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Posts posted by esdbec0713

  1. Yeah seriously. I just found out less then two weeks ago and my doctor called me at told me that it was HSV-2. So they definitely know when they get in the test results.


    Don't beat yourself up over this. It could only bring on more OBs due to stress. Even though the herpes virus sucks and stays with you forever, it's very fragile outside the body. The virus can only survive 10 seconds outside the human body. Don't worry about the toilet seats or the soap, however, if you don't want your daughter using your bath towels anymore then that's your call. My main concern is not giving the virus to my boyfriends son so I'm in the same boat as you.


    As for the dirty part your not, none of us are. I got mine from having make up sex. Some get it the first time they have sex and others got it decades ago. It's life, things happen and with 1 in 6 having herpes some of us can say we've encountered this virus more then once.

  2. We do not know who was the initial carrier. We were together for over 2 years, broke up for 3 months, slept together and he got his first ob and my first within 24 hours of each other. This infection is very new, not even two weeks old, and the fact that I can get it in my eyes ABSOLUTELY freaks me out so I've been extra careful.


    I had mine swabbed and it came back positive.


    For the next 6 months would it be wise to go on suppression therapy? Give our bodies time to heal and develop antibodies?

  3. MY primary ob was much worse than that of my....whatever he is at the moment.... primary ob even though we had them hours apart. He's been on generic Valley at 2 grams daily a few days longer then me. My doctor waited for test results, Planned Parenthood looked at his penis and said that's herpes, take this...


    He's about 90% in terms of feeling and the way the skin looks. I on the other hand don't have any lesions, bumps or cuts however I've had this weird tingling on one side of my labia major for days now and I still feel swollen and am feeling weird pains in my sciatic nerve and at the tail bone. What to do?

  4. Hi all area !!!


    A little over a week ago the ex-boyfriend and I got back together and had unprotected sex after being broken up for 3 months. During that time I slept with one person once and with a condom. He stuck up a little relationship with another woman and before we got back together had unprotected sex with her. Three days after sleeping together he notices two small bumps and marks on his penis, the next day I discover a lump on my labia majora. We got tested and came back as having HSV-2.


    We did the blame game for about an hour after finding out, however, we text both of our previous partners and told them the news and both said that they were "clean". What I don't understand is how could the both of us get our first primary ob within 24 hours of each other when the last time we had sex was days before. I know you can spread the virus with no symptoms but for us to both have a primary at the same time that even my doctor said that's a little too weird. I just wanted to see if anyone has some sort of theory behind that strange occurrence.


    His out break looked nastier then mine, however, he's all healed and I still have bumps. Mine was so bad that I originally thought I had hemorrhoids because I couldn't sit. He was put on 2 grams of genetic Valtrex from the start. I waited for test results and then was put on Valtrex 500mg, I have since upped my dose to 2 grams because I'm not healing as rapidly as I would like.


    What worried me was that before the Valtrex I started getting numb, dull and tingy feelings in my calls and soles of my feet. I went on the Valtrex and within hours I was sick as a dog; flu like symptoms galore! I vomitted, had body aches, nerve pain on the upper tights, bum and lower back, I didn't have a temperature but I slept for two hours and woke up covered in sweat. Is this my body fighting back? The Valtex?


    I've been on the 2 grams for a full day now and feel much better. The vomiting and chills/sweats only happened right after I took the valtrex at 500 mg. However, the nerve pain and odd sensations in my lower back have stopped as of yesterday, but I'm still getting pain in the Sciatic Nerve area and tangling around the site were my first bump appeared. Is this to be expected of a primary ob??? I also noticed that It's harder for me to control the stream of my urine. Will this go away in time? Any responses are greatly appreciated for I figured the best people to ask herpes questions to aren't doctors reading from a book but actual people with the virus.

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