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Posts posted by MakingIT2017



    @MakingIT2017 Most people who have it simply don't know they have it. It is not a routine part of STI testing and causes obvious/noticeable symptoms in a minority of people who have it.


    I had the same experience when I tested positive but have found accepting partners since then, including a partner who happened to know he had it as well.


    Yes, I realize that it is not included in standard STD testing which is crazy to me. Lol

    The only reason it was included for me is because the lab dropped the ball. During my lab work for my physical I requested that they include STD testing but they didn’t. I asked my doctor for the results and that’s when she noticed so sent me back to the lab and mentioned she would do a full panel this time.


    I’m glad you have found success! It definitely gives me hope. I liked online dating because I rarely go out so I wasn’t meeting people. I’ve met some strange ones but have also met people that have turned out to be pretty good friends.


  2. Hi there, I’m so sorry you’re going thru this. I found out I have HSV2 via blood test that I requested at my annual physical last year. The nurse called and said that I had antibodies in my blood associated with Genital Herpes then asked if I had ever had an outbreak. I’ve never had an outbreak so requested to see the doctor again for more information. I went back to the doctor days later and she said that they normally don’t test for herpes because it’s so common. She explained it to me as simply being “exposed” to the virus but they can’t confirm until I have an outbreak that they can swab. I asked about the meds and she was against it since I never had an outbreak. I never got my numbers but they have an app that I downloaded on my phone and signed up for. That’s where I saw my numbers. My HSV1 result was negative and my HSV2 number was 5.6 which means I definitely have it and could have had it for months or years. Anything over 3.5 is a true positive based on what I’ve been reading.

  3. Hello, I’m 42 and was diagnosed 4 months ago so I probably won’t be of much help because I’m single again. The guy I was seeing when I found out is 41 and we met online. I was diagnosed via blood test I requested during my annual physical. My symptoms are mild, if any, so finding out was a shock to my system and he left immediately. My plan this year is to focus me and learning to pay attention to my body closer when it comes to this virus. I’ve been reading that most people in our age bracket have this virus but I know of no women outside of this site with it. I guess people are just not talking about it...at all! I do plan to get back out there next year and hope to find someone who either has it too or is truly accepting. It scares me tho and I think it’s because of the way my ex responded when I told him. I normally attract those my age or slightly older on the dating sites. I have a guy friend that I have hung out with a couple of times lately. We met online last year and he’s 39. We ended up being friendly but that’s it. It’s nice to get out sometimes and try to quiet the voices in my head about this virus.

  4. Hi there, honestly I would just wait for the test results and stay off of Google! Everyone’s experience with this virus is different. I found out via a blood test during my annual exam 4 months ago. I was shocked because I’ve never had any blisters or looked like any of those images you see on Google.My only real symptom is itchiness on occasion which I never associated with the virus. I’m glad your boyfriend is being super supportive and will get tested next week. Hopefully things work out in your favor. Keep us posted.

  5. Hello, I truly understand how you feel. It’s been 4 months since I found out I had H2 and I am no longer the same person. I’m more quiet and feel like I’m isolating myself. I’ve been hanging with this guy friend who has taken an interest in me but every time we meet up I am quiet at times or way too deep in thought. I agree to meet up with him as an attempt to get back to me but it’s almost like a reminder that if I catch feelings I have to disclose so I keep my distance. I’ve read several stories where they say it gets better emotionally with time but right now I feel like a shell of myself. Be kind to yourself as that’s what I’m trying to do. This virus is definitely very common but people just don’t talk about it.

  6. Wow, I’m SO sorry you’re going thru this and I feel your pain. You seemed to have done all of the right things prior to this guy with the testing, etc. We all get caught up in the moment. I have H2 and learned 3 months ago (10/4). I am also a professional with 2 great kids and thought I had it all together. I’ve come to grips with my diagnosis (kind of) but my shine has definitely faded after finding out. The guy I was seeing left immediately and I don’t know if he even went for testing. Don’t be too hard on yourself. This forum, my faith and my kids have been my saving grace. Be encouraged.

  7. Yesss!! I was on my first date since my diagnosis almost 3 months and we went to see the movie. I saw it too but didn’t say anything. Well, my date says “he has a cold sore”. I didn’t acknowledge it but when he kissed the guy on his cheeks my date was like “Eww he kissing that dude with cold sore on his lip”. I just nodded and continued watching but inside my heart sank a little. He and I finally hung out after meeting back in April. Not sure where it’s going so disclosing is not something I will worry myself with right now.

  8. Yes, I agree!! After reading so many posts of people who had sex several times over months/years knowing they have the virus but “forgot” because it’s a non issue for them always left me scratching my head. Forgot?? How?? It’s on my mind daily but maybe because it’s still new for me. People don’t disclose because they fear that person will respond like mine did. For the record he was saying I was the “one” prior to this but that was obviously not true. Most people hope for the response you received...someone that was understanding and supportive. I’ve had someone disclose to me years ago and I didn’t run...I listened and I saw his vulnerability. I appreciated his honesty and we are friends and H has nothing to do with it. Disclosure before intimacy is definitely the way to go!! You will sleep better knowing your conscience is clear. I’m happy things worked out in your favor. You have yourself a keeper!!

  9. Great post! I was also in a new relationship when I found out I had H2. We had already been intimate for 3 months and knowing each other 6. It was time for my annual physical so I asked for STD testing and that’s how I found out. Like you, I was very transparent about it all and he knew I was having my physical and requested the testing. When the nurse called with the news I reached out to him less than 30 mins later and told him. Unfortunately he wasn’t as supportive as your lady was but instead accusatory and downright mean. We haven’t talked since and at first I was devastated at the chain of events but much better almost 3 months later. He has no clue what type I have and I don’t even know if he went and got tested. He just apparently did a quick internet search and ran for the hills leaving me to handle this alone.


    I 100% agree to always disclose as soon as possible like you and I did. As soon as I found out I told him. It never dawned on me NOT to say anything actually. We had plans to meet up the very next day and sex was definitely on the menu. Obviously that didn’t happen because I was honest and told. Had I went ahead and had sex then said something later I would have felt like shit. So because I said something right away I can move forward with a clear conscience knowing I wasn’t being deceitful and I did the right thing regardless of the outcome.

  10. Julie, thanks for sharing your story. I’m 42 and newly diagnosed with H2 less than 3 months ago. I’ve told no one except the guy i was dating at the time. The way he responded made me feel that I won’t tell anyone else unless it’s a potential partner. I thought about telling my mom but she’s also old school and may not be very understanding. Plus I feel she will tell the rest of the extended family so I will keep it to myself for now. These forums help me talk thru my emotions so I’m very appreciative of that. Congratulations on finding love again!! That’s awesome! I enjoy intimacy and that closeness too so I know that eventually I will have to put myself out there again.

  11. I agree with @optimist. Your guy is most likely upset that you didn’t tell him before y’all had sex. There’s a level of trust there that has been shattered. I know if I’d slept with someone who knew they had something and failed to disclose I’d be pretty upset too. Even if there were no discussions about STDs prior to sex you should have told him. Hopefully he comes around but if not chalk it up as a lesson learned.

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