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  1. So I've started casually dating someone new. Someone I'm already very close friends with. I've had a crush on him for a while and he shocked me by kissing me the other day. I'm about to graduate college and move away and he's still a sophomore AND a virgin. I'm not sure how far he wants to go, but the last few times we've made out it's gotten VERY heated. Other than letting exes know I haven't had to disclose to a partner yet. I was just diagnosed three months ago and I'm still grappling with the shame. I'll be fine for a while then any time I suspect I'm having an outbreak it's just a big fat reminder that I'm 20 and have this for the rest of my life. My first outbreak was the most horrendous pain I've ever felt, and now my organs are very mild, but it's still like a slap in the face I feel obligated to tell him. Obviously I would NEVER engage in sexual activity without disclosing and I could probably convince him I'm only comfortable keeping things about the waist, but it just feels wrong. But I'm terrified. We're enjoying the time we have left together but I don't know if I'll be able to bear the look on his face is I tell him. I already feel like a leper. Only my close friends know and are very supportive, but it still feels like I'm hiding myself. I fear he'll never want to even kiss me again. I'll offer him an out but I'm not sure if I'm more afraid of him taking the out or him pretending he's not grossed out by me. I've been with a small number of people and I was in real relationships with each of them. I personally know I'm not "dirty" or any such ugly words, but I can't help but think that's how he and others will react. The fact is I still don't know who gave H to me and I feel as though saying I don't know who gave it to me will make me appear "slutty". I'm never, EVER one to slut shame or make those false accusations but I'm just so scared others will see it that way. I know I'll have to deal with rejection many times in my life but it's still so fresh to me. Do you guys have any advice on approaching the subject or dealing with rejection/or coping with not having the strength to admit it? I just feel like I'll never date again. Not even just because of the rejection, but the sense that I'm too great a coward to even try. I just feel defeated and could really use some kindness and understanding from you guys, because no one else can comprehend the pain of dealing with this unless they've gone through it themselves, no matter how hard they may try to empathize. I just feel like my depression is kicking in again and I don't want to sink into that hole again. Please help.
  2. I believe I'm having my first OB since my initial and it has me very upset. There's the obvious intense itch and discomfort. Is it unusual for you guys to have itchiness where you don't necessarily have sores. Just general genital irritation. I've also noticed it seems very red and feels swollen. Do you guys experience this? The secondary stress is psychological. It is like one big fat reminder that this is my life, forever. There's no escaping it. It's just that I'm 20. It hurts so much that this is permanent. And I was really hoping it'd be longer before I had another outbreak. It's been about 2 and a half months since my initial. I already have bipolar depression and anxiety that's been really getting to me lately. Borderline suicidal. I'm afraid this could push me over the edge. I really need some support, understanding, and encouragement rn.
  3. Reading and researching online has been one of the best things for calming me as well. This website for example. It just gets so overwhelming sometimes. You're totally right, it's pretty much always in my thoughts.
  4. Since my diagnosis a couple weeks ago I've become very self conscious. My initial outbreak was really awful and my body is finally recovering. It's been what feels like the longest 3 weeks of my life. Yeast infection (still ongoing despite treatment), uti, and hsv 2 all diagnosed at once. My OB is almost gone, I just have remnants of scabs where my skin has mostly healed. I've been washing my hands constantly. I have a huge bottle of germx in my room. I'm afraid to leave any laundry around, I'm scared to share drinks (even though I don't have it orally), I'm afraid to be in physical contact with anyone. I just feel toxic. How do guys cope with all of this? It feels like I'm walking around with leprosy and everyone will just look at me and know. It's very distressing. I know this is an overreaction but I can't get over the feeling.
  5. Haven't found anything near me. Anyone know of support group locations in Louisiana? I could really use one.
  6. It has been very rough. I've had a couple UTIs in the past, including a really bad one last year that turned into a kidney infection. And I've had a couple year infections over the years, bit I don't think I'd call either of them recurring. They don't happen that often. By safe I mean pads vs tampons. I can't decide which will be better to avoid further infections
  7. My first OB is nearly over. I dealt with a yeast infection and uti all at the same time. Now I'm almost healed up and all the emotional and pjysical stress seems to have led me to starting my period. Fml right there. Do you have tips and advice for dealing with that? I'm not really sure what safest method is right now, because obviously I want to avoid more infections.
  8. Hi, I'm Rachel. I'm 20 and graduating in May with my bachelor's in theatre, performance and directing specifically. I'm originally from south Texas but I go to college in Natchitoches, Louisiana, so I bounce between the states a lot. It would be really amazing to find someone living near me to talk to, but I'd gladly have a buddy from anywhere to text or Skype or something. I have genital herpes, though I'm not sure if it is HSV 1 or 2. I'd prefer to talk to a woman, since she'd have more understanding of how it's affecting my body. I'm bisexual and currently seeing an H- woman. I don't see a lot of posts online about bi or lesbian women dealing with this, so if any of you ladies are lgbt it would be really amazing to hear from you. I just got diagnosed this week and I'm still trying to figure it out and deal with my first OB, which is really excrutiating. I'd love some advice from those of you with more experience, and I'd also really like to talk to others in the beginning stages of this. I'm a pretty open book and easy to talk to. I just really want to connect with you and hope to meet some friends on here.
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