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Everything posted by Optimista

  1. You're right MMissouri, he's absolutely fine with it. We hadn't talked for about 3 days after I disclosed so I was a little worried that he decided to just fade away but he's all in!
  2. Hello Everyone, I disclosed after knowing a guy for 9 days and 3 dates and he seems ok with it. Long story short, we went out on a blind date and although there was no chemistry, we had a really nice time and said we’d like to see each other again. A month and a half past with no contact so I decided to reached out to him to see how things were going and we reconnected and hit it off and have been in regular contact. Because of how the relationship seemed to be developing and how the topic of sex would come up, I felt it was important to let him know my HSV-2 status so as not to potentially waste his time. I chose to do it over the phone because a) I felt more comfortable and could use a script b) neither of us was really overly invested in the relationship so I didn’t feel I owed him a face to face. I was extremely nervous but was able to share everything I needed to and to my amazement he was very kind, encouraging and supportive. Having dated a girl previously with herpes he began sharing with me everything he knew about it and said if I was ok with it, he would still like to see me. A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I’m glad that I’m able to explore where the relationship is headed without worrying about disclosing. However, although he hasn’t out right rejected me, I’m not sure if he’s still interested in anything romantic and part of me believes he’s just being kind and will fade away eventually. I guess it remains to be seen if this will be a love connection but I am very appreciative of his initial response.
  3. Wow this is soo helpful! Thanks for sharing! My biggest struggle with disclosing is that men will think HA! I knew she was too good to be true or so that's why this beautiful, intelligent, successful woman is single. Your story has inspired hope in me that there's someone for everyone, this is not as big a deal to people as I seem to think it is and it IS possible to find love with HSV.
  4. Thank you everyone for all your feedback. You've answered a lot of questions for me and I really appreciate it! :-)
  5. Also does anybody know if the higher or lower the number indicates how long you may have had it? I don't understand why people test at differently and what the numbers mean.
  6. @WCSDancer2010, which numbers are you going by? Is the 5.1 the number that determines the positive results or the others?
  7. My results are just for HSV2, I wasn't tested for HSV1
  8. @WCSDancer2010 I had the IgG test. The interpretation was <0.9 Negative 0.9-1.0 equivocal >1.0 Positive Then there was a Result column that said 5.1, Units AI and then Flag Reference Range H <0.9. Needless to say, I have no idea what any of that means. If you're able to interpret any of this for me I would be so appreciative. My biggest concern also is having my first OB, dreadful!
  9. Type 2. What amazes me is if I wouldn't have requested a blood test I would have never known I have it. We all experience itching in our genital area from time to time which can be attributed to many things. I may have been experiencing symptoms or mild outbreaks all along.
  10. Hi I'm new here. I found out this past May that I have herpes via blood test. I've had the panel of tests for STD's for the past 2 years but never tested for herpes because I didn't realize it wasn't included in the regular panel of testing. At my yearly visit to my OBgyn, I asked if she could test me for Herpes. It came back positive. I was shocked. I had started a sexual relationship with a man in March and we both were clean ( so I thought) and had been having unprotected sex. I instantly thought he gave it to me but he tested negative which means I had to have contracted it 2 years prior with my previous partner. The kicker is, I have yet to have an outbreak. When I first found out, I thought I was showing symptoms of an outbreak and went to my Dr. immediately but the culture came back negative. I occasionally experience itching and I think I might have had a minor outbreak because I did see a blister in my vaginal area. I sometimes think they might have mixed up my blood test results with someone elses. I guess I should count my blessings but I can't help but worry that someday a full fledged outbreak is going to hit me.
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