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Everything posted by Michelle96

  1. Hi, I currently have HSV2. And sometimes struggles to get things going down below. What lube would be best to use as we obviously need to use condoms! PleaSe help
  2. I found out in August. My partner has had cold sores for years
  3. Help? I have HSV2. If the other person suffers from cold sores can I still give them HSV2? Or can I now get cold sores? I’m so confused
  4. Hi everyone, found out roughly two months ago I was positive for HSV2..I’m only 22. I’ve so many questions but I don’t know where to go to ask them. My case was awful. I went to hospital complaining of blisters and doctors said it was an allergic reaction. Told me it would pass. 5 days later I was in so much pain, nothing was helping. Went back to a different doctor. Again said it was just a reaction gave me a steroid cream and some tablets. Another week passed and I couldn’t stand, I couldn’t lay down, I couldn’t sit or walk or anything. I hadn’t slept and I was constantly crying. So 3 weeks after my first doctor interaction I went straight to A&E and cried with pain. I was then hospitalized for 5 days as I was retaining so much fluids, my case had gotten so severe, the cream I was given had made it a lot worse and I shouldn’t have been using it, the tablets I was given shouldn’t have been mixed together. I’ve been left with scars mentally and physically. Within the two months since, I’m currently going through my second breakout. What do I do? Is there medications to stop the breakouts? Is there certain things that cause the breakouts? What am I now unable to do? Can I go to a public swimming pool? Can I use sunbeds? Can I share a bath with someone? is there certain body washes I need to stay away from? the list goes on and on.... Please someone help
  5. Hey! Definetely looking a buddy to chat with! Im female 22years old live in Dublin, Ireland
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