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Posts posted by 2Legit2Quit

  1. Do you have any other underlying conditions, like autoimmune, psoriasis, anything that makes your immune system messed up? I'm really sorry you're going through w this, as I can relate because I'm a yr b half in and always symptomatic.. There is a drug callled LDN that peopeople w AIs take, that helps modulate and boost the immune system. I have been off valtrex for one mo th and a week and I actually doing better now than when I was on valtrex, since I started LDN almost a month ago too. Some docs have prescribed it for those struggling w controlling H. Have you been to a rheumatologist by chance or endocrinologist?

  2. Ok listen... That whole food thing. I'd rarely an issue for like 90% of those w H; if not more. Do not even worry about that. Right now what you need to do to learn your body post H, is journal daily symptoms, location, number of times that day, foods, lack of sleep, stress, drinks, possible triggers, etc.; so you can learn you boxy post H. I'm a yr n half in and still jourbaku, especially cause mine changes so much.



    Most don't seem impacted by what they eat, some are not sensitive. For me, I found coffee and liquor specifically, are triggers for me.


    Well you haven't Sid what type you have it if you have oral HSV ontop of genital HSV; but no... You cannot spread your genital infection to your child, unless you're doing something you shouldn't be doing, which I know you're not; I'm just trying to put it into perspective for you, of that makes sense?..


    It is normal to feel as you do now mentally, as well do. We shouldn't feel this way, but stigma is a powerful thing; alas, this will pass, trust me. We all go through the grieving process as you are now and this will pass. One day, you'll even giggle at yourself and your emotional reaction to this, just as I have.


    H is really more a disease of the mind and society, than it is of the actual body.

  3. Well which one did it come up for at .091? First off, it takes 3-4 months to build antibodies after transmission, to even come up positive on a blood test. Secondly, if it's a single value for both simplexes, then she put you in for the wrong test and will give false positives.


    Unfortunately it's going to be a waiting game for you and although condoms lower your risk of transmission of HPV & HSV, there's still a risk of getting it, because it doesn't cover the entire anogenital region. Just thought I'd share that piece if advice, since you're knew on the dating scene and we don't want you ending up in our boat.


    Right now, I wouldn't worry about it, as you have no symptoms.

  4. Well if you already had oral hsv1, a blood test can't tell you where the infection is, w out being swabbed. W that said, a blood test is too soon right now to test. It takes 3-4 months to build antibodies to show up in blood w a new infection.


    So you have a couple options.


    1. If you breakout aagain before 3-4 months post OB, then you need to go have it swabbed w in 48hrs.

    2. The fastest way to know, is for him to go get tested and see if he comes up for HSV 2.

    3. Wait the 3-4 months to retake the blood test.

  5. Ok. Well he is positive for HSV 2. That's because they did a combined test in you, which is wrong. You likely were already positive for HSV 1 and that will cross react w results for HSV 2. In fact of you have any herpes viruses, which every one dies, it can cause it to cross react. He took the correct test and is why his values look as they do. You coukd have gotten HSV 1 as a child. Have you ever had cold sores? Even if you didn't, doesn't mean you didn't have them. Can you go get swabbed next time?


    I'm doing ok... Herpes is nothing compared to the other shit I have going on w my health, it doesn't really faze me, despite constant symptoms still. You had trouble controlling the virus too huh? You're in your late 20s right? I'm surprised, especially w hoe health conscious you are.

  6. The first guy I disclosed to, actually in a spat we were having said: most guys would run away if you told them that, but I didn't.... That made me rage, because I felt he was throwing it in my face and that was a deal breaker and no go. One thing I ask after disclosure is: is this something you're going to throw in my face? If you got it, would you resent me and make me feel guilty for it? For me, it's a res flag and a no guy for a guy to throw it in your face.

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