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Posts posted by whitedaisies

  1. I have eczema as well but it's mild and I have been searching for autoimmune diseases bc I can't control this bloody virus after two years and antivirals. I asked about LDN to rhumatologist and she didn't want to give it to me. She suggested I see an immunologist. I hope I can convince them for a trial run to see if it helps. Let me know ladies of r works for you. I have oral and ghsv1.

  2. So proud of you for disclosing and getting to a good place!


    Yes I hear you...once you open yourself up its scary and honestly your reaction is perfectly normal and very human.


    I want to send you love now as you are feeling vulnerable and feel that love and support til you hear from him again. You are a very strong and brave woman.




  3. That's awesome you are having so many successful disclosures.


    I am just entering the world of on line dating and it's scary. I can't imagine disclosing. And I am also worried I can get sthng else like hepatitis or hiv or hsv2. I have hsv1 and it ruined my body. I am petrified to get anything else.


    Anyway glad you are having successes. I hope I do too. I am just hoping for one success as I am looking for a long term partner.

  4. I am going through the same thing. I have oral and genital hsv1. I can totally empathize with you. I have had a myriad of symptoms and it drives me crazy knowing most people are asymptomatically or have one or two outbreaks a year.


    Hope you will get better with time.

  5. No way to post pictures. But I bet you will get some people who say it is and some who say it isn't. Just the way your doctors did.


    I seriously wouldn't worry now. If it comes up again insist on swabbing.


    Spreading would be highly unusual since you have had it this long.


    I know it seems scary but you have it on ur finger which is no big deal....better than on ur genitals. And unless you had a cut on your penis while masturbating you wouldn't spread it.


    I know its hard but try not to worry. Good luck

  6. Well it could be anything really.


    You already have the antibodies so I doubt you spread it if you had it 10 years.


    You either got it at the same time on your finger as your other area and it just showed up now. Or it's sthng different. You won't know for sure unless you swab it. You have to insist. Keep an eye out if it comes back. If it's anything like your other location you got it at...you likely won't get it back...you seem to be handling the virus fine. I wouldn't worry.

  7. @sassytiger62


    Since dancer is off line dealing witht her dad, I felt I had to step in here. I don't think @hippyherpy was stepping out of line.


    He's just trying to give you some hope. This too shall pass. He was not judging or attacking.


    Yes...constant symptoms make it feel horrible. Trust me I am there. You are emotionally exhausted. I totally get it. Please be kind. We are all here for you with different levels of advice and support.


    Take care

  8. I am very happy for you @nothinggoodgetsaway but I just can't imagine there are too many guys out there like that


    I have constant symptoms and I don't have typical lesions but little red bumps on butt and back and legs (usually just one or two). They barely look like anything at all. Today I may have had my first lesion....I dunno...having a damn vagina with this virus is very hard. I can't see anything and I am 43 starting to need glasses for close up and far away and then u gotta tilt the mirror and I must tell u I have penis envy just about now.


    I have yet to get a positive swab bt symptoms from hell.


    Anyway what guy wants that. Set up a profile on positive singles and slim to zero pickings. Give up on that. Even though I would prefer a ghsv1 positive male. Too hard to find. At least my anxiety would be less if my partner was the same as me.


    Anyway I fighting and trying really hard to have some hope that I will find someone but I really am havig my doubts. I just feel like why did I have to get this so bad. It's been two years for me. Anyway bad day today.


    Maybe I should go off the site for a while and regroup.

  9. Thank you @bird for responding. I am so glad you had a great experience. My fwb was awesome and never hesitated and was really just awesome With me. But a fwb is limited and I want a relationship. I just feel like no one will want a real relationship with someone like me. That has reacted so badly with this. My fwb never got tested to see if he had hsv1...he just assumed he was an asymptomatic carrier of oral hsv1 bc his last long term partner had oral cold sores. I wish I knew if he was negative or positive bc if he was negative I would feel confident I am not as contagious as I think bc we had frequent oral sex and not as frequent intercourse. Ugh.


    Anyway just did a profile for on line dating and every time I look at men on the site I think oh yeah this guy sounds good...oh he'll never want me bc of oral and ghsv1 plus constant shmptoms. I am not going to bother.


    I am fine with the stigma and if I had a few ob a year I would be ok. But this is crazy. Do I settle for what I can get with fwb? I just don't want that anymore no matter how sweet he is our relations ship is limited.

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