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Posts posted by Sarah317

  1. Hello, Everyone. I am a 50 yo female just diagnosed. I’m struggling with the diagnosis and the impending loss of the bf that gave this to me.  I’m emotionally exhausted but I’m hopeful that all of this will be for my betterment in the end. Just wish I could fast forward.

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  2. Just found this:

    Because valacyclovir is a prodrug, it's only active in your body for a short period of time after it's taken. On its own, its half-life is approximately 30 minutes. However, once valacyclovir has converted into acyclovir, it has a half-life of 2.5 to 3.3 hours in people with normal renal 

    Taking it at night may be a solution!! I will take mine tonight and see how I do tomorrow. Let it do it’s dirty work while I’m asleep. 😂


  3. So very true. I usually take meds/vitamins at 7:30 am. Didn’t take the Valtrex and feel pretty optimistic. I was so incredibly low yesterday.  I mean LOW. 

    I will keep you up to date. I’d rather suffer longer with symptoms and feel better emotionally than suffer with both for a shorter period of time.

  4. Well, I suffered from severe postpartum depression and have had bouts here amd there. I am very in tune with where my feelings are and can usually pull myself out of it. But yesterday was the first time in 20 years where I honestly did not feel like I had control. I’ve been able to see the bright side even through this. Today I woke up and I was good again. I’m not taking it today and see how I feel. I will definitely let you know. I read there is up to a 10% chance of this side effect. One of the other drugs doesn’t have this side effect. I will go back and see which one that was.

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  5. I started today with the drugs. He is “digesting” the whole idea. My doc said take them for 10 days to get the misery under control. Then we can go from there. 

    I am so lucky to have the support with my doc. He’s been my OB/GYN for almost 30 years. He’s my daughter’s GYN now. 

    I am going to be ok. I feel that now. Does it suck? Hell yes! But I have the information now to make my life awesome! I have a new appreciation for it now.

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  6. Hello All!

    Just heard back from the doc. HSV-2 positive but negative on the bloodwork. He said this lab data combined with how horrible this outbreak has been indicates I did get it very recently from my bf. Bf got tested today, blood only of course because he’s showing no current symptoms. He’s very proud and I hope that he and I can deal with this together. He will have his result next week. 

    I’m actually relieved to know for sure so I can get to taking better care of me. If bf is along for the ride, great! If not, it will hurt but I will be okay that way too. 

    Everybody hang in there!

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