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Everything posted by Needhelpfast

  1. It is the worst symptoms ever I’m applying coconut oil and trying out l lysine. Have you tried anything else that eases the inflammation and burn?
  2. I’m in the same boat just had my first outbreak two months ago in constant discomfort down there with burning, itching and inflammation. Hope I can feel normal again one day. 😞
  3. The burning and inflammation started after the first month when the lesions and rash were gone. I take acyclovir which helps lessen the sensations sometimes but other times it comes back especially at night. Im wondering if the av is stopping another outbreak from occurring is that why the prodrome symptoms won’t go away ? I read herpes is mostly supposed to be asymptomatic for healthy immune systems so I’m shocked at my symptoms. I am taking l lysine and coconut oil sometimes helps with the burning.
  4. I also contracted ghsv1 in January with first outbreak from genital to genital and I’m having constant inflammation, itching and burning in both vaginal and anal areas since then with no lesions. I tried to build resistance to the virus naturally but got tired of the constant pain so started suppressant av recently. I’m hoping if I take av long enough the prodrome symptoms will eventually fade with time. I used to be healthy and active before, this virus has slowed me down a lot and I’m feeling abdominal and pelvic pain from it. Just hoping that hsv1 was less recurrent for me as it’s claimed to be.
  5. I’m having the same issues of constant burning and inflammation after my first outbreak in January. There are no lesions but constant discomfort so much so I can’t even exercise or work out. I’m beginning to think I had shingles and nerve damage instead of the herpes doctors diagnosed me with. Currently on daily av but don’t want to be on this stuff for life to feel normal. Will these sensations eventually die down as your body fights the virus ? I thought herpes was supposed to be mostly asymptomatic. Any help would be appreciated.
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