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Posts posted by 100918

  1. If it makes you feel any better, Chicken Pox is also part of the Herpes family of virus. And just like Chicken Pox, it lies dormant in our bodies and then can flare up (in the form of Shingles as in the case of chicken pox).

    And back in the day, and even now...people had/have chicken pox parties and willingly share the virus...knowing that it will forever be in our bodies. And no one bats an eye. The only reason there is stigma attached to HSV is because it is spread through sexual contact...but it's still the same family of virus. 

    HSV flares up more often, but is very similar to chicken pox...bumps, pop/burst, scab, some discomfort, repeat.

    The only real difference is that HSV can shed and be spread when you don't have symptoms whereas with chicken pox, while it's dormant, it doesn't shed.

    The more I learn about HSV, the less I think it's a big deal. Should definitely still disclose, but not a big deal.

  2. No. 

    If you are not attracted to him, it is already the beginning of the end. Physical attraction is generally not something that will develop. If you already don't have those feelings for him, the odds are that you will never feel that and the relationship will not last.

    It is also not fair to him to be put in a position to where he may become HSV+ and then have to disclose for the rest of his life.

    NO ONE should "settle" for someone...and you already know that you would be settling. Don't do it. You both deserve better.

    • Like 1
  3. The advantage of being with someone who already has HSV2 is that you cannot spread it to them again. They already have it, so no worries.

    As far as oral, my boyfriend is HSV-negative and we love oral. If you are recently diagnosed, you will probably want to be on suppressive meds, and be aware that you can still shed the virus to someone even if you have no symptoms. That is true no matter how long you've had it. And, if you have symptoms, then you should definitely avoid sex (including oral) until your outbreak is over.

    You need to be sure to disclose to all partners so that they can make an informed choice about having sexual relations with you. When I disclosed to my boyfriend, he was very clear that he did not care about HSV at all...that it was a non-issue. We've been together for close to a year now. We have a great sex life and he remains negative for HSV.

    It is very possible to have a great sex life...just be responsible, disclose, and discuss with your partner the precautions that you are both comfortable with taking (or not taking). 

  4. 1 minute ago, Emd44 said:

    @100918 Oh wow , I’m sorry to hear that... I have gotten the shot the past two years and have been fine with it. However those times I got it I didn’t have the Ghsv-1. So that’s why I’m curious what’s going on. unfortunately for work  i have to get one every year.

    Can you not exempt out and wear a mask? I know a lot of people in the medical field who refuse it and wear a face mask during "flu" season...

  5. I have no idea if it can trigger an OB, but the flu shot can trigger all sorts of nasty stuff. Have you read the big, long insert that comes with the vial, not that little printed "info" sheet they give you? It is full of nasty crap and has a LONG list of adverse reactions. I got one in my life...and I am still dealing with the injury it caused...16 years later...


  6. Agreed that you are rolling the dice by not using condoms. That said, I was diagnosed as HSV2+ about a year ago, have been with my boyfriend for 8 months, we have not used condoms in 6 months (and being honest, we weren't good about using them before then either, but have been exclusively no condoms for 6 months), and he is still negative.

    I don't take antivirals, but I also have never had an outbreak that I'm aware of. My boyfriend understands that there is always a small risk that I could shed the virus to him, but he has been willing to take that risk and it is not a big deal to him. He had the same reaction that you did...that HSV2 does not define our relationship. It actually has had zero impact on our relationship and it's something that we honestly don't even discuss and have not discussed beyond the initial disclosure and a mention of it once the next day.

  7. If you are having suicidal thoughts, you need to go see a doctor. I can promise you that Herpes is not the end of the world! The first disclosure is terrifying, and when I first disclosed, it was within 15 minutes of being told that my blood test was positive for HSV-2. That guy did not take it well and I felt awful. HOWEVER, shortly thereafter, he came around and decided he wanted to be with me. I then rejected him because I did not want to be with someone who could not handle the good and the 'bad'. 

    A few months later, I met my boyfriend. I disclosed to him on our first date (we had been talking for a couple weeks prior to the first date and I just *KNEW* that he was something special) and he has been nothing short of amazing. We have been together for over 7 months and things are great!

    That first guy is actually a bit jealous that I found someone else and regularly texts me to tell me that he doesn't like that the other guy has me, that he wishes we were together, etc. I do not reciprocate those feelings and delete his texts...but telling you this so that you know that having herpes is not the worst thing that could happen.  Out of 2 disclosures, I had one full acceptance with no hesitation, and one hesitation who now wants to be with me (and never will be!).

    I would also like to mention that being diagnosed with herpes has also made me much more selective about who I would choose to date, and by association, disclose to. The first guy, I told because I was in shock and hadn't thought anything through. In hindsight, I knew that he was not a good fit for me and I would not tell him again if I could go back. But, during those few months after disclosing to guy #1, I really sat back and assessed what I wanted, what I would not settle for, what my standards are...and I decided that for me to disclose to someone, he had better be pretty damn amazing. If I thought for a second that my guy would open his mouth and tell a soul, then he clearly is not the right person for me to be with and disclose to. If you have a fear that telling a partner would result in word spreading, then that is your gut telling you that the person is not worth your time to be with. A partner who truly cares about you will not tell anyone about your medical history, regardless of the outcome of the relationship. 

    In this way, herpes is a blessing because it has really made me much more selective in who I choose as a partner. Try to look at it in this way. It has helped me.

    And please - go see a doctor about your thoughts of suicide. That is a permanent solution to a temporary problem! It does get better, I promise!!!

  8. It is my understanding that if you have oral HSV-1, it will not later become genital. You can become infected with HSV-1 orally and genitally at the same time, but I could swear that I read that once your infection is established, it will not migrate. Once it has settled in a region, that should be it. If you know you had oral HSV-1 and that was established and then down the road these folliculitis-looking sores popped up and they have never swabbed positive, I would bet that you do not actually have HSV genitally. And the sores that your daughter has that match yours are also probably folliculitis.

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you are stressing yourself out over nothing.


  9. First, thank you for understanding that it was not an easy thing for him to disclose - fear of rejection, fear of the unknown, fear of what your reaction might have been.

    I know when I disclosed to my boyfriend, I was TERRIFIED...I had found this great guy, he was absolutely amazing...but he had previously disclosed to me that he was "squeaky clean"...and I was so scared that he was going to reject me simply based on the fact that he was so quick to assure me that he knew he was free of any STD/STIs. Would he want to be with me?

    And when I disclosed, he surprised me in the best way possible. He told me that it was NOTHING. Made sure I said HSV and not HIV, and then reiterated that Herpes is NOTHING to him. And that he wanted to be with me.

    It's been about 7 months now, and things are still amazing. He is still negative, and life is good.

    My best advice is to keep learning about it. Learn ways to reduce the risk of transmission, make sure you are comfortable with the facts, and then decide how you want to proceed. It is easier for a man to spread HSV to a woman than it is for a woman to spread it to a man, but with proper precautions, you can reduce the risk to a very low number. Adrial (Mr_Hopp) has been married for years and has a child with his wife and she is still negative last I saw...so it is very possible to have a great, active sex life with someone who is HSV+ and not get it...just know that it is still possible TO get it, so don't put on the rose colored glasses and think it for sure won't happen...because it still can.

    However, if you truly feel like this guy is IT for you, then honestly, it won't matter if you do get it if you will be together for the long run/forever. I honestly think this is why it was such a non-issue for my boyfriend.

    • Like 2
  10. The first thing you do is dump him.

    You WILL find someone amazing to be with who will not treat you like crap. No One ever has the right to treat you like crap.

    I met someone almost 4 months after I was diagnosed, and he has been nothing short of amazing. He is HSV-negative and has no worries about if he gets it from me. And he treats me like a princess. He has NEVER thrown HSV in my face and it is not even something that we talk about. I disclosed, we briefly talked about it, he told me that it is a non-issue to him, and that's that.

    Do NOT settle for someone who treats you like shit. Get rid of him, work on yourself, and when you're ready, get back out into the dating world. You are worthy of being loved and treated well...don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    • Like 5
  11. Don't give up! When I was first diagnosed, I had been on one date with one guy, and told him within about 15 minutes of finding out. He rejected me. Then he came around and I rejected him.

    Then I met someone else a few months later. We spent a couple weeks texting and talking on the phone before we met up in person. On our first actual date, I disclosed to him and he accepted me 100%. We've been together for nearly 7 months now and going very strong.

    Don't let one rejection stop you from finding someone great! If I had let that first *sshole stop me from putting myself out there, I never would have met my boyfriend and I would be missing out on so much happiness.

    • Like 2
  12. 21 hours ago, hazeleyes44 said:

    @100918 what do you think is the reason you don’t get outbreaks? If you don’t have outbreaks and have never transmitted it, how do you know your test wasn’t a false positive? 

    To be honest, I do sometimes wonder if my test wasn't a false positive, but the number came back at >8, so the chances of that being a false positive seem pretty low. I do plan to get the Western Blot to confirm one way or the other, though.

    I have no idea why I have never had an outbreak...or if I had in the past, I didn't know that's what it was. But since getting the results of my blood test almost a year ago, I have been hyper-aware of everything, and I have had no outbreaks. 

    I did call up to UW to ask them about the possibility of a false positive when I was first diagnosed, and the lady on the phone said that it was possible given that I had been somewhat recently exposed to chicken pox (also part of the Herpes family). 

    I have not yet gotten the Western Blot test, so to be safe I did disclose to my boyfriend that I had a positive test. It was terrifying because I didn't know how he would react or if I would lose him, but he is amazing and told me that it was nothing to him...and he has held true to that. He is not concerned about it and knows that there is a risk (assuming my test was accurate) and he is willing to take it to be with me.

    This is also the only person I've been with in almost 11 years. I was completely celibate for 10 years (which is how I know that I had to have gotten it at least 11 years ago), so there was no chance to pass it along to anyone else 😉

  13. Unless you are trying to procreate, it is generally not advised to have unprotected sex unless your partner is full aware and accepts that there is still a risk to get HSV, even if you are on suppressive therapy.

    If your partner is aware of that risk and is willing to take it, then have at it.

    In my case, my partner is aware of the risks of transmission, and I am not on suppressive therapy. I also do not get outbreaks...and he is okay with the potential risk and is willing to take it, so we have unprotected sex (I cannot get pregnant so no worries there). I have also been positive for at least 11 years (but only found out last year). We have been together for about 7 months and he has not gotten HSV from me. We have had unprotected sex for almost the entire time.

  14. 2 hours ago, makepeacewithit said:

    Jessy, I think you disclose in a way that is similar to what you've written here. Explain that, once upon a time, you had something happen that you thought might be an outbreak. You went to the doctor and were tested. The doctor told you everything was negative and you were thrilled and went on with your life. Now you are experiencing something again and you are concerned and want to get re-tested. You have done research and have learned some things that make you worry that the original doctor was either mistaken or poorly informed. You don't know what you are going to find out from the testing, but now you are worried what he is going to think about the situation.

    You have done nothing wrong. You acted out of certainty and faith in the doctor's opinion at the time. You've learned new information and you desire to be proactive about it. You can do this. 

    Exactly THIS!

    You were not being deceptive and not disclosing a positive result. You were living your life based on information that was given to you by your doctor and had no reason to believe that you had HSV. Now that you have symptoms presenting, tell your husband and both of you can go get tested.

    Honestly, for all you know, you really were negative back then and your now-husband was an asymptomatic carrier all this time and gave it to you unknowingly. HSV is so common that it's possible that he is positive and doesn't know. The best thing you can do is be honest with your husband, get tested, get confirmation, and move on. If your husband is negative, then you'll know to take measures to protect him. If he's positive too, then honestly, you just move on as you were.

    • Like 1
  15. I have lived in AZ for many years. Have not had a single outbreak. Matter of fact, for almost the entire time I've been HSV+, I've lived in hot states. I've never had an OB.

    But please take my experience with a grain of salt as I've never had an OB that I am aware of. I was diagnosed by blood test alone and none of the usual 'triggers', trigger me. Not alcohol, waxing, heat, stress, etc...

    But I will also say that you will love AZ. Another option if you don't want the extreme heat is to move up toward Flagstaff. They have all 4 seasons there and the summers are not nearly as intense as in the desert.

  16. When I was first diagnosed, I felt a lot the same way you do. I was thinking about it constantly and worried that I would never find someone who would love me for me...

    My story is different than yours in that I was single and celibate for nearly 10 years before deciding to start dating and had a full panel done in anticipation of starting a sexual relationship. Wanted to be able to tell a future partner that I didn't have anything, and then BAM! Surprise to me...I've had HSV2 for at least 10 years and didn't know.

    About 3 months later, I met an amazing man who is HSV-negative. And he is not scared off by the fact that I am positive. We have been together for nearly 6 months now, and he is still negative. We have an amazing sex life, and an even better relationship. HSV is something that I barely think about now. I really only think about it when I log in here to read people's stories and see if there is anything I can do to help someone who is in the position I was in 9 months ago. Otherwise, HSV is not on my mind, ever.

    HSV does not define you. Being so fresh off a separation/breakup, I would recommend taking time to work on rebuilding your life, and working on self-love. Knowing your worth and knowing that you have a lot to offer someone is going to be key to allowing yourself to find happiness and to not settle for someone just because he might say he's okay with your disclosure. Set your standards high, know you are worth it, and keep your head up. You WILL be okay!

  17. If someone, as you put it, bounces after being disclosed to, I would not fault them for that...where I will shame someone is their reaction and how they treat a person after being disclosed to. If the person is a total dick about it, then yes, I will call them what they are...an asshole (male or female). If they are kind but let you know that they are not comfortable with the potential to being exposed, that's great. Like anything else in life, it's all in the delivery.

    If someone doesn't like a dinner I make, I am cool if they say they don't prefer it or wouldn't like to have it again. Tell me it's a disgusting plate of slop and I might just punch you in the throat.

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    • Haha 1
  18. 2 hours ago, hazeleyes44 said:

    That’s easy to say to someone who has no problem getting dates, get rejected and try again, but when you really struggle and only date once in a while those rejections are BRUTAL. I’m at the point that I’d rather lower my standards and be with someone than be alone forever. 

    I'm going to repeat what I said above...especially after reading this...

    You may need to take time to work on self-love for a bit because you attract what you put out into the world. So, if you are putting out the vibe that you do not value yourself or feel there is something "wrong" with you, you will attract someone who does not value you and will see this as a something wrong with you. When you put out the vibe that you are amazing and worthy of the very best, that is what you will attract...you may still attract some toads, too...but you will also attract quality men. Weed through and toss the toads.

  19. If he is educated about HSV, which it sounds like he is, and he knew fully what the potential risks were, then I would also believe him that he is not upset with potentially having gotten HSV from you. 

    My boyfriend had the exact same reaction as yours, except his ex didn't have it. Fortunately, we have been together for 5 months and he has not gotten it, but if he does, I honestly will not feel guilty or awful about it because he made an educated decision. I would only feel awful if I had not disclosed. He is a grown adult who is capable of making his own decisions. We had the adult conversation about it. That's all we can do.

    You disclosed, you did your part. He was aware of the potential risks and chose to take them because he wants to be with YOU. 

    There is nothing for you to do here except to be for him the same way you would if he was going through anything else with his health.

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