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Posts posted by 2Legit2Quit

  1. Oh yeah, I remember your post. I told you what you can do about sustaining from sex in my other post and what to say. Yeah, his was all covered in your other post. Take the meds for your own peace of mind, stop bringing it up, he knows the risks. This isn't about herpes, this is about your lack of self worth and you're looking for validation from him in any fashion, on why you're good enough to be w.


    Didn't you find out you had it not too long ago? This is why I don't recommend people dating, u til they've come to a place of peace and acceptance w having H, because this is exactly what happens.

  2. Hahaha! That's exactly WHY I don't believe in typing, because everyone makes hsv 1 the better one! That's not me doing that, that is others! Again, @wcsdancer2010, you have to read everything or you're not going to get it and yes, hsv1 is more contagious and I outlined those and I mean more contagious, in a means, that is transmits I'm different ways and fashions. AGAIN, I cannot understand for the life of me, why people are so concerned w my opinion. I did the risk analysis and the numbers and facts don't lie. When someone provides me w the same analysis to dispute minez then maybe my opinion will change, till then, people need to stop trying to argue my opinion.


    Doesn't matter when we got it, the fact is, most have oral HSV 1 and it spreads just as frequently to the genitals, as HSV 2 does. See why you can't pick and choose just points individually? You ha e to look at everything holistically.

  3. @wcsdancer2010 it's not, I've spoken to others from Brazil on another forum and one of my good friend's is from Brazil and I asked her.


    Yeah, from what I read, zosters is a 3-5 week OB.


    Here's the links to a drug that boosts and modulates your immune system. I have been on it just over a month and am having less obs on it w no Antivirals, than I was when on antivirals.

  4. @sil88 I feel you need to carefully read all my points and go over them several times and look at this as a holistic view. When you get down to it, HSV 1 is much easier to transmit and it transmit genitally Just as often has HSV 2. It's not Herpes lite at all. It absolutely is easier to transmit. Makes up almost all to most Herpes Whitlow and is all of Herpes gladitorium, herpetic eczema, etc. Not to mention, hsv 1 has the higher risk of causing meningitis and encephalitis, than HSV 2/ of you call that Herpes lite, then yikes!!


    My intent is to destigmatize herpes PERIOD. I feel I was very clear in what I articulated my intent was and I covered Alllll aspects of both viruses, prevalence and transmission types. I am not picking one area as those who debate MY OPINION and am including it All.


    Because herpes is so prevalent, my goal is to normalize it, which would happen w out typing and to deatigmatize 2, to how 1 is. At the end of the day, this isn't something debatable w me and I've explained why several times already. This is my opinion and I'm not sure why my opinion, which will not change how the world looks at things, nor will it change typing in tests; is so bothersome for some? Lol... Totally lost on me. When all my points can be disputed, I may give it some more thought, but so far they haven't been and are being ignored. And HSV 1 antibodies from an oral infection must not be helping that much, because as mandymoon said and I've seen it on the other forum as well, have given them selves ghsv 1, by using their own spit during masturbation. Not to mention most don't have HSV 2, but most have ohsv1, yet ghsv1 is spreading just as much via oral sex, as ghsv2 is, so that would eliminate the argument of it being herpes lite. Again, you can't say just because the prevention methods are the same, that it doesn't matter, yes it does.


    I think you should read this article, from someone who got ghsv1 and she's absolutely right.


  5. Sorry if I asked this in another post, but how are you sure he wasn't your giver again?


    It can be normal to feel that way, but recognize it's much deeper than herpes. Herpes is just allowing you to validate the lack of worth that already existed. You are just as good now, as you were pre H. Are you still a good person? Yes. Are you still attractive? Yes. Are you a loving and kind friend and lover? Yes. Are you smart and charismatic still? Yes.... So you deserve no less now, than you did before. Be kind to yourself hun. Hugs!

  6. So how do you protect your partner any differently between the two simplex's?


    1. Abstain from contact during prodrome and obs. Applies to both 1& 2. √

    2. Take daily suppressive therapy for both 1 & 2 to prevent transmission: √

    3. Use some sort of latex barrier for genital contact w mouth or genitals as an option for both 1 & 2: √

    3. HSV 1 is half of all new genital herpes cases, which means it's just as risky for contacting ghsv2: √

    4. Ghsv 1 to genital, low transmission: √

    5. Ghsv 1 to oral, higher chance of transmission: √

    6. HSV 1 prefers the mouth and is easily spread orally: √

    7. Higher prevalence of HSV 1 infection wokrd wide than HSV 2: √

    8. GHsv2 to genital transmission, as half of all new genital herpes cases like ghsv1: √

    9. Hsv2 to oral, transmission lower than than all of the above, except maybe as prevalent as ghsv1 to ghsv1: √



    Conclusion: when all avenues of transmission are considered and how contagious that are per specified location, the facts cannot be disputed and present the undeniable truth, that at the end of the day, HSV 1 is a hell of a lot more contagious and easier spread, than HSV 2;... YET is able to escape the stigma of HSV 2, which is a lot less likely to transmit when all transmission avenues are taken into consideration. Fact. Not opinion. . herpes is herpes! HSV 1 is not herpes lite, but I definitely see it as the riskier one when you lay it all out! <3


  7. Yeah, totally normal.. I was the same way and I look back and feel sad about how much I tortures my own self, w worrying about that. I even did w dating! I'd obsess before even the first day w someone. I would obsess and project and usually found by 3-4 weeks, I wasn't compatible w the person and the disclosure talk never came. That's when I realized how much time it was to stress it and it takes the joy out if getting to know someone knew. You should not stress it, until the day of sex is inevitable.


    Since you're newly infected, it would behoove of you to start journaling your symptoms daily, location, possible triggers such as hormones, alcohol, stress, lack of sleep, foods, etc. This is the only way I found for me, to feel comfortable w my body again post H. Now I know what my signs and symptoms are and recognize they chnage on me every few months as well, but I feel I know my body now. All of those issues, sometimes aren't a trigger for everyone.. I can drink beer and wine and not have an OB. Let me drink liquor all night out and I will have an OB. Coffee I believe has the same impact.


    Taking a daily probiotic is a great start, as 70% of our immune systems are in the gut. Vitamin C, B's etc helps. Minimizing sugar helps some. Everyone is so different w H, because each of our body chemistry and immune system is unique. Just no definitive answer across the board when it comes to H. So journal as much as you can and that's how you'll get your answer. Hang in there, it's going to be alright ANNNDDD, I promise this feeling of devastation and worry about the future z will go away.

  8. I don't think eliminating the type is ignorance. There's a risk both spread to both places and in all honesty, I don trust the number of those w oral herpes 2 and for good reason.


    1. If you get cold sores, everyone assumes it is HSV 1.

    2. People don't usually have their cold sores swabbed, unless they end up w herpetic esophesophagitis, they tend to swab then.

    3. My sister in law is a dental hygienist and she said they have people w oral hsv 2 come in all the time

    3. If we tested and swabbed oral herpes, the way we do genital herpes, those numbers I believe would rise . do I believe HSV 2 spreads orally the way oral HSV 1? Absolutely not, but I believe it's more than we think. HSV 1 is more versatile in locations it goes and therefore, I deem a higher risk than HSV 2. HSV 1 isn't Herpes lite and that theory and perpetuation of that mentality is terrible to me and has part in the stigma. I look at this holistically for a theory, not individual findings. All outcomes of said actions on how we break it down, come into play on why i don't believe in typing.


    Conclusion: since both can go in both places, DESPITE the fact that we think HSV 2 doesn't like the mouth; (at one time not too long ago, while we were actually alive; it was discovered that HSV 1 can go down there and that you are contagious at times w out a physical OB); I believe one day down the road, they're going to find a higher prevalence of oral hsv 2 and uncover much more than we know now. Just as we did w herpes in the last 10-20yrs. To think we know everything there is about a virus (viruses are actually the hardest to understand and more specifically the herpes viruses), would be a wreckless assumption on my part and the part of the medical community, but even they admit we don't know everything. Right now we know what we think we know and I don't believe for a second, that we have all the facts and numbers covered today, just like they thought they did 10-20yrs ago and found out what they thought they knew, wasn't the case




    I dunno about you, but this wasn't an argument for me in the least, unless how I'm guessing you may be taking it? I appreciate a good philosophical/theorized discussion. I don't view sharing my theory on this, an argument on my side at least. To me, it's me expressing and sharing my opinion in what I feel/experienced/analyzed through measures that allowed me to reach this conclusion. You can't debate that,.... For me at least. I'm sorry if that's how you view it that way, , hence why I stated I agree to disagree. Calling people's opinions/theories/etc silly and treating someone's opinion aa such, conducive. Judgement free zone please ! :-) All's I can say is I'm sorry if you think my theories are stupid or silly, I'm sincerely not trying to be offensive to anyone's senses in sharing MY opinion.


    As far as why not telling the type, it changes NOTHING on how we take preventive action from spreading it. The fact is, tranmission of genital HSV 1 via oral sex, spreads just as much as getting ghsv 2 via intercourse on the genitals, of new genital herpes cases. Then you have the fact, it's much harder to get ghsv1 from ghsv1, so then you think that HSV 1 is less risky, BUT then you add that its even harder to get oral hsv 2 and now its honestly evened the tranamission risk grouping all transmission risks together. Also, someone w ghsv1, is more than likely, to also have had oral herpes, since the majority of adults have oral hsv 1. W that said, then people should be disclosing before even a kiss, since having oral HSV 1, puts soneone at the same risk of getting it orally and as likely to get ghsv 1 via oral sex, as it is to get ghsv2 essentially.


    Final conclusion, solely based on my own studies/experience/opinion story: preventive measures to reduce transmission, despite location of the infection, are the same. So yes, as you said... It's not that easy and why my reasons above are why I don't believe in typing. Everyone views hsv1 as the lesser of the two evils, yet it is more easily spread than HSV 2 technically! If anything, HSV 1 should be looked at, how HSV 2 is looked at today, if we're going to factor in the technicalities and prevalence of it. So I didn't just factor in your scenario, I factored in ALLLLL scenarios in means of transmission and prevalence.

  9. So umm.... Why wouldn't you test for HSV 1 and 2, but only zoster? You do know that in a full STD panel that Herpes isn't included and you have to specifically request for it, or they don't test you? . You have to wait 3-4 months post exposure to build antibodies as well.


    If you had herpes zoster last yr and know you have it, then testing for zoster again is a moot point by blood and it will come up positive.. In fact, if you ever had chicken pox, it will come up positive. You can only swab the sore, w in 24hrs to be able to tell if that's what it was; zoster or HSV 1 or 2. W out that, then you're doing to have to wait 3 months.

  10. 1. As you've experienced for yourself, a lot of it is luck of the draw right? I do have friends who have never passed it and don't use condoms or meds, so it's possible not to, absolutely. Wbthat said, the other part about not feeling guilty and worrying, is something that comes w time and may always pop in the back of your head. I know my friends who had H said they forget about it and don't worry. The way your partner handles and responds to you in the risk of getting it. Makes a huge difference as well. If he's always getting paranoid or making comments, that's going to make you stress.

    2. Very few cases of oral herpes is HSV 2/ it just doesn't like the mouth and if it does transmit there it is likely never to have an OB or if may once and never again.

    3. You can have sex again, ten days after all symptoms are gone.. No prodrome, no skin change and no sensitivity. Think you may need to wait longer or should, after your primary, as you're more contagious your first yr.



    Ok, w all of that explained, I'm not sure if you're in a relationship w your possible giver or you're single or what, but if you are single, you need to not focus on that part right now. We obsess a lot about the "future" of how we'll deal w this virus w a partner and disclosure and I'm here to tell you now, it's a complete waste of f'ing time. It was probably one of the things I've wasted worrying about for a long time, than any other innocuous shit I've obsessed about in that past. 1. You're not there right now. When you get there, deal w it then. That's not a priority now. 2. until YOU come to terms and acceptance w it, you will be like this dating and it will cause you to project onto future partners. I cannot express it enough, how imperative it is, that you come to a place of peace and happiness w it, before dating again or risk settling and feeling like you should just be at a guys mercy who accepts you for it. That is letting yourself, give your power away and then when that relationship inevitably ends, people stay out of fear nobody accepting then w it. Especially of that partner emotionally extorts them, w holding H over their head.


    Focus on you right now and loving yourself, because H all our worst fears and insecurities to the surface, that we've suppressed for yrs. H will teach you about a whole other side of yourself, that you'd not learned of, having not gotten H. Listen to who she really is. Then learn from her mistakes, fears, insecurities and all other ways she's been cheating herself from happiness. Last but not least, apply a solution to to those issues, to become a better and Self assured beautiful woman that you are! This doesn't define you, unless you let it. You'll realize H is more about how you view it, than the actual virus itself. You can change your thought process.

  11. Yes, I stated it was RARE in the genitals and then it's even rare as a young adult, so add those two rare situations together and it's even more rare. .


    Why aren't you going to get tested? You cannot diagnose yourself and state what you think you have. I hoped I had Kancroid disease when I got herpes, even though it's rare, but learned it wasn't through a swab. That is the only way you can be certain of what it is, if it's HSV 1. If you're 3 months out since possible exposure, go get a type specific IgG Elissa test and you'll know the answer. Sometimes, it's hard to come to terms w things, but you'll always wonder if you don't get tested and also risk spreading it to others.


    When are you going to get tested? How long since your last sexual contact w that person?

  12. Can you give more detail on your symptoms and locations and the sensations? You don't have to have sores to have neuropathy w herpes either. I didn't have sores when I had neuropathy the following four months after my primary. There are others on here who get neuropathy as well, w no physical symptoms. MOST people are asymptomatic or symptoms that are atypical and rather mild, that they don't associate it w H. That's 80% of those w HSV that are unaware for those reasons.

  13. Well herpes zoster is ONLY unilateral, so you wouldn't experience it all over the body, if it was herpes zoster. It would be on one side and where the OB is . sometimes you can have pain in a location on one side of the body and an OB not appear, but zoster doesn't do both sides of the body during an OB.


    Again, it's not common to have it on the genitals. Why have you not gone and gotten it swabbed? Nobody can diagnose you on the forum . I had severe neuropathy for four months after my primary, from the waist down.


    As for when it broke out... Well... That's herpes for you. We just had a guy on here, who got it a yr n half ago and didn't have an OB until recently. It happens. Also, you could have had it, been asymptomatic this entire time and some stress, lack of sleep or whatever, could cause it to come out. Also, herpes zoster is pretty rare in young people.. That's more of a 60 and over issue. have you ever had chicken pox?


    You have now waited too long to be swabbed, it needs to be swabbed w in 48hrs of having an OB. Herpes can cause aching all over the body, like you get flu like symptoms. You can go get blood done, but if you've ever had a cold sore before or even if you haven't, it won't tell you where the hsv 1 infection is, w out a swab. Ontop of that, you have to wait 3-4 months post possible infection for antibodies to show. There are people who break out immediately upon infection, others take two to three weeks and some a couple months, to years!! There is no definitive and black and white answer on how HSV behaves, because it all has to do w our life style/stressors and our immune response. Everyone's immune system is as unique as their thumbprint, which means not one person symptoms are going to be identical who have HSV. Thats why people dont realize their symptoms are herpes so frequently, because they expect it to fit the text book description they found in google, verbatim. Some people gwt sires and some dont. , don't wait like this next time and go have it swabbed so you can find out what's going on.

  14. I'll agree to disagree... Typing is irrelevant, since it can go either place... Protecting a partner if you have hsv1 in one or the other place, is the EXACT same way you would protect someone from hsv2.


    Except, we don't wear Condoms to make out w someone, so that spreads a lot .more easily.

  15. Maybe in a park setting and not w people surrounding you may be the way to go.


    Did you print out the transmission risk spreadsheet from this site? That's the first and only paper I'd hand to him first during disclosure. Then you wait to see what he says, as you don't want to overwhelm him. Sometimes we prepare for war in a time of peace (which is what you're doing) and we may never need to come out w our guns blazing. It'a great to be prepared though. I disclosed to soneone in a culture where sex outside of marriage is still taboo and he couldn't believe what a big deal I made out if it.


    it's never easy getting the first 3 words out, "I have herpes", but after you do, it flows from there and isn't that big of a deal. Example, I went skydiving, I was so nervous, I couldn't stop rubbing my palms against my thighs as I sat in the plane straddling the bench. When I had to start moving fast to the door as people were jumping and was at the door, I was terrified and I screamed for all of two seconds in a 60 second free fall. After those two seconds, I didn't feel my stomach in my throat anymore and I felt like I was just riding the wind. That's how disclosing is... You gotta just throw yourself out the door and after you do, the rest of the convo falls in align. We tend to over prepare and psych ourselves out, assuming this is going to be a horrendous experience. You got this girl! Here is the video my sexo d disclosure sent me me, after I disclosed and said that this was me! Hahaha.. He actually couldn't believe what a big deal I made of it.


  16. Yes, it's amazing how people rectify their oral Herpes being less than having it between your legs. If you want, feel free to share this article w him, as he's just as much a risk of giving it to someone's genitals and/or mouth, as you are to give HSV 2 to his precious wanker. Half of all new genital herpes cases, are from HSV 1 via oral sex. I've seen virgins come on another forum devastated, because they were waiting till marriage to have interintercourse; yet got ghsv1 because they let their bf perform oral sex on them.


    This is exactly why I have an issue w typing and feel it needs to be abolished, because those w just oral herpes, seem to feel they're different than those of us w it between our legs, when they're no different.


    Wanna hear some more irony ontop of yours? I had a friend who has HSV 2 and she disclosed to a guy. He said it was a deal breaker, but they remained friends. 3 months later, he says she's worth the risk. She has him go get tested and low and behold, he had HSV 2 ad well and this was before they ever had sex. She asked if he ever had rashes and he said he had a couple times in the last few yes, but thought it a heat rash. Men tend to have less severe symptoms and the little rashes they get, tend to ignore at times.

  17. It offers some immunity, but it's not fool proof. It still happens. Try not to focus on the type, because if you find out it's HSV 2, it's like experiencing the realization you have herpes all over again and you get very upset, from having your hopes up. I did this too and that's why I hate the whole: HSV 1 is better than 2. I personally feel the stigma would only go away if we stop typing an2 will be seen as 1 is today.

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