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  1. Hello all. I was diagnosed in December by blood test. I had not had an outbreak; however, maybe I have and not know that is what it was. This week that all changed. I had what I thought was an outbreak on my lower tailbone, but wasn't sure. I went to the doctor and they visually diagnosed that yes, this is what it was. Here are my questions. Is there anything I can do to help this heal faster? How long will it take to heal? Is this where I will always get the outbreaks? For those that do get outbreaks, how many outbreaks do you get in a year? Do they get less throughout the years? Thanks all!
  2. Minnesota Looking for a support group. There appears to be a meetup group but not support
  3. Does anyone know of a support group or something along those lines? There is not one in my state.
  4. It was a fleeting moment and I regret it so much. Their response - rejection.
  5. I am just feeling so bad about myself right now. I made the mistake of telling someone and now really really regretting it. All I can think about is what they think of me and what they may say to people
  6. How does one move on from the thought of feeling dirty and what would my friends and family think? And what would happen if the person who knows tells others?
  7. Does anyone know how things are progressing with a cure or vaccine?
  8. I'm confident that it does. I so regret that.
  9. We had oral sex and fingering. No regular sex.
  10. I was not very eloquent when disclosing and basically he said fml and I want nothing to do with you. He meant so much to me.
  11. I am really struggling to move on from a rejection. How can I deal with being rejected and he just is out of my life. We spent so much time over the past months getting to know one another and now just gone. I'm also regretting even saying anything now. I keep replaying what if I didn't say anything and then never went into a sexual relationship. I'm afraid of what he thinks of me now.
  12. I'm looking for a buddy to talk to. I don't want to be judged for anything but need to talk things out. I'm in my 40's.
  13. When can a person he tested, if not having an outbreak? How long after exposure?
  14. Oral, touching inside vaginally and then touching himself
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