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Posts posted by bookworm21

  1. So as I said in a previous post, I have pelvic inflammatory disorder due to untreated Chlymida (awesome -.- ). I have herpes on top of that and am starting to feel the little tingles that tell me an OB is on it's way.


    I didn't know I had another STD until it involved into PID. Which as it turns out is VERY dangerous for women. So I went to the hospital in the middle of November. I thought I was having signs of an early miscarriage or something, but they said I didn't test positive so it wasn't that. Because I didn't test positive for pregnancy the doctor decided AGAINST a pelvic exam, after he already ordered. He passed the work to someone else and ordered for my appendix to be checked. It wasn't that. Then he wanted an ultrasound to see if it was an ovarian cyst. Well there were absolutely no signs of that either, but instead of doing a pelvic exam (you'd think he would want to check the source of the pain) he just said I may have had a tiny cyst that burst and sent me home. I didn't know better. I just went home and took the meds they gave.


    Well fast forward to after Christmas. I went to another hospital for the same problems, they were worse this time. In between the hospital visits I had relations with someone. They were painful and I just chalked it up to my body being weird after the "cyst" This doctor was decent, he at least did his job. He gave me the pelvic exam that I should have had a month and a half before. He IMMEDIATELY noticed what was wrong and treated me for the infection. He wasn't clear on everything, so I went to another hospital the next day because I was still in pain. That doctor was wonderful. He explained everything to me and really made sure that I got what I needed. The problem with PID is that sometimes you need stronger antibiotics. So now I'm in pain again and worried. Each minute that passes, my fertility is in danger. I've been living with this for at LEAST 3 months. Probably longer. Kids are one of my biggest dreams.


    So I'm reaching out for support and positive thinking where I cannot think positive. I'm also asking for advice. I've decided to contact a lawyer about the first doctors negligence. I don't know where to start there though! Do I even have enough of a case? He ordered the pelvic (I have written proof) but never preformed it. He took my future in his hands because he didn't want to do something, "it was a waste of time" according to him. I'm trying to be positive but I just can't right now. I need a little help.

  2. Mostly the doctors here take our blood. Maybe they just like seeing me flinch at the needle :D


    While I'm concerned about HPV, I also know that I have to get checked for cervical cancer at least once a year. It runs in my moms family. I've argued with a dr who told me it was not genetic (almost EVERY woman in my moms family has had it). I think that after I have my children, I'm going to get everything removed as a precaution. That way the chance is less. Especially with my mother having it.

  3. Did it take you 24 hours or years? Lol. :D


    I'm still thinking about it. IF I ever get to have kids of my own, which I'm currently questioning :/ I'll probably decide at the last minute. I'm more worried about my baby possibly getting something (even with the meds it's not 100% sure it won't happen and my odds are awful haha) than the pain of my own.


  4. Dancer, interesting! Where do you live? In Ohio Chlamydia is tested for automatically when they do the swabs, along with the other two. Blood test for HIV.


    Victoria, I think the rates are up everywhere! My mother didn't let my sister and I get the preventive shot, because it was too new. I just read some things about it not being effective and so on. Maybe you don't know more people because it isn't being tested for? Just running wild.

  5. Dancer, I am really taking the time to look at it myself. I'm also having very open and honest discussions with my best friends. I hope that they can learn the lesson from my lesson before it's too late. I'm encouraging them all to go get tested.


    Victoria, I'm so glad that you learned it too! I'm a huge believer in signs, and this was the sign to me that I was headed on a really bad path. These next 2+ months of getting tested (without having any sex) are going to be rough ones full of waiting. I just need to know that I do't have anything else before trying a relationship. I really felt like the time I was on here I wasn't being 100% truthful about something. Now that I've admitted that I had it, I feel 1000% better. Not just in being on here, but also in life. I had a really eye opening conversation with one of my close friends, who has never been tested. He's agreed to go get tested :)


    I'm also not sure what's going on with my "baby parts". I haven't made an appointment to see the dr yet, I'm trying a new one. I had went to the er the first time an entire month before they caught it. The dr did a whole bunch of other tests, but decided not to do a pelvic because to him I had an imaginary ovarian cyst that burst. My ovaries were clear at that point so he admitted that. If I lose my fertility because one doctor didn't want to "waste his time" I'm going to be furious…


    I'm so glad to have both of you in my life now :) Thank you!

  6. Thank you :)


    The site I've been looking on says Herpes is at 776,000 but Chlamydia is at 2,860,000. It says that the rates for herpes are rising increasingly however and by 2025 a full FORTY PERCENT (40%) of Americans will have it. The CDC says Chlamydia was at 1,486,000 in 2006 (they don't have information on herpes that I came across). So there is conflicting information. Whatever the numbers are, they are WAYYY too much. And you are right, HPV blows them both out of the water at 14,100,000.

  7. Here's what I wrote. The more education people have the better.



    Found some interesting facts while browsing through the internet today. I believe everyone who is sexually active should get tested fully at least once a year, and here are some interesting reasons why. Go get checked!


    Did you know that 16.2% of Americans (roughly 25 million) have herpes? Of those 25 million, 80% of them do not know they have it, because some people never have symptoms or their symptoms are mild. Chlamydia and syphilis can have no symptoms as well, but can endanger your life/reproductive organs if it's left alone too long.


    A regular check for STD's only involves HIV, Chlamydia, Syphilis, and Gonorrhea. Herpes is not tested for because it is so common and most doctors see it as a "irritating skin condition".


    Chlamydia is still the #1 sexually transmitted disease in the US.


    If you get cold sores, you have HSV type 1. It is still a sexually transmitted disease and if you have oral sex with another person, you can give it to them in their genital regions.


    So be careful and go get checked! I'm sure I'll post more random facts about other things later


  8. While I hate when I get turned down, I know that if I had the chance, I would not have slept with my ex. So I always tell them, "I cannot blame you for not risking it even though I am disappointed because you are a great person I would love to get to know."


    If I had a potential partner with HIV would I have sex with them? At this point probably not. It sounds harsh but I know that my health is important. Unless it was someone I could see myself with together forever, I couldn't risk it.

  9. First start by taking a deep breath, as Herry said.


    Second get off the internet. I am bad about this myself. I will google something simple and turn it into something serious. Headache lasting over 24 hours? Brain tumor. My legs going to sleep faster than what seems like average? MS. I will spin myself so out of control that I suddenly only have 6 months to live. So I've been there. I researched everything I could about this disease when I was first diagnosed. Crying the entire time. I was never going to have children. I was never going to be loved. I was never going to have sex again.


    Take a blood test as Herry said. That can confirm it. Start taking anti virals if that is the route you want to go. Start taking care of yourself and look to the future. While things look bad now, they could be so much worse. That's what I tell myself when I'm upset over my diagnoses and I have had it since I was 19.


    I know you are angry, we all are. We all felt lied to and betrayed. I invite you to read my story, I was just starting life when an older man didn't tell me he was H+. Unlike your ex, who is apologizing (which after you read a few stories you'll realize is rare!), my ex fling blamed me. He ignored me. He didn't tell me that I was so special he didn't want to ruin it (NOT saying that's a reason to not disclose) instead I got tossed aside to deal with this huge life change alone. I felt dirty and ashamed. What had I done?


    I didn't let go of my anger, much like you right now. Instead I ignored it. I still slept around (after disclosing, unless I had been drinking and then I don't know if I did or not). I was full of self hatred and disappointment. Nothing anyone said to me about my H+ status could compare to the awful things I said to myself. I'm guessing this is how your ex feels. Maybe one day you'll be able to forgive him. By not being careful and loving myself despite this new condition, I put myself in danger again. Luckily instead of getting HIV or AIDS, I got another STD that can be taken care of with a shot. Instead of being pissed at myself again and spiraling more into the shame arena, I realized that this was all the wake up call I needed. So I'm listening to what the universe is trying to tell me.


    We are all hear to listen to you. We want you to come to the place of peace we are trying to get to. So breath and take things as they come. In the end, everything will work out.

  10. I have heard time after time, Herpes will become your wingman. It will show you who you want in your life and who you don't. I've also heard that having herpes will make you much more susceptible to another STD. If you ready my story you will find that I didn't listen to either of those lessons. I ignored my new friend for the most part, disclosing but still being sexually active when someone said they didn't care. Combine that will drinking every once in awhile before being sexually active and where did it get me?


    Another HUGE life lesson. Also known as Chlamydia. I was devastated and ashamed when a recent ER visit found I did not have the ovarian cysts that I thought, instead I had pelvic inflammatory disorder from contracting yet another STD. I beat myself up for it. How could I get another STD?? How could I be so stupid?? It was when I was crying in my darkened ER room and my nurse told me to stop being so ashamed and hold my head up, that I realized life was giving me another chance to change.


    I am a huge believer in signs. I have also taken many classes on HIV and AIDS. It terrifies me. I think life keeps telling me that if I don't change, I WILL get something more serious.


    So I am listening. And breathing. And taking my time. No more hookups for me, the thought of sex disgusts me right now. I know that is normal and I'm going to let that feeling keep me safe for right now. After being on this site I am willing to admit that I made another mistake. I haven't told many people and I don't plan to. I got the shot (right in the butt, ow) and I'm "OK" according to my doctors.


    Hello wake up call, sorry I missed you the first time.

  11. It would make a great coming out experiment. Pick a place we all can get to and just talk freely about it, including other people. I can see us as one of those Yahoo stories now… "Group of "positive" diners with HSV encourage entire restaurant to go get tested for STD's, local free clinic full".


    Speaking of herpes in a positive light, has anyone seen the plush std toys? The herpes one is actually kind of cute. I can't post a picture of it on here.

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