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Everything posted by StillAwesome

  1. @ Flowers...Gen 003 is a vaccine for HSV2 currently in clinical trials. It's targeted to go to the FDA in 2019 and U.S. market release in 2020. Refer to this post on this forum for more info. Continued good news on herpes vaccine Gen 003! By the way, Chip Clark, Genocea President and CEO is responding to questions about Gen 003 on another forum, through this link. http://honeycomb.click/topic/64217-genocea/ Looks like the server for the link above is down at this immediate moment, but hopefully it will be up again soon. Per Chip Clark, Gen 003 is well-funded to bring this vaccine to the home stretch. Let's all keep our fingers crossed!
  2. @2Legit...for clinical trial info, check https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/results?term=genocea&Search=Search. This shows there is a new trial planned which is not yet recruiting. I think one could look at the active trials, which show contacts/locations to see if there's one near you which may participate the the planned trial. These trials cannot happen without volunteers so extra extra love to those wonderful pioneers. I know that there is thinking that "Don't get your hopes up", etc. However, this one does look hopeful. Drug companies realize this is a billion dollar /annually opportunity and seem to be waking up. Money talks! http://seekingalpha.com/article/1903301-vical-initiates-trial-of-therapeutic-hsvminus-2-vaccine http://medcitynews.com/2014/10/race-tight-genital-herpes-vaccine-agenus-genocea-announce-positive-data/ Btw, on the link posted in the earlier message http://honeycomb.click/topic/64217-genocea/, there's some really positive news from a Phase 2 participant. This link is very active w/new info about Gen 003 posted daily. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On 10/7/2015, 5:33:42, profligate said: Since I am a Phase 2 Participant and complete the 1 year study next week. (Currently doing the last round of swabs to turn in next week and get my 1 year blood work done) I'll throw in my updated opinion and observations. Short story. This stuff TOTALLY works for me. As far as I'm concerned its an unqualified success. Last year, prior to starting the study I was getting outbreaks every other month at least, if not monthly. After getting the shots I had one outbreak about 10 days after the first shot, and another outbreak about 10 days after the third shot. I kind of suspect those outbreaks were in part triggered by the shots themselves and those two outbreaks were odd in that they were fairly serious but cleared up very very quickly. After that........ Nothing. all clear, not a hint that I even had such a thing as Herpes from December of 2014 until now. I really hope this lasts and it will be a bummer if and when it wears off, but 2015 has been an awesome year so far. 10 solid month outbreak free!!! I also hope my outbreak after shot #3 didnt skew some viral shedding statistic somewhere. I know I turned in a bunch of "dirty" swabs in the first set after the 3rd shot because I had an active outbreak. I suppose that also kicked me out of the "outbreak free" statistic. I just bring up those points because for me the stuff totally, unequivocally works, but I'm not sure the tests adequately capture the magnitude of the success because I personally feel the shots themselves triggered outbreaks that in the first round of swabs would appear a failure, but were perhaps more like the virus putting up a last stand fight as it was getting beat down by the immune system. (or something, LOL) Anyway, they got a vast amount of my blood to look at. Hope they get some interesting info from that.
  3. By the way, Chip Clark, Genocea President and CEO is responding to questions about Gen 003 on another forum, through this link. http://honeycomb.click/topic/64217-genocea/ Looks like there were some technical difficulties, but they were fixed, so scroll down to get to the newest postings. Lots of herpes science/research info.
  4. Genocea's vaccine continues to show good results! Latest trial results released on Oct 7 show reduction in viral shedding by 58%. http://www.xconomy.com/boston/2015/10/07/genocea-climbs-on-follow-up-data-for-herpes-vaccine/ http://ir.genocea.com/releasedetail.cfm?ReleaseID=935492 While this is not a "cure", the vaccine is targeted to reduce shedding (transmission) and symptoms. Genocea has reported that the next phase is to investigate combination with oral suppressives. Combine this vaccine's 58% redux with Valtrex shedding reduction of 70%, well, this could be great! I wrote to Terri Warren of Westover Heights about this, and she said "As an investigator on the Gen 003 study, I am not at liberty to discuss details of results at this time. However, I would expect more about the trial to be released in the near future. Suffice to say, I think this is a very hopeful product." Estimates for market release are around 2021 per http://www.dddmag.com/articles/2015/07/herpv-gen-003-will-drive-genital-herpes-treatment-market-growth-2 More below: http://www.genocea.com/platform-pipeline/pipeline/gen003-for-genital-herpes/
  5. Hi Adrial, thank you so much for posting. I love anti-stigma articles like this. There's a saying that "the best disinfectant is sunlight." Getting things out in the open has the ability to dry up all the useless gunk surrounding things and show them for what they really are. There's NO SHAME in accidentally catching a harmless virus. I'm StillAwesome and so is everyone on this amazing forum! If you find more articles like this, PLEASE keep them coming!
  6. After all the emotional support I've gotten from this community, I just wanted to post something I found on the web that really puts herpes into perspective. Not sure if this forum has discussed this one? It says that being embarrassed about herpes is a MTYH, and talks about how common herpes is. Some of the exact numbers may be a little off b/c herpes is even MORE prevalent. It's a great article which shows that the stigma is completely out of proportion. Maybe a good article to share with prospective partners after "the talk". http://www.gurl.com/2014/04/24/myths-about-herpes-genital-oral-facts/#1 Another oldie but goodie, which this forum has commented on... http://www.spiked-online.com/newsite/article/11041#.VfX7fhNVikq
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