy down there?? Are you taking any medications for herpes? Or in general since your diagnosis.

    You have a virus constantly attacking your system, so yes it is a possibility of getting sick easier and more often. 


    One thing ive learned are doctors are the most useless people on the planet! 

    • Like 1
  9. 31 minutes ago, sweetlove884 said:

    I have both types and transmitted HSV1 through oral to his genitals.  I didn't have a sore at the time, but I got one a week later. I transmitted HSV2 to another person through unprotected vaginal sex.

    @Notgoingthere. I would suggest always using a condom for oral because of what happened to me.   

    So you have had an outbreak? Or you got a sore on your mouth?  

    And I did state that you should wear a condom for oral sex.

  10. On 2/26/2019 at 11:33 PM, Joe Joe said:

    By the way I am a smoker. Work in a very stressful environment. I’m in fair shape for not going to the gym in a while. I plan to go back. I just started taking olive leaf extract pills and oregano oil. I’ve read about oregano oil being able to destroy the virus and supposedly cure it but that’s probably fantasy land and I don’t want to be the one to misinform any one or get their hopes up because I’ve got my hopes up from reading and I guess I still have my hopes up in some way. Lol idk. I even watched James destroys diseases but I would never be able to follow his all fruit diet and protocol unless I knew it was 100 cure. Also nobody ever comments back to being “cured” in his videos but some people have made claims of retesting negative. Somewhat interesting I guess. Like I’ve said this had consumed my life. Even had a dream or nightmare I should say that I broke out all over my lips. I just really wish there was a cure. I would do anything to take my life back. 

    Hey @Joe Joe

    Well let me tell you this. I have only had one outbreak. I haven’t changed my eating habits and I don’t really work out. I constantly remain stressed out. For your health in general I’d quit smoking but I’ve never heard it correlate. NEVER TRUSR ANYONE THAT SAYS ITS A CURE! btw sometimes the blood tests can read a false negative and that’s probably what those cases are.

  11. It might be unlikely but it definitely happens! I don’t like when they say unlikely. It’s not never and it gives people false hope. It is likely. When they use unlikely to me it translates to they don’t really know, that they are guessing.

    all I’m trying to say is when it comes to this virus never say never. It’ll surprise you all the time.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Michgirl73 said:

    I know u can get 1 and 2 in both locations but once they are in one location thEy don’t usually transfer.

    Tell that to my vagina! 😂 I don’t trust these supposed professionals and doctors. To be honest despite the fact the first written documented case of herpes was during the period of Ancient Greece, we still don’t know that much about the virus. I’ve even talked to a person where she had a cold sore didn’t think much of it replaced her tampon and got type one genitally. It can transfer! It doesn’t matter if you have the virus in one area! 

  13. DO NOT GIVE HIM THE MEDICINE TO POP THE BLISTERS! The best way to test is to take a sample of those blisters. Unfortunately it doesn’t sound like it! BUT ITS NOT YOUR FAULT! You were honest and he did his research and was okay with it. He made the choice and so it’s no ones fault! You did everything Right and so did he. It happens but his life isn’t over just like yours isn’t. If he doesn’t care take his word for it! 

  14. 1 hour ago, Cia6666 said:

    Hey, yes she knows that I have hsv2 and so far we have not had sex. I’m not in a big hurry to do so as I would feel terrible if she got it from me. Just trying to weigh the options. 


    Many thanks!

    Okay woman are more likely to get to STD than men due to the way woman are made. So with that being said she does have a higher chance of getting it. Also when you feel ready, I’d say with the medication as well as a condom the likely hood of you passing it there’s always a chance but a very small one.


    with medicine it’s a 50% chance that she won’t get it add a condom I believe it gets you up to 75% chance you won’t infect her. 


    But make sure you aren’t having an outbreak before you have sex that also lowers your chances of spread. 

    This is a little personal, but from talking to people it is easier to spread through anal, so if you’re into that I wouldn’t.

  15. Yea that’s why it’s bizarre it shouldn’t be affecting anywhere on your upper half. 

    It’s really irritating that these places keep saying that. There is always a chance with this virus and frankly those doctors haven’t really been able to figure that much about it.

    fun fact: the first written down case of herpes was during the Ancient Greek civilization. 

  16. I don’t know which doctor keeps coming up with this who keeps sharing this with our community but it’s false! I have had type one Oral herpes ever since I was a little girl! Last May I got genital type one Herpes. 

    The chances of it spreading is 50/50. If the guy had a cold sore on his mouth I’d say it’s more like 80/20 that you’d get it. 

    So think of antibodies like keys and antigens(the virus) a lock. Antibodies try to form themselves so they can fit into that lock. Each antigen has different antibodies that are attached to it. To answer your question, no the flu shot is basically injecting you with antigens so your body can immediately start creating antibodies which is why sometimes you get sick with the flu. The first time you get the virus it takes a little while for the antibodies to form but once you get the virus or infection again your body will already have the correct antibodies to fight it off. 

    So there are two types of herpes HSV-1 (oral) and HSV-2 (genital). They are two different strains of the virus. Type one can transfer to both genital and oral and type two can be both genital and oral. 

    My suggestion to you is go to your doctor and get a blood test. You could have given him oral herpes and then he could have transferred it to you genitally. The blood test can be pointless though because it does not tell you where in your body you have it. If he ended up giving you type two then you’ll know, though. I’d also suggest you go to your OBGYN and she give you a Pap smear and test for all STDS.. I will be honest I have heard other woman talk about a burning sensation in their legs. The virus sits in your lower spinal cord. So I have heard tingling in people’s lower half. You might just be paranoid though, which is okay it happens to us all. 

  17. So from my understanding all medicine works the same way for herpes. The reason they have several is because some of the side effects affect others more. So if valtrex ends up causing you harm, then you can switch to another one. 


    Does your partner know? 

    3 hours ago, Cia6666 said:

    Thanks everyone for the advice here. I’m trying to navigate sleeping with someone who is hsv2 negative. 


    What about valtrex does everyone out there take it who is with someone who is negative? 


    Thanks 🙏 


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