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Posts posted by whitedaisies

  1. Hang in there.


    Bodies have a weird way of adjusting sometimes. Some things you can control and some you can't. Do what u can to get as healthy as possible with vitamins and a probiotic. Sleep and exercise and your body will over time do better.


    Of course don't rule out any other medical issues going on.



  2. Rant away. It helps you. Just don't get stuck in it. This is all new to you and pretty scary. Keep fighting for your rights. You may not need a preventative dose bc who knows if you have another outbreak. Keep your stress down as much as you can. Day by day things will get easier.



  3. Nice you can keep your sense of humour through all this. I am in a very similar situation as yourself. Try to take each day at a time. Over time the nerve issues will lessen. I suggest take nerve pain meds and after blood test to confirm hsv1 positive and negative hsv2 at four month post exposure, I would try Antivirals to see if it helps.


    Didn't for me. But I think if u are dealing with h nerves might be damaged from virus so likely Swabs might be negative anyway.


    Really unlikely u would get hsv1 on UR genitals after UR established infection in your mouth.


    Seek support from this site and friends and family. Do you find it gets better or worse with certain activity?


    Have you researched whether u had damage from a fall etc. sometimes pinched nerve. Also another option would be to see a pain specialist. Sometimes they can tell what u have by determining what meds work.


    You are young and my bet is whatever this is will settle over time. How much time is the question


    See your doctor if sympyoms worsen or u have a lesion to Swab.


    You can also be a patient of westover heights clonic. They mail you swabs and u can do it at home yourself and mail them back. It is $75 per vial to process but pretty cheap to be a patient of theirs. May find something.


    Have u swabbed for shingles?

    Hang in there!!!

  4. Looks like you took a combined blood test. Tests for both hsv1 and 2 in the same test. Looks like it is negative. Does the test indicate what value qualifies as positive. It usually says on the results sheet.


    Generally hsv2 results are quite accurate on various blood tests. Hsv1 tends to be more difficult to detect. So some false negatives are possible.


    My advice is to get a blood test that tests for hsv1 and hsv2 separately. Did your previous partner have 1 or 2. Do you know?


    Igm test is for blood as well and is an inaccurate test for herpes. Focus on igg results.


    Hope this helps.

  5. I have seen many specialists with no explanation.


    Recently I have found I am anemic so we are trying to get that better so maybe it will decrease some symptoms


    Lack of clarity and the pursuit of diagnosis is exhausting. Also all these symptoms are crazy making. I have a lot of other issues going on besides h.


    I have educated myself that having hsv wouldn't bother me if my symptoms were so much less. But again I can't prove anything.


    I think a lot of it too disclosure is weird. I have it I dont. The guy either thinks I have it or I am crazy thinking I have it bc of all my negatives. Either way I don't look too favourable. Plus hsv1 genitsl people don't understand and are confused about.


    I just disclosed and the guy said u can't get hsv1 doen there. That's hsv2. I explained I said I have negative swabs but positive for hsv1 via blood and I may have it orally and genitally. I just never know how to proceed bc I don't know if he fully understands risks and I don't even know what my risks are practically. And the guilt of going through with it and then them getting it is hard too. I just feel like I am no win.


    Ugh. Well I vented. Thanks. Rough week for me this week. I wish you so much luck. Hugs


  6. I agree. I think hsv2 is nil. You may have hsv1 which is a small possibility.


    You are lucky your partner will test. Mine was less than supportive.


    I thought in this thread u said u had pimples w white pus.


    I have no definitive diagnosis yet but I have a feeling all caused by hsv1 so I am very curious to hear your final diagnosis. Please post.


    I have swabbed 30 times. All negative. Some stuff has since come up and emotionally I just can't manage to Swab anymore.



  7. Interesting....will your partner test?


    Also what does she say about UR bumps and pimples w white heads and your swabs being negative? Also you say you seem to have synptoms all over....what does she say about that?


    I have had similar issues. Always swabbed negative. I always tested negative w Elisa and did western blot positive but I never showed negative to positive bc my Elisa is always negative even after a positive western blot.


    We have very similar stories. I believe I have oral and genitsl hsv1. My hsv2 is negative via western blot.


    I do wish u well. Hugs.

  8. Did u take it from westover heights? What did Terri warren say?


    Sometimes they say if u get an indeterminate after a year and then retest again and get another indeterminate it means u r negative.


    What was the explanation they gave u?


    Wow indeterminate for both viruses. Sometimes there is a similar protein in UR blood that doesn't mean u have herpes but it is similar to one of the proteins in the herpes virus. Seems weird to be indeterminate for both.

  9. Good advice @sil88


    I counciled someone on here once that was certain it was hwrpes with very similar symptoms as you and the source was oral sex. Turns out it was staph or strep bacteria. Can't remember which one. Lots of bacteria lives in the mouth. I would suspect it's more bacterial in nature. Doubt you have hsv1 in both places after an established infection. Especially since your swabs were negative. Also someone had enterovirus swabbed on their genitals as well.


    I would ask next time u get a lesion or any sort to swab within 48 hours for hsv and bacteria if possible.


    Wait until 4 or 6 month to get another hwrpes blood test to see if hsv2. Western blot is best if u have an established hsv1 infection. It's the most reliable blood test out there. Check westover heights clinic website.


    I have a feeling u are not dealing with herpes here.


    Good luck and keep us posted once you figure out what this is.

  10. Two different viruses. Two different antibodies. Fact. Someone with hsv1 genital can get hsv2 genital. With your autoimmune issues you are telling me you wouldn't care if you had both viruses on your genitals?


    You research and select articles that suit your argument. Anyone can do that. I can find the same articles to prove my point.


    I take exception to you reprimanding @hippyherpy for his disclosure choices then you yourself suggest we just pretend all hwrpes is the same so we feel better. So ignorance justifies our emotional struggles with h. That is irresponsible to portray that opinion on a website like this.


    You can have whatever opinion you want. know that it is flawed and goes against the fundamental intentions of this website. And I would appreciate if someone comes on here asking if he can give ghsv1 to his partner with oral hsv1 that yor response is don't worry about the type. It doesn't matter hwrpes is hwrpes. That is completely irresponsible!!!!


    You need to take a step back and realize u are not being objective and you tend to go on witch hunts with your opinions when people differ from you.


    the more people differ and challenge the more you fight and site articles to prove your point. Did you ever hear the saying...thou doth protest too much.


    Anyway I am done with this. Dancer has responded. You can go on believing what you do but please do not advocate that to people coming on here askingn for advice. It is irresponsible.

  11. I disagree if the ultimate objective is to protect your partner, typing matters. You need to know which type you have so you know whether your partner has antibodies or not. Fact. Both are herpes but both are different viruses and both have different antibodies. If you want to protect your partner and know your risk you need to know what you have and whether your partner has it.


    Typing does not increase stigma. Lack of education and ignorance does. That's like saying the more knowledge you have, the worse it is. It makes no sense.


    There are many nuances for both viruses of which I am too tired to elaborate and everyone will have their own opinion.


    You want to argue they are both herpes and both not desirable on the genitals. I will totally agree. But to not type is creating misinformation, impairing correct diagnosis and preventing people from protecting their partner properly.


    Last I am going to say about it.

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