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  1. Thanks, that's what I thought, but I didn't want to tell him he was wrong. Honestly, I don't think he's ever given a second thought to it. He's in a serious relationship with someone who is also hsv1+ and I don't think he's bothered either way, haha. If only I had his attitude towards hsv! :)
  2. Hey guys, I was talking to my colleague about hsv today and he told me that he got hsv1 orally as a baby, but it spread to the genitals now that's he's an adult, but that he's never had a genital outbreak. I asked why he thought he had it genitally if he's never had an outbreak and he said that he was told that he had it in both places by the doctor after a blood test. I was surprised, I didn't think that was really possible and can a blood test even tell you where exactly you have hsv1? I have hsv2 so none of this applies to me personally, but I was just confused! Thought you guys were the people to ask :).
  3. I'm actually starting therapy next week, but unfortunately my mother lives on the opposite side of the world so she won't be coming with me. I think that to some extent it's a natural reaction when your child is facing problems, same as how your Mom felt I'm sure. Another aspect is that she's fighting off cancer, (for the 3rd time) and, typically, when I tell her it's not currently curable, she replies with, "Well they say my cancer isn't curable. Should I believe that and just give up too?" Of course, that's the last thing I want her to think! The two issues are obviously different, but she sees it in a more black and white perspective and my position, unfortunately, puts me on the opposing side from her.
  4. Hey guys, I guess this is a bit of a venting session. I've been really struggling with this since I was diagnosed in February. It's always on my mind and I'm carrying a huge weight of guilt for putting myself in this position by sleeping with someone I didn't even really care for. I'm definitely dealing with a lot of symptoms of depression over it. What's making this tougher for me is that my mother, one of the few people I openly talk to about this, is convinced that this is 100% curable. She wants me to buy every book, pill, ointment, etc that promises a cure. If I refuse to take her suggestions, she thinks I'm being argumentative and closed minded. She doesn't trust western medicine and thinks everything is curable by nature. It's a nice thought and I'm trying to be sympathetic since I know this must come in part from an unwillingness to watch her child suffer over something she can't fix. However, for me, this just means I can't discuss my feelings over the permanence of it because in her mind, that's not even an issue. I could just get rid of it if I weren't so stubborn and tried these alternative treatments, so I should stop complaining. I'm not even getting outbreaks, (I know, I'm extremely lucky there!) so I don't want to waste my money on olive leaf extract, manuka honey, colloidal silver, and god knows what else. As I'm struggling to accept this as part of my future, I feel like she's trying to keep me in a place of denial. I usually tell her everything, but her reaction to this just makes me feel all the more isolated : /.
  5. Hi all! So, when I had my first outbreak and realized I was positive for HSV2, I'd been seeing a guy on and off for about three months. We had one complete break from each other, during which time we each slept with someone else. As we'd both been tested just prior to sleeping together, it seems one of these one night stands is where this originated from. Once I found out I was positive he went to get tested and we got back the results today. Honestly I don't fully understand what tests I had, one gave the antibodies and the other just said 'isolated'. He went to a different doctor and only got the antibodies test, (I'm sure there's a more formal name for that!) My antibodies test was technically negative at just 0.1. His are equivocal at 0.9. Since we don't know exactly where this came from and who might have got it first, he's worried that the fact his antibodies are higher than mine means he's had it longer and thus gave it to me. I honestly don't care much who gave it to who, the bottom line is I have it and it seems quite possible he does too. I think I'd rather never know. He does care though. He's already feeling guilty about this possibility and he isn't even confirmed positive. Of course I'm still holding out hope that he doesn't have it at all, but he's already resigned himself to it. Is there any logic to the more antibodies, the longer you've had it? I've been telling him it's impossible to tell and not to think about it, but I don't actually know. I know they build overtime, but is a difference of just .8 between he and I at all accurate in judging the time frame?
  6. Thanks :). Starting to get used to it now, although I've slipped up a few times on the drinking and chocolate! No ramifications thus far. Which leads me to one more question. I'm sure this varies from person to person too, but how long would you say it takes for an outbreak to actually start after a "trigger"? For example if work my way through a box of peanuts one day and that does turn out to be a trigger, would it be typical to expect the outbreak that day or the next or could in be a week down the line?
  7. I was diagnosed with genital HSV-2 last month and would love to talk to someone is going through, or has already been through, this difficult process. I'm a 24 year old female, living NYC. Would be great to chat to people locally, but doesn't matter really! Gender doesn't matter either :).
  8. Thanks so much for the advice and info! I've lots of reading to do on this it seems :). For now, I'm thinking I'll stay away from all this stuff until I've learned how this virus behaves. Then maybe try reintroducing a few things. In the meantime, morning coffee has been replaced with green juice. Lovely.....
  9. Hi all! This is my first post here, though I've been reading through the forums since I had my first outbreak last month. You've all been very helpful already in getting past my initial, 'wanting to jump off the roof', reaction! My main question at the moment is how careful I should be with diet, alcohol consumption, etc. I don't eat junk food really, but based on what I've read I'm not sure if I should be swearing off all nuts, sugars, chocolate, seeded breads, and (by far most importantly), coffee. I haven't had coffee since I found out and it's a toss up about what's bothering me more, caffeine withdrawal or my concerns over my future sex life. Whatever the case, I'm sure I'll get used to it. I just wondered if my current, torturously strict, diet plan is really worth it. Have many of you found these are major triggers for you?
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