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Everything posted by PositiveSeattle

  1. Thanks green! That's some great advice. It's only been a couple weeks, but it's true what people say. It does get better, wondering what may trigger an outbreak is kind of scary, but the stress in that may cause one anyways. I would love support and am willing to offer my own as well.
  2. Thank you so much for sharing this! I am recently diagnosed female in my 20's and I am very nervous to start having these disclosures in the future. I don't want to isolate myself from dating because of this. You stories are very encouraging.
  3. Thank you for your post! :) You are right, I can do anything I want, and more. The thoughts are all still settling in...but support such as yours helps tremendously.
  4. I am a 28 year old female from the Seattle area. Recently diagnosed with HSV-2 less than a week ago. I am still reeling from the news. Essentially, this is a lifestyle change and I'm trying to figure out all that it entails. I have so many questions and I would love the opportunity to talk to someone who has been down this road, want or also need support, and help understanding how I can have a good and healthy sex life. I find myself in the good days and bad days mentality right now. I want to say thank you to this community, you guys have been a huge help in showing me that life can go on. I don't know what I would have done without this forum to turn to when it can feel like you are so alone and everyone around you is looking at you differently now. So if anyone is out that that is willing to talk, let me know. It would be nice to talk to some people (local or not) in the same situation.
  5. Hi everyone- I am a 28 yr old female, have always been mostly happy with my life. In middle of June, I suffered from a UTI, shortly after a yeast infection (went to the gyno and got swabbed and blood tested) yeast was positive. I've always known I had HSV-1, but have never had a cold sore on my mouth. Everything fine and dandy...then about two weeks later I noticed this weird pain when I touched my right labia. Didn't think much about it, but kept watching the area. An odd mostly flat "bump" showed up, and for a day or so I had a strange "tingling" in my buttock area. Called my gyno nurse with my concerns, they told me sounds like a pimple or something. I still didn't feel right. Called back and went in to get swabbed the next day. When I get the results back...boom HSV-2. I am in a word, terrified. How can this happen when my blood test was just negative for type 2? I have been sleeping with my on and off ex for months (not using condoms despite me preferring to), he claims he got tested and was clean but I never asked to see his test. I had slept with someone else back in September, was fine. Slept with that same person again about two weeks before my UTI, yeast infection, etc. Used condoms both times. I almost don't want to bother trying to find someone to blame anymore. It is what it is. I got the official diagnosis two days ago, but the whole week of not knowing what is was almost felt worse than finding out. My Dr is assuming this is my first OB, although it sounds very mild compared to what first OB "should" feel like. I have not had any itching, or burning/pain when I urinate. It really just hurts to sit sometimes and I have tiny blisters and tiny sores that seem to go away quickly. Anyway, here is my cry for help. ANYONE that can help my through this I would be so thankful for. I am terrified of the future, I feel alone and somewhat gross. I don't want to feel bad or ashamed, but it hurts knowing I have spent my life trying to protect myself to end up with this anyways. I have combed the internet trying to find support groups and I found Ella Dawson's blog which really helped. I have read so many things about what can cause your next OB etc and I am terrified of the known. -When will this OB end? Will I remember what a normal vag feels like? (I have been on 1000mg of Valtrex per day for two days now. Dr said she wanted to hit it strong). -I don't want to change my eating habits. I can't give up coffee, fast food, soda, chocolate, alcohol (my friend's friend has HSV-2 and drinks way too much and seems fine. I drink socially, nothing crazy). -Can I wax or shave that area ever again? They say friction can cause another...so I can't masturbate anymore? That my period can trigger an OB?? -Sun exposure?? -How can I ever date again? -I sit at a desk all day and get kind of sweaty "down there" sometimes, I'll have to worry about this triggering another OB? - I do not want to take meds everyday. My friends mom who has H told me she has been taking probiotics and hasn't had an OB in over a year. Thanks for anyone who read through this and offers support. Comments or direct messages are welcomed. God bless all of you.
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