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Everything posted by Lovenhope

  1. Was diagnosed at the beginning of November. My entire life has been nothing but crying and defeat. When does it get better? Seems like every 2 weeks I'm calling into my Dr. Having them refill my perscription. And every time I'm a huge mess feeling so defeated. Trying to eat as healthy as possible, working out as much as possible but fear it'll just make it worse, I don't drink too often and when I do I drink vodka water to make sure sugar content is low.... Just feel like my life will never get back to having hope and happiness. Any suggestions? 😞
  2. Im a female...recently was diagnosed with gH..don't know which mind yet. I have to say that this forum has saved my life, literally. I've had several worries/concerns in attempting to take control of my life. I apologize if some of these questions are stupid. 1. I know there's research to show that H can't be spread through sheets, towels, toliets, etc. Does this include towels recently used after a shower? Not that I share towels with anyone but it causes great anxiety to think that I can give it to someone else after I shower if they happen to use or touch it. 2. I've read that transmission rates significantly decrease (1% from female to male) with medication and condoms and avoiding sex during an OB. Does it lower it even more if there is some sort of other "protector" like a make wearing boxers? Or female wearing some sort of underwear that limits skin to skin contact? 3. Females- how do you go about showering and keeping it all clean? I've had major anxiety about touching down there while washing my body. I use a mesh body sponge for my body but afraid to use the same one to wash down there. To be honest I've been using a wet paper towel or wet toliet paper so that I can throw it out after each shower and I immediately wash my hands even though I just used soap to wash my body...(I know I probably sound crazy) 4. Transmission rates: I've read that it is 1% from female to male when all procautions have been taken per year. What does that really mean 1% per year? I know it varies from person to person. 5. Ive read that it is very rare for someone to get it on their fingers. When a male uses their hands or fingers to stimulate is there any sort of protection for them? Ive read dental dams work for oral. Just attempting to get as much info as I can. As well as ease my brain back down from the edge of a mental break down. Not at all ready for any kind of relationship nor am I even close to being ready to disclose to anyone. So just taking baby steps to getting my life back. 😞
  3. Thank you for the reply. I am truely hoping that joining this will give me some comfort. As my doctor said I am reacting like someone who has just lost a family member reacts and that this isn't a big deal and turned around and recommend some anti-anxiety medication. When in reality I do feel like I lost a family member, and that family member is me or my life goals specifically. I don't know how I'll ever be at peace with this stigma. I know I can handle it as apart of me, but how is anyone else going to accept it and still want to be with me? Is there ever a day I'm going to stop crying? I just turned 31 and feel like my time is running out already for what I want in life, and now I feel like this diagnosis just flat out stole everything from me.
  4. Recently was diagnosed with ghsv transmitted from a sexual assult. This entire thing has brought me to such a low place. All I have ever wanted was to be a wife, have kids, and enjoy being a family. As much as I have found a little bit of hope here reading other people's journeys, everyone continually says that it's possible to have a full happy life, right now I feel like I have no purpose. When does it get better? How do you get someone to care for you so much that they can look past this? So lost. So hopeless. Looking for anything to make me believe in happiness again.
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