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Posts posted by luna1088

  1. On 5/27/2020 at 2:45 AM, 012088 said:

    Strange that it would now suddenly change, but since that index is so low, I would absolutely look into the test.

    The CDC doesn’t even recommend testing for people who are asymptomatic for the simple reason that the tests are inaccurate and unpredictable 

    but you can always ask Terri herself o  her Westover Heights forum 

    Is it like this forum as well? Well I’ve had multiple test through the years since 2015 when I thought I was having symptoms but they would always come back negative I have them done 2015-2016 but skipped 2017-2020 and in 2017 I was with a new partner that gave me multiple STDs so that’s why I decided to do it this year because I started seeing someone new and was afraid to do anything and I tested and came back HSV 2 positive 1.33 and before I would get .78 and .66 so I was negative and well HSV 1 I’ve had it for years so it come up 34.1 or 55.2 

  2. Has anyone heard of the testing HSV-2 inhibition IA it’s supposed to be kind of like the western blot and rule out the false positives is this test accurate? or should I still consider the western blot I have no symptoms but I tested 1.33 on the IGG test and I got HSV -2 inhibition test as well and came out positive 

  3. 15 hours ago, VhYolo said:

    I'm not an expert by any means, but I think you should retest. It's a low igg. I'm not sure what it should be after 2 years, but I think it would be higher. If you've had sex since then, but protected, you could have got it more recently. I still vote to retest though. Check out Terri Warren's forums and consider a Western Blot if needed. 

    Thank you for answering well I finally had a look at my results more carefully so HSV1 was a score of 34 and HSV2 was a score of 1.33 and yes I have had sex protected but it would be to early for me to test for that encounter for it to show up on the test I don’t know if you get what I mean? I’ve been trying to look at it but I can’t find it, I am just trying to find answers because I don’t want to infect no one else that the last time I want to do to someone 

  4. So I got blood drawn a month ago and I finally got my results and I was both HSV1 and HSV2 positive my HSV 1 was at a 56. Which I’ve had for a long time and occasionally get cold sores and my HSV 2 result was 1.66 I’ve never had any symptoms or outbreaks but I do have a lot of ingrown hair bumps could that be considered symptoms? And if I do have it it was from 2 years that I was with an ex that gave me 2 other STDs and it’s the last person I had unprotected sex, does anyone think I could have been a false positive? It makes me sad cuz I am older and I don’t have kids and I think no one will want to even take me serious. :(

  5. How likely is it to contract HSV 2 orally if you already have HSV1? I had a one time exposure orally about a week ago did not have any other type of sex but orally, me to him the next day my lip feels tingly and a week later I have a sore throat with swollen tonsils no fever or no feeling of being sick just sore throat and swollen tonsils, should I be worried? 

  6. I had sex last night and found out I have a yeast infection as well but I ended up having a what looks like a small cut tear kinda looks like a sore and burns when I pee and when I whipe I hurt up to my anal but idk if I am just sore and the cut is from having dry sex or the result of the yeast infection should I get the cut cultured? Does it sound like a case of hsv this is a new partner to me we've have protected sex but once I did have unprotected sex for a few second can I still have contracted hsv? Any comments help

  7. So unfortunately I got these bumps on the outer part of my vagina by where my thighs hit and rub they look like little bumps that turn into a big bump and the are only swollen during the day and overnight they get flat but still red it's weird I'm getting kinda stressed out so I think I'm going to the dr to get them checked out cuz I just started a new relationship and I wanna make sure I know I don't have anything

  8. It's a OBGYN...I have gone when it gets irritated and only comes back positive for BV or yeast it does go away for a bit but come right back it's weird and annoying obviously but it's like the itching goes away and I feel like I'm in the clear and it comes back and it's like at least once it month it happens...right now I've been doing yeast medication I got prescribed 3 pills and take them 3 days apart but feel like those don't help anymore I'm just out of solutions and I need one quick

  9. Back again with questions so I keep getting BV and yeast infections get very irritated and red down there and really dry I spoke to my gyno and he just prescribes me the same medication over and over and I think it doesn't help at all I got tested for hsv 1& 2 was only positive for 1...I recently started getting sexually active after 9 months but still getting irritated and I am dry as well can it be that i might have hsv 1 haven't had any symptom just the irritation and dryness what can it be I'm going crazy cuz I can't even enjoy sex cuz it hurts

  10. Ok so I got my lab results last week and my results were


    Hsv1 igg >5.00

    Hsv 2 igg> .62

    And HSV IgM > 1.55


    Everytime I take a these test the igM always come out positive and I asked the Dr about and she said every time I have a recent cold sore that that the igM will always show up positive is that true? Does anyone know?


  11. @WCSDancer 2010 so I got my results and I am still negative my results were .62 for hsv 2 and of course positive for hsv 1 which I already knew I've had it since I was younger do you think it was good checking at 5 months after exposure or should I take the Western blot just to be on the safe side or do you think its for sure negative?,

  12. @WCSDancer2010 I get my results in about 2 weeks so hopefully I'll have my answer by then


    I might be allergic to the latex condoms not sure though


    Yes I only used it once and after that one time I stopped using them they were too much trouble and yes I heard they are bad for you after I tried it


    Thank you for the link I'll look into it maybe I'll find my answer there

  13. @Bambina3 thank you dear


    @WCSDancer2010 I got tested because I keep getting horrible yeast infections and BV I've been having them for a year now back to back and they all started happening when I started having sex with my ex (which I had been abstinence for over year before that) but at the same time during that time I douche and that when I started really getting them bad and I've been to the Dr multiple times and they cant find anything else but at the same time I ain't super positive because we always use protection (which I know you could still get HSV 2 even while using protection) and also I have never gotten a outbreak I have got 2 pimple like bumps but they had hairs in it so I was thinking they were ingrown hair so I didn't get them tested but I am hoping and praying there is another reason for my yeast infections but its been 6 months since my last actual sexual encounter so I am hoping to finally seal the deal and get the results I am hoping to get maybe I'll get some relief

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