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Everything posted by burnbrighter

  1. i scheduled an appointment with my doctor for about a week from today for some more information. Maybe i'll give them a call after that. i'm kind of at a loss. i feel numb and two seconds later i feel like i literally can't go on. i don't know how to deal with this and i can't tell anybody here i live in a tiny town. the idea of having to tell my previous partners immediately makes me sick to my stomach. i want to hibernate, sleep is the only relief, but then i wake up and am hit with the tidal wave all over again.
  2. I called, they provided me more details. Apparently the results I saw were from the previous year, I was above a 2 for HSV2 igG tests. hearing it for the second time was even worse after briefly having a bit of hope.
  3. I got my annual STD check up, no symptoms, however I did have a yeast infection due to some antibiotics. I got tested for both HSV1 and HSV2 igG, my doctor's office called stating that I was positive. However when I look at my results it clearly states for both of them that I was <.91 and one the lab result paper work it states that <.91 is negative .91-1.09 is equivocal and >1.09 is positive. Is there something I'm missing how can I be positive if I was at a <.91 which clearly states that I'm negative. Should I be disclosing? I'm beyond confused and also pretty much a train wreck.
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