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Everything posted by bent_notbroken

  1. @WCSDancer2010 Thank you for your words. Don't use tea tree oil unless I'm cutting it by 50%, GOT IT! I definitely don't want to do anything more to upset the ecosystem down there lol. I definitely plan on telling my ex but it will be done in person, yet getting him to meet with me has been like pulling teeth. Didn't stop him from asking me what I'm doing for NYE (I'll be blow drying my hooha, is what I'll be doing.). I have spoken to God and I don't even want to play the blame game. I just want him to know I love him and I want him to get himself checked for his health and that of any other woman he enters a relationship with. In my head I've moved on in order to mentally prep myself for any negativity he plans on dishing out. Sticks and stones ppl....and well maybe burning pee too lol.
  2. The peeing thing is...no words. my OB has been at its worse since the 25th, and I just started Valtrex on the 26th so maybe that's working. I'm definitely my happiest when I'm dry, the discharge was making it SO difficult to even fathom the thought of dry. It's getting better...I think? I have a doc appt on Jan 5 and it's my goal to go in there and have my head screwed on tighter than I did the first time.
  3. Hi All, As of December 26th, the day after my birthday, I was diagnosed with the H. While I am still waiting on the cultures to come back, I am more than positive I have HSV-2. I had sex with my ex on the 16th & obviously that was a mistake. At first I felt pain in my perineum, which of course I attributed to the rough sex I had the day before. Then discharge began to quite literally rain on my parade, so I made a appt to the gynecologist. Of course I ended up with some old fart whose heyday was probably some time in the 1940s. He looked down there and said in the oldest rip van winkle voice "vaginitis". Prescribed me diflucan and ointment and sent me on my way. He didn't even ask if I'd been sexually active, was I practicing safe sex, nada. Part of this was probly my fault for not speaking up. That very night, I spot a bump on my outer labia. Now I'm no stranger to BV, but I've never seen bumps before. I decide to let the diflucan do its magic. By Christmas, I couldn't walk upright and it began to hurt to pee. I thought I was dying. Luckily I set up an appointment for the 26th, but I went in a nervous wreck as I had already done some researching of my own. I was in literal tears before the gyno even walked in. She just looked at me as I continued to apologize for being a babbling mess. She asked all the necessary questions and built up a timeline from sex to present pain. She asked why I was crying and I told her because I was afraid of what she was gonna tell me. She looked down there and said what I had feared: "it most certainly looks like herpes". Now she had to have a swabby swab and it was quite literally the worst 60 seconds of my life. I'm pretty sure I lit up the entire medical office. She prescribed me Valtrex and gave me some numbing medication and a pamphlet on the virus. She said "Men are slime. No one can protect you better than you. I want to see you back here in 2 weeks and I want you to have some questions for me." In her own cold way, she was comforting. I went home that day and broke down to my mother. It was my original plan to tell no one and lay low for a few days, but she asked if I was ok and I lost it. I was babbling so hard my mother was freaking out. Her response after finding out, "oh thank god! I thought it was cancer or a cyst". She has been my rock and I am blessed to have her in my life. She has forced me to see the positives in everything and I am truly thankful for her. She is the only one who knows. I stopped talking to my friends for a while only because I needed this time to heal and not try to explain wtf is going on with me and how irresponsible I've been. My mother has even come up with a brilliant cover up, should I deside I don't want to tell people what's going on. Now onto my first OB. JESUS H CHRIST. Words cannot begin to explain. To sit, walk, stand, PEE, to live seems mind-numbingly difficult. I am currently still experiencing it but to my surprise I peed today with minimal burn...or maybe I'm just getting used to it? Go figure. Thanks to stalking discussions, I am a blow drying Queen. I'm scared to apply tea tree oil because idk if it will sting, and I'm just not ready to deal with that. I have however been doing 1/2 cup of peroxide, 1/2 cup of water, and 3-4 drops of tea tree oil and I pour that over myself after i pee and blow dry that bad boy down. I also go commando when possible. I thank you for your warm stories that have gotten me through and I hope this painful OB is over soon, so that I can hopefully get back to being as normal as possible.
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