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Everything posted by Browndog

  1. OK. I will do that. I took a bath with epsom salt and coconut oil and it seems better. I was in a lot of stuff yesterday. My pressure tank leaked so we were cleaning up water in the basement. I was wearing jeans that got wet... who the heck knows. I still get alot of fear for like any little itch or mark "OMG - it's back". I did go and get tested and looked at again. All was clear and I didn't have any other STDs so that is good. The whole thing was/is pretty scarey and I'm really glad I found this site. Thanks for the super fast response.
  2. i haven't been here in a while I healed up ok. Haven't gotten rid of the cause of my heroes yet.... The guy.... I have an outbreak question I have a rash that just started on the backs of my thighs. Little red bumps they kind of itch. I haven't changed detergents or anything like that Might that be an outbreak and should I call in one of my prescriptions for whatever that antibiotic is?
  3. The nerve stuff is making me mental. I keep looking for more bumps and stuff cuz I have the tingling going on down there and in my legs. And in my butt. I wish it would go away. Ugh
  4. I did fall down a couple times in the first couple weeks. It was like a shooting pain and then bam. My legs would give way. And every once in a while I would check to make sure my butt was in the right spot. I feel better just knowing someone else had such similar experience. Hugs.
  5. Omg! I was hoping to find a new person so I could share! And here you are. You described exactly what I went through but I had the sores on the inside and outside. It was pretty horrible. And I was diagnosed with hsv1. The tingling is the neuropathy. 2legit explains it very well. I am in the 4th week and finally close to feeling normal. I still have some of the tingling once in a while and right now I have some dryness and itching. Hang in there! You are doing great. I already ran the gamut of anger and resentment with my partner when really he probably just didn't know or didn't pay attention. I hope you're feeling better very soon!
  6. Well I had an ok week. Today I have some discomfort like dryness and some itching. But there is nothing there. No rash. No redness. No swelling. I haven't shaved there in a month so I could have irritation from that I guess The fatigue is a lot better too. This the first day I didn't have a massive headache either. So I'm getting back to normal but it has taken a month. I still feel somewhat dirty. But it's getting better. I don't know about the self worth thing either. I think I had those issues long before I got herpes. So it's taking me a while to get better. That's a bummer. And I wonder if some of it is in my head. But whatever. It is what it is. It's better than it was so I'm grateful.
  7. Yup. I bet another week and I'm back to normal. And I have been journaling too. I guess I thought I addressed my self worth issues and I have not. Or they ever really go away. I don't know I'm going to find posts of new people with bad outbreaks and see if I can help them.
  8. Yup. I read the is he a fuck yes. And now I read these that is some harsh truths but truths one the less. I get it. More and more gets revealed. And I get it. As far as the ob. The bitch itch is almost gone thank god! I don't know what was worse. That or the fricking sores. Geez Louise. But I feel like I almost have my lady bits back. Yay me! And the rest of me needs a complete overhaul. I lost myself somewhere and it's becoming more and more clear and sitting in church today it struck me... I would like myself back goddammit!!! I'm going to get me. Turns out H is an opportunity for me. How about that?
  9. Ok. Well it's good to know I'm not loosing my mind. I'm on like my 5th bag of Epsom salts lol. It's just two spots specifically but mother of pearl!!!! Nights as well have chicken poms. I thought about soaking my stuff in calmine lotion lol. And you're right. I'm projecting. I'm home on a Friday wearing his big ass pajama pants so I can 'air out' while he is out partying. I sat and felt sorry for myself all night and ate the rest of the Ben and jerrys lol. I am feeling tons. I think tomorrow I will do a little workout and see if it boosts my spirits some. I'm really glad this site is here bi have done a lot of reading tonight.
  10. Well I'm finishing the third week and I have one sore left. Two sort of scar looking things and a cut from where I itched in the night. I get these bouts of itching that are just crazy. Like I could scratch my skin off. I'm still sitting in Epsom salts and using the bactine. It could be from hair growth I guess. But it's itchy. My other situation with the partner hasn't changed much. He is who he is. I don't have too much hope at this point. I think he is staying out of guilt and because we have a vacation planned for the end of March. I don't know. He says he loves me and is t one to run at the first sign of trouble. I'm pretty down right now. I feel like the whole thing should be done and I still itch so I'm bummed. Is that normal to itch three weeks out?
  11. Yup. Like something is moving in around in there. It's very bizarre and I have to be careful to not grab my own ass at work. They already think I'm weird. Lmao. It may be a pulled muscle from walking like a dork for almost two weeks and sitting like a dork. Two sores left and the one on my upper thigh that we weren't sure about. I slept well. I'm feeling pretty good and I have 1.5 more days of the pills. And it's so funny that you two say that. My friend was over last night with marriage problems and some she created for herself and I said to her... That guy is showing you who he is. THAT is what you are getting? Do you want THAT? And here I sit being asked the same questions. I have a lot of thinking to do. I think I already know. I just am filled with fear. Fear of being alone. Fear of not being loved because I have H. And this is really bad... I have fear that he will move on as if nothing happened and be with someone else and I will be alone. And that's just not fair.
  12. Nah. It's been 18 years. I hate to say never but I am active in a 12 step program so I a constantly reminded I am one of those that just doesn't mix with the drink. I have experienced deep depression in sobriety. Not having an anesthetic against emotional ups and downs is a bummer but I have been blessed in the fact that the compulsion was removed. I wish this herpes shit was that easy. I am in week three and I feel pretty good I think I have about three sores left. And the weird neuropathy and it's in my glutes. It keeps feeling like somethings is there so I grab my reared and there is nothing but my growing ass lol. And I think I have one or two of those fissures you talked about. Sort of like a paper cut sort of. I don't know if they are rub marks from wearing pads for so many days in a row. And the itching ensued last night and a little tonight. Crimes! That was bad. I didn't itch in the beginning. And no fatigue. I worked all day and felt great. I am using the Vaseline trick and that is helping a lot. And the patch on my leg is almost gone. I don't know that I can fault him for this if it indeed was from long ago. But I really don't know about him cheating on me. I just don't know. I think he had it and this was just really unfortunate.
  13. I just finished what me and the doctor feel was week two. I got it two Saturday's ago. He was drinking last night by himself so there was a lot of mushy texts and bullshit guilt texts. I had taken my kids with my sisters fsmily to a fun restaurant and game room and was therefore wiped out so I just went to bed. I truly believe all of his responses are bullshit and he had t and knew it and because no one else prior to me ever accused him he never thought twice. And it would just be grand if he actually went and got tested and it came back negative and he would unleash that on me. At one point last night he spun it that way. Then it seems like you are not interested in me. Blah blah I think the pills give me poop problems which made my hermoroid show back up and that is messing me now too. But all in all I did some stuff today and had minor pain and just fatigue. I'm soaking now and gonna be done for the night.
  14. Thanks! Next week will be 18 years. Well he drank last night and then got all meloncoley. I don't know how to spell. I'm going to tell him again today about what you said that it's likely he has it in his mouth. I got another big as bump on my underpants line. Yesterday was the first I wore clothes all day. Is that normal. It's big. And I have itching I didn't have but I wonder if it's from hair growth maybe? Or the neuropathy. So I'm in that freaked out stage where I feel something and I'm like omg it's never going to go away!
  15. Thank you for that information. It gives me hope. However I don't think I'm emotionally ready to date right now. I clearly have a resentment and some anger issues to deal with and have to adjust to living with herpes.
  16. Well my new reality is to pay attention to red flags and not make excuses. So my results are in. I tested positive for hsv1 and negative for hsv2. She talked to me for a while because I had so many questions. What she said was he more than likely also has HSV1 in his groin area. Especially since the statements of the rash and itchy nut. She said if I contracted it from his mouth he would have had to have a cold sore and he didn't. She said my shaving probably left open follicles and that is how I got it. She said the tests definitely showed t is a new infection so I got it from my partner. I decided to not do suppressive therapy right away because it is HSV1. I told her I wanted to wait and see if I got another OB. She said that was a sensible decision and left me three standing three day doses of valtrex and told me what to watch out for and I could just go to my pharmacy and pick up a script. So then I texted the asshat. And tell him the deal and that he has it. Can you believe he asked me if there is a way to get rid of it? I am just beyond hurt and pissed!!! So I say no. No there is t and I have it in my crotch and now I have a standing prescription. Fucker. God!!!! No fear of alcohol, I'm a recovering alcoholic. I may Ben and jerrys cherry Garcia my ass to happiness though. I don't even have words. I knew I had H but like getting the test results just makes it so real and I feel so unsupported by my partner. Who does this? I was so fuckjng mad I said 'so since you didn't have a cold sore it's in your groin area and you would have had to get it by someone giving you head with a cold sore. When did that happen???' Fuck happy Valentine's Day!
  17. I feel pretty good today. The sores are dry so I'm going to do the vasaline trick and hope that makes work better. I don't have to be in until 10. And I slept pretty good. I am also recovering from a couple fever blisters on my forehead. I had a couple good fevers in the 103 zone. But is the sores are drying up I'm hopeful I'm in the mend. And yup. We sound like twins. So maybe I just found my blessing in disguise with the H. And I a seeing things clearer now. My spirits are up today even though the headache is pretty bad and has settled in my eyes. I'm going to get myself a fat jimmy johns and chips for lunch and celebrate my new reality!!!
  18. I am pretty blunt and I don't sugarcoat anything. I figure how can you guys help me if I don't just put it all out there. And I need reality checks because I don't always live in reality. I smear reality with my expectations and it gets me in a lot of messes. And I'm so disgusted with all of this I just don't give a shit. I know I'm in for a life changer with this. And I know from dancer2010 and you that I need to stay in reality about my partner. He is showing who he is and I have some big decisions coming I read the article about the H wingman. It was good. My partner is the runner but he is the sly type. Given the opportunity he will fade over time. And then he will make like he is doing me this huge favor because he just can't live with what he did. Blah blah you selfish fuck. (Ok. I am bitter right now anyone with a crotch that you can cook grilled cheese on its so hot would be fucking bitter). I have to go find the threads on anger management. As far as symptoms, the longer I walked and stood the worse the neuropathy got today. I made it at work until about 3pm. . But only my left leg and butt cheek. So here's to hoping tomorrow is a bit better. The pain down under is tolerable if I sit in comfortable spots and I go commando. But t is getting better.
  19. Ugh. I have a new symptom. I have creamy white discharge and some of it is sort of yellowish. It doesn't really smell. But wtf??? Really??? When is it done? The spot on my leg is redder and does have tiny little blisters but it doesn't really itch. This is really annoying and every time something new or more painful happens I get more pissed.
  20. I am taking the valacyclovir twice a day. Big blue pills. I couldn't get anyone to give me the nerve meds but that has subsided pretty well. I get tweaks here and there but that's about it. I am also taking aleve every 12 hours and drinking buckets of water and I ate a lot of yogurt. I guess I thought the probiotic and the cultures in the yogurt would help. The sores broke open so that is gross and they stick to stuff and hurt. I got bactine and am in love with that shit! Thank god! And I can pee without throwing myself off the toilet in pain so that's a bonus. There is still a decent amount of pain but I am also sleeping better. Today's new symptom is a headache upon awaking I think sitting commando now for 1.5 days has really helped. And I got Epsom salts. I was doing baking soda baths but now I'm using massive amounts of Epsom salts. And I did spray the weird spot only thigh with bactine and I covered it with a band side. I'm an itcher by nature. Today it looks like a red blob. No blisters. I sprayed it and covered it again. And I'm not getting any new sores down under so that is good right? I have fever blisters. I had some fevers so high I swear I hallunicated so that sucked. I started watching some of the videos the guy that made this site posted so that is helping me some. I am still really upset with my partner. He brought me Epsom salt and bactine and had pizza with us but I really feel like he thinks I'm gross. Which is really jacked up cuz I'm about 100% he gave this to me Mr rash and nut itch it I put lotion on and it went away. He fucking had it for a week. I even said something to him about how I feel and he said no that's not true and went on to bitch about his kids so that situation is up in the air. I really have some anger and hurt feelings and self worth feelings I'm going to have to deal with there As I sit here the neuropathy is just a bit I my left leg but I'm sitting on aslant a it because that is how I landed in the chair. I'm going to go to work for a bit and then come back home because I swear letting the sores dry out makes them heal a whole lot faster. So my total span was regular sex on a Friday night or early Saturday morning oral sex late Saturday night. Slight itch and irritation on Monday with it professing until Friday where I barely made it through the day with pants and exactly a week later I was pretty crippled. Following Monday started meds and now it's Thursday so two days short of two weeks and I feel like it's getting better but it still hurts. God save the first razor I use after this shit!
  21. Happened to me. I'm the partner that had an outbreak from someone who either had no symptoms or symptoms so small he didn't relate them to H. He knew he had it though. And never disclosed
  22. And I kind of get stoked for my birthday but it's because me and my kids love cake and fun. I won't even tell you what a douche bag he was on my birthday lol. Clearly I have other issues to address. After this bout of grossness is done and I can put my fucking big girl pants on. I think my spirits are up a bit so that's good. Lmao
  23. And the doctor did tell me that she didn't know if the meds would be really helpful because it's best to start within the first 72 hours. But I thought it was ingrown hairs from wild sex and a yeast infection so I didn't go in. I'm concerned about this patch on my leg. It was not there this morning.
  24. I posted the name of what she prescribed above. So now I have a patch on my left front leg. I don't know if it's heat rash because I use a heated blanket because I don't have pants or if I spread this stupid shit. And of course I randomly itched my leg thru the blanket before I looked. So is this shit just gonna spread all over? Or do you think it's heat rash?
  25. Funny you should ask I have rheumatoid arthritis which falls in the auto immune category my body has to work really hard to fight off infections and when something hits me like flu or cold it's like an all out attack. So the night was rough. Sweating and fevers and I would have sawed my legs off if I could have gotten up. That sucked. I'm currently sitting in a sitz bath and sweating my ass off. I emailed the doctor so I should here back today. Oddly enough the side and back pain and most of the leg pain is low or gone my feet tingle but I'm sitting Indian style and maybe cutting the circulation off. The sores are still bad with the pain and it's hard to walk without yelping. And I went off on my partner after he texted saying he was sad because his kids and dad didn't remember his birthday. I was like are you for real? My crotch is on fire I have constantly electrocution and stabbing all over my lower extremities. Fevers that make me hallucinate and I even rendered helpless you are sad? God. People can really be self centered. That made me cry but then I slept for a while. So today I wait for new prescriptions. What does the valtrex do? And I'm back on my couch working from home the best I can.
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