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Everything posted by daisy215

  1. Hello all! A little backstory... I was diagnosed back in January and hearing that diagnosis really hit me hard, as I'm sure it did with most of you. I went through the hard feelings towards myself and not knowing what to do. I poured my energy into working out and that has gotten my mind off of it but recently it's been nagging at me at the back of my mind. So I'm asymptotic. I've never had an outbreak that I know of. I decided that I wanted to be on a suppressive therapy because I didn't want to deal with any outbreaks or shedding. I wanted it out of my mind completely. Anyways lately I've been thinking about dating. And I just feel so torn up about it. I feel like being "casual" with someone isn't an option. I feel like I need to get to know someone for a long period of time before I even think of telling them to make sure their feelings are true for me. I am not sure this is the best way to do it. I don't want to "string" someone along if they don't like what I've told them. Or to hurt someone. Or to waste anyone's time. I'm scared. I'm not sure at what point is best to let someone know. Or how far to let things go before I even mention it. I'm not even sure what is "okay" to do before telling anyone. If that makes sense... it feels wrong to be flirting with someone when I know I can't just go with the flow of things. I fear rejection. Just like everyone else. I don't even want to tell people because it's just not something that I want to be known, so the thought of disclosing terrifies me. What techniques do you guys use when telling someone and how soon do you tell them? How far do you let things go? I know going about it in a calm and nonchalant way is probably best. And I think me never having an outbreak and being on suppressive therapy makes it seem less bad to others? I'm not really sure. I'm freaking out. I guess I just consider that everyone will take it badly and no one will want to be with me. I can't get the negative thoughts out. Every time I meet someone the "you have hsv you can't do things the normal way, you need to tell them" thoughts start. I just need to put my mind at ease and I'm not sure how to do that Please, any advice is welcome.
  2. Hi! Recently diagnosed this month. I'm 22 and in NV. Would like to have a friend to talk to! No preference on gender!
  3. @HikingGirl thank you for the reply! I have told my roommate about this and he is the only one. He has been very kind and there for me. I feel like there's times when I want to blurt it out to a few of my friends who I know wouldn't judge me but a little part of me can't do it and keeps thinking that I'll be looked down on and judged even if they don't mean to be that way.. I'm hoping that getting to know some of you on these boards will really help since everyone knows what it's like. I am not sure how long I have had this. It might have been 6 months or even years. I'll never really know. A couple months ago I struggled with yeast infection symptoms that I had a hard time getting rid of. Now I'm not sure if it had to do with this or if I just had a stubborn yeast infection. (Tmi?) The first culture for YI came back negative but the other recurring times it was positive. I am leaning towards taking the medicine daily because I want to not feel like I'm constantly shedding an infection. I'm not currently seeing anyone and honestly the thought of getting to know someone now with this news is really unappealing. But when I come to terms with it and decide to put myself out there I want to not only be protected for me but for them too. I don't want to transmit it to anyone. I sort of feel like if I could avoid an OB why not.
  4. @regularguy thank you so much for the reply! I definitely have had those typical bad feelings about my diagnosis but I do try to get past that because what's done is done. I can't go back now! I know that I will continue to struggle with it but over time I will be more accepting. I am interested in taking the medicine daily. I am scared of experiencing an outbreak. I feel like it might also put me at ease. If you don't mind me asking, what kind of side effects do you experience while on then? I am hoping it won't be too expensive with my insurance!
  5. Hello all! I came across this site a couple of days ago and have been reading some posts. I decided I would join so I could become more informed and possibly get some advice/kind words. On January 15 I went to my gynecologist to get a standard sti panel done. I received a call on the 17th and was told that I had a "prior exposure" to hsv2. I was shocked. I have never experienced symptoms, at least none that I knew of at least. I was unsure what "exposure" really meant or if I even had the infection. I went in for a consultation on the 19th. I opted to be retested although I don't believe that there's a chance of a false positive. I think I was just trying to find anyway to make this not be true. My doctor went on the discuss treatment with me. She gave me the option to take the medicine daily or to wait for a first outbreak and to see how often they happen. I'm just curious what everyone else does for treatment. I am sort of leaning towards daily medicine. I am a little iffy on that since I'm not sure when I would even encounter an outbreak or if it would happen in 10+ years. I do not know for sure who I got it from and I'm not really mad at them. I know it's very common and most people don't know they have it. I think I'm more mad at myself. I just feel like I should have been more careful and taken my time with things. I am not sure exactly how I feel at the moment. It has only been about three days since I got the call. But I have my ups and downs. When I was first told I did go through the "I'm dirty" and "my life is over" and "no one will ever love me" phases. I know none of this is true but it's very hard to actually accept it. I also was mad that I was tested for it to begin with. I almost wish I didn't even know. But I know that's a ridiculous thought and it's better to know than to not. I can't help but think when I'm in a room full of people that I'm probably the only one going through this. I feel very alone. I don't want to tell any of my friends or family because I just feel like they will look at me and treat me differently. I wish the stigma wasn't what it is because it makes it so hard to want to talk about it. Especially when people make what appears to be harmless jokes about it. I am open to any advice on how to learn to deal and accept this news, or what everyone else has gone through. It's nice to know that there are boards like these. I am looking to educate myself fully on this infection and how to live a normal life. Thank you.
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