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Posts posted by AlliKat12

  1. The info online can be a scary place for someone who is just learning about this.  I know when I went to google, I felt like I needed a chastity belt because no matter what I did, I was passing it to someone.  Maybe you can just send her a text with the main information and let her know that you are there for her if she has any other questions.  

    When I actually found out real information and real experiences from people who have the same thing I did, It made me feel better and I wasn't always feeling like I was doomed.  

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  2. @herpaderp123 People make mistakes.  Making mistakes is how people learn and grow and become a better version of themselves..  You made the right choice in telling her the truth and by doing so, you gave her the opportunity to take care of her sexual health and make an informed decision on what she wants to do.  I would just give her space to process the information and if or when she is ready to to talk, then be there for her.  

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  3. I think if you believe that there is potential for sexual activity that could possibly put him in the position to get this virus, then I would tell him.  If you are just getting to know each other and and it stays at cuddling and grinding, then I'd see where it goes first.  Disclosing is really important, you definitely want to disclose beforehand so he has an option on if he wants to take on that risk or not.  Make sure that you're comfortable enough with him to disclose as well. 

  4. So I have GHsv1 and I've only had one outbreak in July of 2022.  It was a pretty rough initial outbreak that lasted about 6 weeks.  I'm currently having my second outbreak which isn't super terrible but still irritating.  Im already taking the Valtrex for the next couple days.  

    My question is, I also have gastrointestinal issues so I bought this Olly probiotic/prebiotic gummy and my outbreak happened the next day.   I've read some correlation between herpes outbreaks and probiotics and was curious if that's a common trigger.  

    Also, I shaved the day before so that could possibly be a trigger even though it never has been before.  Can something randomly become a trigger even thought it's never been bothersome?

    Thank you 😊 

  5. I felt the same way when I found out I had Herpes.  This forum has helped me so much with actually knowing the truth about having HSV.  When people who are new to having HSV and they go on a google rampage like I did, it can be very scary because its just broad range information.  This forum is actual experiences from other people who are going through something similar to you.  I love coming on here and answering questions to the best of my knowledge when I can to help other people.    

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  6. Hello,

    I had a similar situation to yours.  I am a 34 year old female.  I had a full panel of STD testing done when I was 25 and was told that I came in contact with someone with HSV1 but they didn't tell me anything else.  So me being so young and not really getting the full extent of what that meant, I just went on with my life.  Since I was 25, I have been married and divorced and never gave it to my ex husband and I have also been in a relationship for over 5 years with my boyfriend and he also doesn't have HSV.  I have only had one genital outbreak in July 2022 and it was a terrible outbreak and that was when I was fully diagnosed with Genital HSV1 and someone actually explained to me what that meant as the last doctor in 2015 just told me I came in contact with someone and my body made antibodies to fight it off.  

    I have three beautiful kids that were born in 2010, 2017 and 2020.  My child that was born in 2010 (before I had HSV) is the only child with ADHD and Autism but my other two boys are completely healthy and happy.   Its definitely possible to have a successful relationship and have beautiful children while you have HSV.   There are medications you can take you lower the risk of transmission to your partner,  I believe with pregnancy, the only thing that matters is if you are having an active outbreak when you are delivering and in that case, they would perform a C-section instead to avoid transmission.  

    I know finding out that you have HSV can be really scary and makes you feel all over the place but it will get better when you have the knowledge on how this virus actually works.  I was a basket case until I found this website and really figured out how to manage this.  

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  7. Hello,

    So since you have HSV1 and HSV2, you already have the antibodies in your system which should help prevent any further infection to other parts of your body.  With that being said, anything is possible but would be a smaller chance of reinfection.  Since your body has only had this infection for a little over 2 months, I'm not quite sure how long it takes for antibodies to accumulate to protect other parts of your body.  

    • Thanks 1
  8. Hello,

    I have only had one outbreak in my life and I've been positive for GHSV1 for almost a decade so I am not quite sure about the length of a normal outbreak but my outbreak that I did have lasted about 6 weeks.   The suppressive therapy will help reduce the amount of outbreaks and the length of an outbreak if it does reoccur plus it will reduce the transmission rate to other people if you are sexually active.   

    There are some vitamins that you can take to increase your immune system such as Vitamin C, Zinc, Lysine and probably much more that have also helped reduce the amounts of outbreaks for other people on this site. 

    This forum is a great place to find information from people who are actually experiencing the same thing as you and not just google with wide varieties of information that might not be helpful in your situation. 

  9. Hi @Struggling

    I believe an active outbreak is when you have open sores or lesions. The pain/tingling or itchiness could be prodrome symptoms.  Prodrome symptoms can include itching or tingling in the area where outbreaks usually occur, or a pain down the back of the leg or in the buttocks (with genital outbreaks). Sometimes, prodrome symptoms will show up but a full outbreak won't happen.

    I think you are shedding the virus more from the start of the prodrome symptoms to the end of the active outbreak.  The transmission rate will obviously be more during the active outbreak than the prodrome symptoms but the fact that you are taking the antiviral meds daily reduces the risk even more.   Its hard to tell when the prodrome symptoms start because I always feel like I have something going on that never really amounts to anything so I hope that's kinda helpful.  

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  10. So HSV2 prefers to stay below the belt, having HSV2 orally is very uncommon.  I'm thinking that if he washed his hands right afterword's, he should be fine.  I have never heard of an initial outbreak being on hands or fingers.  

    HSV1 is commonly associated with oral cold sores.  Recently with the increase of oral sex, HSV1 has been common in the genital area due to someone getting oral sex during an active outbreak or during asymptomatic shedding.  

    HSV2 likes to stay in the genital region because this strain of the virus hides in the base of the spinal nerves.  

    Herpes can spread at anytime but the percentages of spreading is very small.  I don't know the actual percentages of spreading for each strain of herpes but I'm hoping @mr_hopp can answer that for us in more detail. 

  11. Hello,

    So I know that a good portion of the population has Herpes and don't actually know it because they could be asymptomatic.  Asymptomatic shedding can occur at any time.  I don't think there is really a way to know if the spreading of this virus can occur that fast.  It sounds impossible but at the end of the day, anything is possible since it was unprotected sex.   There is a possibility that all people involved don't know whether they are positive with HSV2 or not.   There is also a possibility that you could of had this from years ago and just now having an outbreak.   I know that I was tested positive for HSV1 in 2015 and didn't have my first outbreak until 2022.  

    I wouldn't worry about it too much as to where you got it from because there are sooo many possibilities.  I know it can be frustrating and not knowing can drive you crazy.   I also think that disclosing to your partners is important because they also have a choice in whether or not they want to take those risks with their sexual health. 

    I hope that was somewhat helpful 🙂 

    • Like 1
  12. Hello,

    I know finding out you have genital herpes is scary and definitely an unknown situation on what's going to happen in the future but when you find someone that accepts you for you, everything will work out.  Having this virus and having trust issues isn't the end of the world, it just makes it a little more interesting to navigate through.   I know a lot of people don't respond on this site as much as they used to but its a haven of information.  It's the only reason I was able to cope with having ghsv1 because I received the correct information.  

    I would just focus on you and your daughter and let love find you when its right. 

    • Like 1
  13. Hello,

    I understand this is a scary and overwhelming time.  Having the correct information and understanding HSV will hopefully make you feel less overwhelmed. 

    So HSV2 generally likes to stay in the genital region.  Its really rare to get HSV2 orally.  So kissing, sharing cups with your kids or anything like that is extremely uncommon to pass on to someone else since it stays below the belt.  HSV2 spreads when their is general skin to skin contact with the infected area.  Did you have an outbreak or did you test positive on a blood test?  If you have not had an outbreak then you could be asymptomatic. 

    Medication is completely up to you.  I have genital HSV1 and I have only had one outbreak.  I took the Valtrex during the outbreak but have not taken it since.  If you do take the medication, it can lower the change of viral shedding.  You can pass HSV 1 and 2 at any point because of asymptomatic viral shedding but the percentages of shedding the virus is quite low to begin with.  So using condoms and taking the medication lowers those numbers even more.  

    This page is a great source of information.  2/3 of the population has HSV so its really more common than people think. 

    • Like 1
  14. Well the next time you have them, try to make a doctors appointment if you can.  The skin biopsy really helped me because then I knew it wasn't caused from the HSV.  I actually had the cuts about 6 months before I even had my first outbreak.   They might even be able to do a skin biopsy without the cuts being present and just test that area since they take a small chunk of skin and test it. 

    I hope you can figure out what is going on, I know the stress over what's causing them is not fun to deal with. 

  15. Hello @Aihm1,

    I actually still get the small cuts/fissures in my perineum area still.  I went to an OBGYN that swabbed them and actually took a skin biopsy and it came back negative for HSV and was just determined to be an undetermined dermatitis.  The doctor told me that with my outbreak being in that area and with other trauma such as sex and childbirth, that I might just have thin skin there and when I wipe after going to the bathroom or my pants/underwear rub against that area, it might be causing those small tears. 

    I have come to the conclusion that the fissures and small cuts aren't apart of HSV because I can't find any connection to them at all besides they started happening in the same year.   I put baby aquaphor that has hydrocortisone on the cuts before bed and they are normally gone in the next day or so.  

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  16. Hello, 

    If you and your partner have hsv1 then I don't believe you have to take any precautions because you already a have the virus and the antibodies in your system.  That being said, I believe that if you are having an actual outbreak, I would still steer clear because if you touch a sore on your genitals and then touch your mouth or other parts of your body, it could spread that way.  

    The longer that you have had HSV1, the longer your immune system has had to create antibodies to fight against it which in the long run helps you from spreading it to other parts of your body. 

    Hopefully someone else chimes in and helps out a little more on the other questions. 

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  17. First of all, I am so sorry for your recent loss of pregnancy.  I couldn't image going through something like that. 

    I will tell you that I tested positive for the HSV1 antibodies in 2015 and didn't get my first outbreak until July of 2022.  So it is possible to have this virus lay dormant in your body for years and its also possible to pass it on at any point at any given time.

    Has your significant other been tested at all?  Its possible that he has had this virus lay dormant and your loss of pregnancy with the stress and everything could have triggered an outbreak. 

    I would also have a talk with him on the possibility of what he has been doing.   I know that this isn't something a lot of people bring up but I know its the first thing I would do under these circumstances. 

    When I found out that I had herpes, I was devastated and it took me a few months to realize that life with herpes is manageable.  I have been lucky with not having any reoccurring outbreaks but I know that there are people out there that have them quite often and deal with this frequently. 

    This group is a great place to start, it has helped me tremendously. 

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  18. Hello,

    I was also prescribed Valtrex for outbreaks.  My dosage is one 500 mg tablet once a day for suppression and two 500 mg tablets a day for 3 days during outbreaks so I believe what you are doing right now should be enough.  You can always use the topical acyclovir as a secondary antiviral if you believe the Valtrex isn't enough.   I have not had a reoccurrence yet but my initial outbreak was terrible.  I took the Valtrex and also used Hydrocortisone with Lidocaine in it for the pain. 


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  19. Hello,

    It is possible to have a relationship where the virus does not spread.  The transmission rates are already so low plus taking the antiviral medication lowers the chances of transmission even more.  You could always use condoms or some type of protection as well to lower the risk even more.  

    I have been in long relationships and have never passed this one to another person.  Just make sure that your girlfriend isn't having any pain, tinglings, blisters, sores or cuts in the area and if she is having an outbreak, just steer clear for 7-8 days after the outbreak heals.  

    There will always be a smallish risk to getting this virus but taking precaution is always the way to go. 

  20. Hello,

    Maybe let him know that the information on google can be misleading.  I thought the same thing when I found out I had GHSV1, it was devistating to read all the things that the internet told me about this virus that I would have for the rest of my life.  If you feel comfortable with it, you could always give him information from this site or he could always go talk to a doctor who can tell him similar things. 

    I hope he lets you know soon so the waiting can stop.  

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