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Posts posted by IcanOvercome

  1. Thank y'all for the suggestions!!

    Everything has been resolved. I'm a month out from my initial OB & diagnoss. I've heard another period & did not have an OB with it so that was reassuring. That was a worry of mine. I'm on suppressive therapy now.

    I've had a few twinges or tingles down there the past couple of days but no sores, lesions or blisters.

    Feeling hopeful!


    Oh & the test results for everything else came back negative. Positive for GHSV2 but did not receive any lab values.

  2. I agree! It has opened my eyes for sure. Hopefully more people will educate themselves and become more understanding!

    I was one of those that had a nasty view of it before. Having HSV now has required me to educate myself.

    Hopefully when the newness wears off the symptoms will subside as well!

    Feel free to message me anytime!! Best wishes to you!

  3. I'm not having any blisters either! I've read that some people never have another outbreak and if they do sometimes it's so small that they don't even notice. Hoping that's the case for us! I thought my initial OB was terrible but only for about 2 days and I seemed to bounce back pretty quick.

    It's definitely an emotional roller coaster. I'm glad he took it well & that he is still around! I think my biggest fear is the future of dating and disclosing. I feel confident that regardless everything will turn out okay.

  4. Seems like we are dealing with this the same & having the same symptoms.

    I had to go to planned parenthood because I have no health insurance or primary doctor at the moment.

    I haven't had much help either! Everything that I've learned has been from this website, Ella Dawson's video & website, or another support group allied Honeycomb. Based on other people's posts I decided myself to start suppression therapy. I plan on doing it for at least the first year. As my body adjusts and I learn to notice symptoms related to Hsv I may get off of suppressive therapy and just treat outbreaks. Hoping I don't have many in future though.

    I hope that you start feeling better! I will say that I diffused some essential oils, took L-lysine, and vitamin C and I started to feel better

  5. Dec 12 is when I was diagnosed. I had flu-like symptoms but quickly after starting the antiviral all symptoms subsided and I felt rather well. I was only given 10 days of antivirals. I am picking up more tomorrownto start suppressive therapy.

    I've been having prodome feelings, and now I have flu like symptoms again.

    I wasn't expecting to get he flu like symptoms after the initial OB, but I know it is still early in my diagnosis.


    Has anyone else experienced the flu-like symptoms more than just the initial OB? The migraine, fever, and fatigue is miserable.


  6. I don't have an o.b right now or insurance. I had symptoms and went to planned parenthood. They did test me for Chlamydia & gonorrhea because they said those are common now. That's when they swabbed for H.

    She told me it was HSV by visual examination & im waiting for the results of everything. I expected a call by now but haven't received one. I'll be calling tomorrow if I don't hear from them. She did say I had BV though. So at this point idk why is causing what symptoms. I'm just taking my meds and seeing how this progresses for now.


    Thanks for the response!! The feeling in my legs has been minor I'd say.

  7. Hey there!

    I am new to this also so I may not have a whole lot of experience and advice. But I can say that with work, you can definitely change your thinking & get through this!

    I found out exactly a week ago tomorrow. I am 26 & single so I definitely understand feeling like my love life is ruined or I'll be undesirable. It's okay to feel sad, scared, angry but it's not okay to stay there.

    I cried and was upset day one. Day 2 I started researching and found support groups. I read their stories, I asked questions. Slowly but surely I began to realize that this is just another time in my life where I may think I can't make it through, but I will, and I will look back and think "wow it wasn't that bad" or "look at how strong I am".

    We have all faced something we thought would break us & it didn't. Just know that you are not herpes and your diagnosis does not define you!

    Think of all of the things that you are! Think positive. How will you grow from this? You are still loveable!


    I know it's easier said than done! I still have moments when I get frustrated or I start thinking "what if I get rejected" but I quickly try to refocus my energy onto something else.


    I'm not sure what kind you have or what symptoms you're struggling with, but I can let you know why I've been doing for mine. My Outbreak is Genital. I have been taking the antiviral acyclovir, along with L-lysine, zinc, vitamin C and Vitamin B complex. I soak in a warm bath often. Drink lots of water! I've been having to take a Benadryl to help me sleep, and I wear loose clothing.


    I'm here if you need to talk. I have only told my best friend and having her & the support of the people here online has helped tremendously. You are not alone!

  8. Hey Friends!

    I'd really love any and all advice because I am new here. I am on another support group and have received a lot of advice from there but hoping for more support and hopefully relief for my current issue.


    So I started having symptoms on Sunday Dec 10th, on Tuesday the 12th I saw a Doctor and it was visually confirmed as genital herpes. I believe this was from receiving oral from my partner. Just awaiting results from the swab.


    Anyways, I am a week in and I'm rather surprised at how well I am dealing with the news & how the symptoms are really not as severe as I was expecting. The first couple of days were rough. Now I have weird feelings just in general (headaches, tired, nausea, tingling in legs) which I assume is my body trying to adjust or fight off the virus. Normal but not severe stuff. I mean definitely uncomfortable but I can tolerate!


    My biggest pain at the moment is an external hemorrhoid (TMI). At least I'm 99% sure that's what it is. I've had them before, only curious if anyone has had an OB that resembles a hemorrhoid. Because of the HSV (I'm assuming) I haven't gone regularly the past week and I believe that's what has caused this problem.


    Hoping somebody else has experienced this and can offer some suggestions. I've tried all sorts of stuff and having no relief.


    I am currently on Acyclovir, a well as taking L-Lysine, Zinc, Vitamin C, and sometimes B Complex. I also soak in the warm bath everyday with epsom salt & have added fiber powder daily.


    Not sure what more to do other than baby with first OB until I'm sure it's gone & keep myself as healthy as I can from here on out.


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