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Posts posted by 12073273

  1. @Flowerteacher55 thank you for your comment. I didn’t know there were other antiviral options as I thought Valtrex abs acyclovir were the same thing. I will talk to my doctor! ya my outbreaks aren’t too bad luckily. They present as a small cut that resembles a paper cut always in the same spot but it is annoying and emotionally and physically painful a bit. 

    Thank you for your kind words and great advice always!! 💜💜

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  2. Hello friends,

    I have G-HSV1 for just under a year now. I tend to get cut-like outbreaks on my period every month or when I don’t get enough sleep. The outbreaks, although only last 1-2 days are annoying, a bit painful, and are a painful reminder of my diagnosis.


    I take 1000mg Valtrex daily and also supplement with 500mg Lysine. However, I still get outbreaks on these occasions I described above so I don’t think the Valtrex is working. Does anyone have any suggestions to help get 100% or close to 100% suppression aside from stress management ? ( I workout and eat healthy and generally take my health seriously already). 

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  3. Hi everyone I had a question for the H experts. 

    I was diagnosed with Genital HSV1 in October and was getting monthly outbreaks usually on my period. Lately they seem to be spread to every 2 months and have been getting less (go away in one day). I take 1000mg Valtrex daily for suppression (1 tab in morning 1 tab in evening) as well as supplementing with 500mg lysine. 

    however, Ive been get really bad sickly flu symptoms (sore muscles, loss of appetite, sore joints and back) at least once a month for like 3-4 days but Without an outbreak. Before I was diagnosed that happened as well-I thought I had the flu for 3 days before I had the worst outbreak (my first) of my life. 

    this flu keeps returning and is present for 3-4 days with no outbreak. Could this be pondrome symptoms? If so, does anyone have advice on managing this/preventing it/tips for suppression?? I thought pondrome symptoms is mostly like pain/tingling sensation in the area (which I don’t get-my outbreaks happen without warning I usually wake up with one on my period. Double fun lol)

    if not maybe I have mono or something else I really don’t know. I was just told by a doctor that flu symptoms can happen with herpes. 

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  4. I’m just looking for some wise words/help/encouragement from some people who can relate or have had herpes for a while...

    I’ve had HSV-1 (genitally) now for 6 months and have had an outbreak every single month, sometimes twice a month while taking upwards of 1500mg Valtrex a day and nothing has changed. I’m feeling so disheartened as the outbreaks are not only painful and annoying but also resurface hard emotions of when I was first diagnosed....I am only 23, single, and never had a long-term serious relationship. I feel very sad and alone dealing with this new disease sometimes and don’t want to ever date again as I’ve had such terrible experiences with men in the past on top of this...

    (a little backstory)

    I contracted herpes from my most recent ex who didn’t know he had it. We didn’t know they don’t test for herpes in STI screenings and both got tested prior to going all the way, so I naively assumed it would be safe to use no condom-something that he had been pushing for even though I was uncomfortable with it. 
    Throughout the relationship he was very disrespectful and early on I knew it wouldn’t last and was planning on ending things just before I got my first OB. I regret dating him so much and ignoring so many red flags...

    My first OB was horrible. Not to be graphic but my genitals had swollen to 3x the size,  I had sores literally EVERYWHERE, I couldn’t walk for a week, I was prescribed T4’s to manage the pain, and my conservative father nearly disowned when he found out. I couldn’t look at myself, my privates looked literally mutilated it was so bad and I just felt completely crushed. The sores also took nearly a full month to heal completely. My ex accused me of cheating, (which I did not-his previous ex had cheated on him and so he had serious trust issues), and was incredibly unsupportive and my whole family ended up getting involved to de-escalate the situation; so my sex life was being discussed for a week (very embarrassing). I felt so destroyed, ashamed, stupid...contracting an STI was one of my worst fears, and I had been so careful with my previous partners-getting tested and using condoms.on top of this the doctors I dealt with were extremely unsupportive and gave me incorrect information. I ended up doing virtual counselling out of an specialized STI clinic in a different city because the one in my city literally told me to google herpes when I called them and that I couldn’t come in to see them...to say the whole situation was traumatic is an understatement.

    I’ve since resolved the conflicts with my Dad (who is very supportive now I am grateful to say) and I left my ex months ago. I am also educated now about the facts of herpes and how common it is etc. 

    However, the recurrent outbreaks have me heartbroken still. Every time I begin feel better about the situation I OB again, usually on my period. I thought taking the meds would suppress it but they have done literally nothing for me. I don’t like the thought of dating in the future, partially because of how I’ve been treated by guys in the past but also because I am scared no one will want me because of this and how it will complicate things, especially since I’ve been having so many OB. 

    I just feel sad and alone. Does anyone who has been dealing with this have some words of wisdom and encouragement? 

    Thank you so much. 

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