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Everything posted by justagirl72

  1. The waiting is the worst part. I have bumps but I'm not really in any pain...I would describe it as more of general discomfort. I'm praying it is some how not herpes... but there's not really another explanation. I don't feel much right now or know what to think. I had unprotected sex with someone I thought I could trust. 7 days later the bumps appeared. Is it safe to say I got it from him? I'm going to see him again and I feel comfortable bringing it up...but I know he might try to make me feel bad and say I was sleeping with someone else... but I haven't. Is it fair to say he gave it to me? I know it is likely he didn't even know he had it. We'd had sex only once or twice before (and I didn't show symptoms) but last week was particularly stressful and I wasn't sleeping much and over working myself so it was like the perfect storm for an outbreak. The doctor at the clinic gave me meds to start taking. She said I could wait for results or start taking them now. I'm going to take them now. I realize I'm rambling. I'm just numb and kind of like what now... I am a good person. A strong person. I will be okay. This just really sucks. I have so many questions.
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