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Posts posted by Tk2019

  1. I will definitely have to check out that channel. I'm pretty new to these forums so I don't know who that is lol. How did she find out it was hpv? Is that not included in a regular STD panel? I had the full works done at my last visit and I was negative for everything except hsv1 which I've had for years like most people. Also I have PTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder. I spent years in counseling, taking meds and even a brief inpatient stint. I haven't had any of that in years and I felt like I was much more mentally stable until this happened. I do think God was trying to tell me something about the way I've been living. I appreciate the kind words and support 🙂

  2. Thank you I was thinking about therapy earlier today. I just don't really feel like I have anyone else I can talk to about this. I tried reaching out to the person who gave it to me today but he shut down as soon as he found out why I was contacting him.

    I don't think the swab test was a false positive. The blisters were very painful but they disappeared as soon as I started taking the acyclovir. So I think if it was a misdiagnosis the medicine would not have been effective. 

  3. So two months ago I had my first outbreak after spending a night with someone I really thought I had deep feelings for. The following week I contacted him because I had noticed a "paper cut" on my labia and even though it was healing I felt another blister coming up lower and more on the outside of my genitals. I knew what it was right away and asked if he had ever been tested and what his history was. He didn't know anything about it but offered to pay for all my medical bills and treatment because I had recently lost my job and had no income or insurance. 

    The doctor diagnosed it as h on sight but ordered a swab which confirmed hsv2. My partner was pretty upset as he was the obvious culprit but after his IGG came back negative the last I heard from him was "well we know it wasn't me it was probably your ex." I had not been with my ex in well over a month (maybe two) and the symptoms began days after sleeping with this guy.

    I didn't have the blood test done for myself because I just had so many conflicting emotions at the time I wasn't even sure I wanted to know the results. 

    But in the last couple of weeks I was having symptoms of BV (no bumps or lesions thank goodness) so I decided to request the test. My doctor was skeptical since I had already tested positive and the acyclovir has been working wonderfully. But I explained I wanted it for my own closure. So I got my results back today. After two months of exposure my index value for hsv 2 was .53. My doctor said that's well within normal range and it had to have been an acute infection.

    I guess I was just perfectly content to blame myself these past couple of months and assume I had it for years without knowing it. I really idealized this person. I actually had ended my last relationship to be with him. It really hurt me the way things ended and now that it's come back up I feel really hurt all over again. 

    I've never had trouble moving on from a relationship but this has taken a toll on my already fragile self esteem. I've always been regarded as being highly attractive and men are constantly asking me out. I have not had the desire to be intimate with anyone, let alone the courage to disclose this. I've done a lot of praying and soul searching and I thought I was in a better place but now I feel like I'm back at square one.

  4. That does not sound right. I have only had one outbreak but my first sore was pretty much gone before I figured out there was an issue (so a matter of days) and another one popped up. If you have been to the doctor they should have done a swab test. A blood test does not show where you have herpes, only that you have it. So you could very well only have hsv 1 in your mouth, as most people do.

  5. You can get a blood test through any commercial lab that offers it. Your doctor doesn't have to order it. I wouldn't worry too much about hsv 1 because most people acquire it during childhood. I have it and have never had a cold sore in my life. 

    As far as your bf not respecting your wishes to protect yourself... all I can say is yikes...

  6. 5 hours ago, UnluckyMan said:

    Studies have shown that individuals who have tested positive for herpes by swab, will test negative by blood test.  The blood test is not as accurate as they want you to believe.  I’ve read some studies that say a chance of a false negative by IGG blood test can be as high as 30%.  Even if you are truly positive for herpes, you may never show it on a blood test.

    In my opinion, this is one of driving factors if not THE number one reason why they don’t include it in a  routine STD panel.  The test is so poor by modern standards, the confusion it would cause would cause more damage than good.

    There is no way in hell a lifelone virus blood test should have an accuracy of only 70%.  That’s ridiculous.  And before my situation happened I would have never believed it.  But I’m starting to fear that it’s true, and that doctors are very misinformed about these tests.

    Yes I keep seeing a bunch of different studies with different numbers as well and it's hard to tell which ones are from legitimate sources. It doesn't make sense that if the test were so accurate they wouldn't just include it in a routine STD panel.

    It also doesn't make sense that hsv1 is less likely than hsv2 to show a false negative since literally almost everyone has it.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Ihavequestions said:

    It was a pcr, so yes a swab. And soars are not unusual for me bc I have an auto immune disorder that causes them, but that is what they swabbed. Have you had a positive swab before also then negative blood work later also? 

    Is it possible that your auto immune disorder is affecting your body's ability to build antibodies? The swab tests for the actual virus whereas blood tests test for antibodies. That's why I have always read that the swab is more accurate.

    I am definitely no medical expert but I do know it is possible for antibodies to disappear. I had to be completely revaccinated as an adult when I joined the military because they tested my blood and I had no antibodies against anything. I'm not sure how common this is in general or specific to the HSV virus.

  8. I don't think I've ever had an igg test before as they are apparently not offered in a standard STD panel. Which may be good for the general public to know. I never had a blister until about 3 days after I had sex with my most recent partner which was when I went and had them swab. Apparently he never had one either because he didn't know he had hsv 1 or even what it was. 

  9. I haven't had a blood test done yet. I didn't see the point at the time because I was pretty sure his would come back positive. It's been less than a month at this point so I will probably go sometime this week.

    I did find this article discussing positive swabs and negative blood tests. Seems pretty common actually.



  10. Might also be worth noting that he had a cold the following week after we hooked up, meaning a lowered immune system. This all just seems a little coincidental. Is it possible to just build enough hsv 1 antibodies that that's his body's defense against hsv 2???

  11. So I was just recently diagnosed with hsv 2 a couple of weeks ago. I had a new partner and started breaking out within the week so I went to PP and had the swab my blisters. I declined the antibody test because I had read about all the discrepancies with it but my partner had one done anyway. His test came back positive for hsv 1 antibodies but negative for hsv 2 antibodies. He told me he's had fever blisters on and off since high school so no surprise there.

    I can deal with the outbreak. I immediately started acyclovir and they went away. I'm just so confused because of the conflicting information. If I had it for years, why suddenly outbreak just after sleeping with this guy? Of course I know the blood tests have some flaws but it seems they're overall pretty accurate with usually more false positives than false negatives. 

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