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Can outbreak linger far past the episodic treatment?

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Hi all, 

Looking for some feedback. Two weeks ago I went to the doctor to get a prescription to start suppressive therapy. This same day I was having a sore throat on one side, and if I looked in my throat I had a small white bump on one tonsil, looked like a pimple. My doctor looked at it and didn’t have a definitive response on whether this was an outbreak, but I’ve had one at the back of my throat before so I decided to do the regular 3 day outbreak treatment before starting suppressive therapy. So now It’s almost been two weeks, my throat hasn’t been sore since the episodic treatment, but I still have some white spots and streaks on mostly the back of my tonsils. The original bump cleared up though. It’s weird though, shouldn’t the rest of my tonsils cleared up by now?

My doctor hasn’t been helpful, I dread the thought of going in there and just having her say “hmmmm I dunno what that is.” She’s just not helpful. I’m thinking I’ll go to a sexual health clinic on Monday instead. 

I guess my question is, is it possible this is the remenants of the outbreak on my tonsils and it’s still clearing up? Should I just keep doing the regular suppressive therapy until Monday or should I try another round of episodic treatment? It’s not that it’s bugging me, I feel fine, it’s just freaking me out because it’s so unusual. 



I would have asked her to swab it while you were there and the white spot was visible...then you’d know and have piece of mind

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