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Posts posted by MarieH

  1. his reaction lol....he said "well that's not good" and that's all. So my first official rejection over with as well BUT as stated. He doesn't mean anything to me, I mostly told him because he was really into me and I didn't want him to think he was Idk.....being blown off and then be nervous to show interest in someone for fear of it happening again. So I mostly did it trying to be nice, also it was a good practice run for when I like someone. If it's the first disclosure and first rejection of someone I care about: man that would have stung a little.    

  2. I disclosed to a man today. He wasn't an important man, we had gone out a one date and when I found out I had H i cut him off. "ghosted him" as the term is. I know it wasn't the right thing to do, I texted him last week about apologizing for that and simply stated that "I was going through something".

    He follows up a week later and asks what's wrong. So....I told him. It was okay, I was not very invested as I didn't know him well but I did it. I disclosed and the world didn't end. I can do it again, I will be more nervous when it is someone I have developed feelings for but just the same thing again.

    I think I might be able to do this. I'm not ready to date and am 100% NOT looking to right now but the point is when I am ready it's just not as big of deal as I thought to disclose. 

    I wish my infector had disclosed to me, I will never ever do that to anyone. It's not so much just a skin disease but first exposure makes you very sick, which I am still going through.   

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  3. Literally just happened to me too. It sounds like a new exposure to me with the body sickness. Honestly it was him. He gave it to you. He might not have known or he did not tell you. He needs to know so he doesn't keep shedding on other people. 

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  4. I had just changed to a natural peanut butter that was sooooo good. I went through 2 tubs a month. I was a peanut butter monster. It was high in protein too. I need to revamp my protein sources since nuts and peanut butter aren't acceptable fillers anymore 

  5. It was the only thing on the "no" list I couldn't cut out. I traded out my oat based cereals for rice based ones. That was easy. threw away all my nuts and chocolate. Didn't restock my peanut butter < /3. I will miss the pn butter. 

  6. I'm new to H, and have been freaking out as happens during a new DX. Today I took charge. I changed my diet to reduce arginine as much as I can as well as stocking up on lysine rich foods. I already ate clean and GF so it was not a huge change. (I will miss peanut butter, I loooooooooooove it) The only thing is, I'm a body builder....I can't stop taking protein supplements. I have gotten L-lysine tablets to counter balance it. Does anyone know of any shakes or bars that are low in arginine? 


    On a side note: I have tried not taking supplements before, I don't makes gains. I'm a women, I need help gaining with shakes or protein bars. 

  7. Today at work I was able to engage  with patients in a real way. I enjoyed a song, and made a joke. These seem like simple things but really they are a big step.  I hadn't enjoyed anything in almost a week, not a single second of anything. And my herp fever is dramatically improved since yesterday. It's not gone but it's alot less now. This site has helped alot. Reading other people's stories, I feel like alone, less gross because I don't think that any of you are gross, you are just people. But....i thought I was....that didn't actually make any sense. I see that now, I didn't think of anyone else who had it was defined by their disease. Yet here I was defining myself by it.  I am going to go back to going to the gym tomorrow. I'm done hiding, although I am not even remotely close to anything that resembles dating. I am taking a vacation from that for as long as I need to. I 

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  8. I would not have to be honest, I just got way unlucky and he was shedding when were together. We used condoms at all times. My luck just sucks. If he had been on on anti virals this prob would not have happened. But he did not disclose and here I am. The chance of slim and I got it. 

  9. sounds like a low risk but also sounds like what this forum is meant for. you might have been positive for a long time and not known it. kids get type 1 from their parents and other casual contact with family. it is quite common. don't freak out okay 💛 I am freaking out currently but my story is very different. I really don't want anyone to feel badly or close to how  I feel for no reason. Don't do that to yourself. Type 1 is very common on the mouth. It is openly talked about with no judgment in every conversation I have had with other people in the past. along the lines of "oh im sick so i got a cold sore", "oh sucks,  feel better". That's it. It sounds like that's what happen, you got sick, so you got a small cold sore maybe. I of course don't even know if it was, maybe it was a zip 

  10. Do the dots inch or burn? the skin is the weirdest organ, it just...does things all the time. I would speak the doctor to confirm but if these dots don't have any pain, itching, or burning....I think it's unlikely to be an outbreak. If it started at the start of your meds you could be having a reaction to them.  

  11. If many dif. meds aren't working you may want to work on general health. Eating well, getting  a a healthy weight (if you aren't already), working out, and finding ways to de-stress. A generally unhealthy body will not be able to fight the virus as well as a healthy one. That's really my only input here. I'm a nurse and I find this is correct in any health condition I have ever seen. 

  12. as far as I understand. all lesions or sores have to be 100 percent gone. there is also "shedding" of the virus so use protection. I assume you have a SO to whom you would like this activity to occur with since singles with this disease do not seem as certain of sex.  Disclosure,  condoms, and anti virals to reduce chance of spreading 


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